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Do you enjoy playing Bingo? We found a really wonderful site where you can play for FREE.  If you feel more adventurous, they have games for a nickel or a dime.
Check this site out. FREE STUFF you just pay shipping. Click on the brown banner below
I said, "Do it MY WAY!"
Help support the HILL HOLLERER
Somebody, come over here and let this man know who is the WORLD'S CHAMPION 42 player.

WELL DONE, LADIES!    Wanda & Mary did a FINE JOB gathering up all the goodies to win at the Smith Reunion.

The Hill Hollerer
Next Page
Vol 2, issue 2
Keeping the Hill & Smith Families and friends informed.
GOT NEWS?????  Share your news, tales, jokes and rumors. Send Email to:
PUT THAT CAMERA DOWN and come help me get this thing off.
Sir, I don't think we are going to have enough belt.
If you haven't been to NASA, GO! It's a blast.
Carl & Loretta Floyd dropped by Evelyn's in Houston, while Jean and Annie were visiting.  They had just got back from a FREE TRIP to Las Vegas, that "Retter" won from her bank.
Click on the sewing machine for some outstanding offers for all your sewing needs.
I think, Glenn is asking his grandson, Andrew to go sneak him some Pecan Pie from the wonderful desert section.


Send your recipes today to

The Hill Hollerer, 7131 Bristol Ridge Drive, Houston, TX 77095

or Email us at

Presenting Rebecca and Randall Parker.  May the good Lord look after them and bless them for all times.  CONGRATULATIONS!!
If you don't think you can can do it and you think you might need some help, all you have to do is ask - God is waiting for you.
A HUGE THANK YOU goes out to all those who helped make the SMITH FAMILY REUNION such a fantastic success.  Everything was out -of -this-world delicious.  It was extremely well-planned and it was great to see everyone.

CONGRATULATIONS to Andrea & Ronald Hill for 30 years of wedding bliss. 

Andrea + Ronald   1972 - 2002

WAY TO GO, ya'll.

This is where the latest news from YOUR FAMILY could go.  Oh yes, you have to send it in first.


Send it via Email or postmail, the trick is to just SEND IT.

Absolutely Beautiful!!!
May God keep you and yours in His grace for all time to come.