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About this page:
Associations are invaluable resources for the journalist. They help members of the profession keep in touch with each other and with important events and concerns of the industry.

In the right sidebar you'll find a list of the associations on this page and will allow you to quick-jump to the entry. There you'll find more information plus a link to the official site.

Editor & Journalist Associations

National Press Club, Canada
Started in 1928, the first Ottawa press club meeting was held in a courtroom (actually, it wasn't really the press club, but a meeting to discuss the formation of a press club). Now online and featuring articles from such members as Jeff Simpson of the Globe, Hartley Stewart of the Toronto Sun, and our loyal friend Rosaleen Dickson of the W. Carleton Review.
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Ontario Community Newspapers Association (OCNA)
The OCNA represents more than 265 community papers across Ontario. It offers networking opportunities and other membership benefits.

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Canadian Newspaper Association (CNA)
The Canadian Newspaper Association (CNA) is a nonprofit organization, representing 101 Canadian daily newspapers (English and French). Membership represents 99% of the almost 5.1 million copies of newspapers distributed daily across Canada.
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Canadian Community Newspaper Association (CCNA)
Keep informed about the latest happenings in the community newspaper industry. Know when to hold them, know when to fold them.
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Editors' Association of Canada (EAC)
The EAC has over 1000 members and offers an Online Directory of Editors which can be searched by last name, key words, area code or attributes such as "Media/Genre," "Editorial Skill," and "Subject." Each year it gives out the Tom Fairley Award for Editorial Excellence. The EAC has five branch offices across Canada:

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Canadian Association of Newspaper Editors (CANE)
The CANE was created in 1999 when members of the 51-year-old Canadian Managing Editors Conference voted to change the name and mandate of their association. Once serving only the newsroom's senior editor, the newly reborn organization is now attempting to provide year-round support for anyone serving as an editor responsible for staffing and content. Editorial Resources has essays on topics like Guidelines to Good Cutlines, Looking for Trouble Spots in Stories, and 15 Steps to Writing the Perfect Lead.
Their Online Resources are very thorough and include:

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Canadian Association of Journalists (CAJ)
CAJ was founded in 1978 to serve as a "national voice of Canadian journalists." Recently they initiated a series of yearly conferences called The Great Big Scrum (this year held in Newfoundland, May 24-27). The CAJ e-group is an informal e-mail discussion between various members. It is snippy and sometimes valuable, but it's always informative and interesting.
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 Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE)
Canadian Journalists for Free Expression operates the world's only freedom of expression and press freedom information clearing house on behalf of similar groups from around the world who belong to the International Freedom of Expression eXchange (IFEX) . There are IFEX members in dozens of countries and IFEX information is sent to individuals and groups in at least 110 countries. IFEX also assists groups around the world in conducting campaigns in response to attacks on freedom of expression.
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International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX)
IFEX was born in 1992 when many of the world's leading freedom of expression organizations came together in Montreal to discuss how best to further their collective goals.
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Canadian Circulation Management Association (CCMA)
The CCMA is a professional alliance of people involved with marketing, sales and distribution of daily papers. No specifically for editors or writers, but let's face it, you can't get along without the people who deliver your paper.
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 The Canadian Press (CP)
CP is a national news agency, cooperatively owned by 102 Canadian member newspapers. It is also a leading supplier of news and information to commercial and government clients. In addition to text wire services, CP offers a picture service, graphics, broadcast wire, audio and online news.
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Pen Canada
Founded in England in 1921 to represent "Poets, Essayists and Novelists." PEN now has 130 centres around the world.
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Jeff Gaulin's Journalism Job Board
Of course you're looking -- and Jeff Gaulin's site is an excellent place to scout out the opportunities.
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Media Job Search Canada
Another good spot for journalists with itchy feet. Includes the latest postings for Newspaper/Journal Positions, Magazine Positions, Multimedia/Web Positions, Advertising Positions, Television Positions, Radio Positions, Film/Video Positions, and Audio Positions.
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Journalist Associations

On This Page

NPC (National Press Club)
OCNA (Ontario Community Newspapers Assoc.)
CNA (Canadian Newspaper Assoc.)
CCNA Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc.)
EAC (Editors' Assoc. of Canada)
CANE (Canadian Assoc. of Newspaper Editors)

CAJ (Canadian Assoc. of Journalists)
CJFE (Canadian Journalists of Free Expression)
IFEX (International Freedom of Expression eXchange)
CCMA (Canadian Circulation Management Assoc.)
CP (Canadian Press)
Pen (Poets, Essayists & Novelists)
Jeff Gaulin's Journalism Job Board
Media Job Search Canada Jobs in various media from newspapers and radios to multimedia and television.

National Press Club, Canada

Started in 1928, the first Ottawa press club meeting was held in a courtroom (actually, it wasn't really the press club, but a meeting to discuss the formation of a press club). Now online and featuring articles from such members as Jeff Simpson of the Globe, Hartley Stewart of the Toronto Sun, and our loyal friend Rosaleen Dickson of the W. Carleton Review. Visit it here.

Editor's Association of Canada

EAC has over 1000 members and offers an Online Directory of Editors which can be searched by last name, key words, area code or attributes such as "Media/Genre," "Editorial Skill," and "Subject." Each year it gives out the Tom Fairley Award for Editorial Excellence. The EAC has five branch offices across Canada

Main Pages at EAC

Home Page
Seminar Schedule
Newsletter (Edition)
Hiring an Editor
Online Directory

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Canadian Association of Journalists (CAJ)

The CAJ promotes excellence in journalism, encouraging investigative journalism. We serve as the national voice of Canadian journalists, and we uphold the public’s right to know.

For information click here.

Periodical Writer's Association (PWA)

PWAC is a national organization representing freelance writers and journalists across the country.

For information click here.

Newspaper Audience Data Bank (NADbank)

NADbank (Newspaper Audience Databank) is the principal research arm of the Canadian daily newspaper industry.

NADbank designs and conducts research in Canadian urban markets to provide cost effective and accurate in-depth marketing information for its members to assist in the buying and selling of newspaper advertising in Canada.

NADbank is a tri-partite organization comprised of newspaper, advertising agency and advertiser members. NADbank is governed by a Board of Directors and two operating committees.

Famous Reuters People

Some of Reuters' more famous alumnae - such as Ian Fleming and Fredrick Forsyth

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