Cover of We're About 9's recent album

You are here: inside a panorama of sound and soul so thick that it makes your heart practically burst with a desire for more. That's the feeling evoked by the incredible live performances of this folk and acoustic rock band. They are "folk" in the truest sense of the word. Their music is down to Earth, about people and for people.

The band consists of Brian Gundersdorf, Katie Graybeal, and Pat Klink. Brian is a graduate of St. Mary's College who has fronted various bands over the years. His solo album, "Gravities", is a collection of songs described by the HCC Times as "simply amazing." Katie has also been involved in several bands through the years. In addition to sharing her beautiful voice with the world, Katie writes wonderful poetry and creates hemp jewelry. Her voice can evoke innocence, grace, and haunting familiarity often within the same breath. Pat Klink is a human library of sound. He is an accomplished percussionist as well as being a stunning vocalist and guitar player. His talents have been displayed in many projects in recent years including an opera, the score to an independent film, albums and performances by several local bands, as well as the We're About 9 album "Something Important With Your Time."

The talent that each of these three possess individually is certainly enough to enchant any audience. So when they come together, creating tight harmonies as they weave their songs in and out of each other, there is no end to what they are capable of creating.

They've been promoting their album for the past few months but they have also been working on expanding their sound, creating new exciting material, and adding instrumental possibilities. There's no pretense to what they do. Nothing is covered up or taken for granted, and nothing is held back. The Groovefest will be greatly enriched by their presence.

Word, yo.

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