ADDRESS Hi guys, I thought I’d include a little letter with the Christmas card. I hope you’re well and still enjoying life down there. I’ve had a skint old year, trying to pay off old debts and subsequent new ones, but it’s been okay one the whole. I’m looking forward to taking a break over Christmas, as I took most of my leave in July and August, in order to sunbathe. Rik is over on the 23rd December, to join hi wife in England, so no doubt we’ll be getting together sometime - possibly Christmas Eve, when we’re heading back to Dewsbury as usual. I don’t think I’ve drunk in Dewsbury this year, but Christmas is the time we tend to migrate back there. Our mates from Manchester are also coming out, and there’ll be present swapping, card giving, insults, drunken slander and slavering over the barmaids. But, no change there. We haven’t seen Rik for a few months now. He made it over during summer via a trip to Eindehoven in Holland. Should be fun. I finally saw Susie B’s twins recently. She invited me, Rob and Jane round for Sunday lunch, and after playing with the tots, we took them to the park and pushed them on the swings etc. I reckon me and Rob would make excellent dads. Sue hasn’t changed at all, and doesn’t even look tired, which I expected. This year I’ve spent time in York and Manchester in equal measure. I went to see Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds in Manchester who were amazing. I love the guy. I also saw Show of Hands and a host of folkie acts at Cropredy, which might be the last ever. Hope not. I reckons I’ve seen at least one movie for every two days this year too. I’m really into my films, and have a movie called Dirty Pretty Things to see tonight after I’ve written my cards out. I managed to crash the scooter. I can’t remember if I mentioned that in the last post. It wasn’t my fault, and I got the insurance for it, but now it’s back to the bus for my journey to work. I’ll get a car when I can afford one. Anyway, have a great Christmas, and of course, a great new year. Lotsa love Mike xx PS - I’m still on PPS - Rik is still at