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Rhythmus Homo



What is it?

Written in Korean Our sister-site e-mail address


Rhythmus Homo is
also called as "Homo-
rhythm". It is also
named as fas homo
or fashomo.

Here 'homo' has not
any relationship with
homosexuality at all.
It means homo saps

fas means in Latin
divine law.  

Homo) is the divine
law that governs and
rules over the lives of
human beings. Its
accuracy is quite amazingly mathematical.
Its structure itself too
is the very proof of its



This divine law of human lives consists of only three patterns: FS, OT and SN. The two patterns of OT and SN have their own of JP, the period which starts from the date of birth while the pattern of FS has none.


This is the life diagram of Noah who lived 950 years.
Fashomo shows that the Bible record of his life is accurate enough to be the basic Pattern of FS so much so that we call the pattern of FS as Noachic Pattern. His fashomo diagram shows that exactly at the age of 600 the great Flood started and ruined the whole world just as the Bible says.

Abraham lived 175 years and the following is his life diagram. At the time when he was 75 years old, he began to live by faith alone and thus making the most important turning point in his life. That is, he left his homeland not knowing where to go, only trusting in the Lord GOD.

The life of Moses too has become the basic Pattern of OT. This pattern is the only one of trisection. His life was smooth enough to become the adopted son of pharaoh's daughter until he was just 40 years old. From then on he had to go through the dark tunnel of his life for just another 40 years. After the expiration of this dark years of non-power he began to emerge from obscurity, soaring to become the undaunted leader of Israel.



Designed and predetermined lives of human beings indicate the whole human
society weaved and knit together elaborately like a giant net or cluster of myriads
of cogwheels or toothed gearing. Even though our lives are predetermined,  that
does not mean necessarily our predestination because men are beings of free will.
Each man or woman has to determine his or her own eternal destination by
rejecting or receiving the testimony of God the Creator. Owing to this reason
men are to be saved by faith.

Copyright ¨Ï 1993-2005 by Tayseek Kwon
All Rights Reserved.

I sincerely apologize to you for my poor English.
Being short of funds I am not able to hire an able translator.
Someday, I promise, this writing would be able to appear before you
in English more readable and less ridiculous .