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Erie Cemetery History Project

Hettie (Hawk) Feaster (1893-1992)

Heattie Hawk was born August 4, 1893, in Newton Township, the daughter of John and Elizabeth (Blean) Hawk. She attended Cottle School and Morrison High School. She then went to Cornell College in Mount Vernon, Iowa.

On July 11, 1912, she was married to Charles Feaster, and they made their home in Erie. She was an active church member in the Erie Methodist Church and belonged to the Gleaners class and later to the Joy Circle. She had three children, Evelyn, Donald and Ann, four grandchildren, and her loving great-grandchildren were Heather Blean McEachran, Jacklyn J. McEacleran, Marcus and Gregory Bush and Roy Alan Fisher.

Mrs. Feaster took much pride in her flower garden and spent many early morning hours working with her flowers for all to enjoy as they passed her house on 8th Avenue.

(Information from Ann Snyder)