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Ultima Entertainment presents

A Double Mephisto production

It was many seasons ago that it happened, yet I remember it clearly. No animals could be seen that day, every one of them from the grazing horses to the singing birds had seemed to all but have fled the country. A disturbance hung in the air like a lingering odor. Tension grew like wild vines through the gut of the public. Then, as we all knew they would, they came...

-Notebook of Giovanni



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Update 2/06/04

Gasp! An update? Yeah, it’s been almost a year, but I’m actually back. Recently the storage site I had the GKI game on went down, so no one’s been able to download it during that time. No problem though, I finally deleted the GKI Demo here on this site and so the actual GKI game is here now. Also I’ve finally redone the download page so that it doesn’t include all that junk about the Alpha build of GKI which was available oh so long ago.

In other news, the GKII project is NOT dead. Right now I’m busy working on my second novel Chronicles of the Eternal Robots, and as soon as it’s finished I’ll be moving on into other projects; including, but not limited to, GKII! I really do expect this 300,000+ word monstrosity of a novel to be done by the end of February, so about that time ya’ll should start checking back here for any late breaking news concerning the sequel to GroundsKeeper.

Finally, this is just an idea I’ve been toying with, but what does everyone think of the idea of GroundsKeeper III Online? Any comments on that would be appreciated.