its all "within a framework of faith..." We Are Gordon

We Are Gordon

The Bell, engagements, and divorce ratios. Convo's, the Pulpit Humping, Band Night. HOLY THURSDAYS. open halls, geese who faithfully return, shite on the beloved quad, the ghetto Liberty Tree and the holy North Shore. Our Donahue look-a-like President. Tavilla apartments. "Pubic" Safety on full alert due to nerf guns and snowballs. The Blizzard that cancelled classes. Being charged .05 cents for printouts. Finals, all nighters, and streaking. Couch burning, senior pranks. Sprinkler issues. The no smoking or drinking, or promiscuity. The Rape Lot(woodland). the 3 to 1 ratio and the frantic "honeymoon period". Sex beach, gull and coy pond. Bethel "make-out" chapel. Throwing objects off of Frost. the golf kart races. Hollywood Hits. The Endicott rivalry and the boys in kilts. Stalker-Net dating service. The Salem House. the Swingset House aka Whore house aka the Girl's house. The Golden Goose. The losing baseball team. How the guys would rather play video games than go out. The cool Civil War Society. The beverly Starbucks. Atomic Cafe. the mafia ties to CrackHead Joes. The HomeStar Runner obession. The pathetic cheerleaders and the skanky dance team. the "Morning After" church. the midnight D&D dumpster runs. the Dura-logs. Cigars at the beach. First Year Sem. Fine dining in Lane and Gillies. The TOP TEN in the Tartan. Not having enough beds for incoming students. The prominence of biblical names. How our damn computer center SUCKS and just lets virus after virus in to F with us. Drinks at the pickled onion. For 25,000 a year, it's what keeps us coming back for more. We love the bubble.

This is what we live for. We are Gordon