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                                                      Danielle  Jean                               


Dons gracieux : Jean-Marc Raymond, concepteur-photographe, L'Avenir, Québec M.C. Chambion, infographe et peintre-sculpteur, Grasse, France Danielle Jean, fondatrice du Fonds d'actions Danielle Jean



Translation, courtesy of Robert Fougère!

                                                          Isle Madame Song or Ode to Isle Madame


                                                         A letter from Isle Madame


                                                        Note: This song is born as a result of a letter the author and singer-composer, Danielle

                                                       Jean,wrote to her mother while living on Isle Madame some years ago. I will translate the

                                                       letter as it was written. The P.S. at the end is the refrain for this particular song.

                                          ( All join in and sing now! The same could have been said for Rivière des bourgeois, or River Bourgeois)




                                                                           D’Escousse , Isle Madame

                                                                           Cape Breton , Nova Scotia



                                                Good morning Mom,


                                                 I am presently living in D’Escousse and I also love Petit De Grat. I think of you, don’t worry about me,

                                                 I am at peace here on Isle Madame, Mom.


                                                There is a nice church in Arichat, I often go down by the lower road. The old cemetery is filled with

                                                French names, we see the sea between the headstones. My friends here have such lovely names:

                                                Ronald à Gonzaque, Alfreda, Boudreau, Landry, Marchand, Poirier-Tambon, Evangéline, Samson,

                                                Léo, Sylvert, Emma!


                                                There is very excellent food on the Island. In this corner of the world, although there is no rapie pie,

                                                we eat good fricot, beautiful herring, great dumplings. You know, Pearl Landry makes a very good cod

                                                cheek chowder. Mom, come meet these people…the fishermen, the artists, the artisans who enjoy

                                                life surrounded by the open fields, the sea and the wind! 



                                                                   Your daughter

                                                                    See you soon, I hope


                                                P.S.How beautiful it is on Cape Breton Island,

                                                      On Isle Madame, it’s great!

                                                      The sun, the sea, the birds and the boats,

                                                      On Isle Madame, it’s beautiful  ( il fait beau).








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