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The Heritage Centre was established in 1988 by a group of interactive historians and re-enactors of long standing and has gone on to build itself a good reputation for re-enactment events ranging from the Tudor period all the way up to the beginnings of the Cold War.




Skills Gallery

Past Events

Future Events

National Curriculum



We specialise in the Stuart period and more recently in the Age of Marlborough (1702-1715).    However, we have undertaken many different periods and settings, including those set abroad, such as the Battle Of Blenheim anniversary event in 2004; the Berlin Airlift, the Leger Museum in Delft and the Omagh Living History site in Ireland.


Each year we present a weeklong event at the Royal Banqueting House in London, opposite Horse Guards Parade, and representing an event in the Palace of Whitehall’s past.   2005’s event was the building of the Banqueting House in 1623 and the completion of the under-croft as “His Majesty’s Drinking Den”.


Based primarily in Northampton, England, the Centre includes members from across the length and breadth of the United Kingdom, all with a variety of skills including skills at arms, workmen (carpenters and cobblers), scribes, clerks and merchants.


The Heritage Centre undertakes Interactive Role-playing in Museums, Schools, Historical Sites and other venues.


Whilst we do participate in multi-society battle events, the Centre itself concentrates more on interactive living history and educational portrayals, sometimes by ourselves and occasionally with other similar groups.   Our aim is to accurately portray the people and events of the time, by telling a story that grips a visitor’s imagination and at the same time showing them just how things did work in the past.


We have also taken part in a number of historical documentary-drama’s including the recent UK History release “Age of Marlborough”.