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About this page:
Here you can find everything you need to know about federal, provincial and regional concerns: education (public, secondary, college and university levels), parliament, police, community profiles, party politics and much more.

In the right sidebar is a quick-jump box to the major categories, and below that is a quick-jump to common, specific topics.

News Sources & Ontario Newspapers

Government Information

Provincial & Regional Information


Ontario Ministry of Education
The official government site. Here are some of the more useful features:

Public and Secondary Schools

District School Board Profiles:
Get your facts straight on how much is being spent, how many students it's being spent on, average class sizes and numerous other aspects of public education in your region.
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Ministers' and Deputy Ministers' Official Biographies:
Don't go looking for revelations of past misdemeanors, but at least you can find out when Janet Ecker was appointed Minister of Education (June 17, 1999) and where Kevin Costante got his degrees (Queen's University in Kingston).
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Agencies, Boards, and Commissions:
You can't keep track without a scorecard — so here's your scorecard.
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Frequently Asked Questions:
They may not be exactly the questions you're burning to ask, but you can find out which legislation governs elementary and secondary education or how to obtain a particular document, such as a curriculum guideline or news release. If you can't find your answer here, use their form to Send a comment or inquiry.
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News Releases and Statements:
Speaking of news releases, get your latest here.

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Ontario Universities & Colleges

Ontario University Addresses & Websites:
This list includes the Ontario College of Art & Design and the Royal Military College.
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Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts & Technology:
Just what it says.
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Community Profiles
Information provided by ONTARIO INVESTMENT SERVICE (part of Doing Business In Canada). Find information by Community or Region. Very simple lookup procedure and the information is very exhaustive. After choosing a city, town or Region (with over 150 villages, towns and cities, and all 7 regions), you can then select information (drawn from Statistics Canada) on: Population by Age and Education, Wage Rates by Occupation, Major Employers (Private and Public), Real Estate information, Water Rates, Gas prices, Community Services and way loads more. If you need to know about your own or another community, this is the place to start. And each has a link to that community's official Website.
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Home Pages of Towns, Cities & Municipalities
Produced by the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, this bills itself as the most complete list of Ontario municipal sites on the Internet. I don't know if it's true, but it sure as hell is big. If you can't find it in the Community Profiles above, it's bound to be here.
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Government of Ontario Site
This, of course, is the official government site, but that doesn't mean it's completely worthless. In fact, it has a few nifty features:

  • News: Find out what the Ontario government wants you to know (to find out what it doesn't want you to know, go here.)
  • Forms: Well really, isn't this what government does best? Here's where you can get forms for Agricultural Land Use, Application Form for Counsel to the Public Guardian & Trustee, and Audit Form for use with Guideline For Use at Contaminated Sites in Ontario. No, dammit — I'm not kidding.
  • Freedom of Information Requests: Actually, this is just one of the forms (see directly above), but its use for information seekers is important enough that I've given it a special place.
  • Access Your Government: How to find which part of the government deals with what, and who's in charge.
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Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA)
This site is surprisingly good for something done by the government. Among other things, it offers information on:

  • Agriculture: Including Business Development, Normal Farm Practices, and the latest on the proposed Nutrient Management Act.
  • Food: Including Trade Shows, Meat Inspection Hotline, and What's New in Food (I'm afraid to look).
  • Rural Affairs: Not as exciting as it sounds. But it does have a good Stats & Facts area.
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Ontario Health Codes, Laws Etc.
A resource from WHO, this is a quick way to find out exactly what our health laws are. Information is available for every province and every country. Very thorough and useful site. (For Ontario, go to site, choose "Country" at the bottom, then choose "Canada (Ontario)."
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Ontario Provincial Information
One Big List of Links! From Air Quality Ontario to Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. Even the Red Tape Commission can be found here (they have their own commission?) Short explanation of each.
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Ontario Government Sites
Same thing as above, but with a search capability. A comprehensive list of government sites along with minister in charge, resources and other information.
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Ontario Government Directory
Similar again, but this time searching the Government telephone directory. A good place to start when looking for the Minister of Such and Such. Clunky site doesn't explain search protocol. Use This Search Protocol: type the last name first, followed by a comma and then the first name (ie. Stockwell, Chris). You can also browse the directory by category (Citizenship, Agriculture, etc.)
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Parliament & Party Politics: Provincial & Federal

Parliamentary Names & Numbers
A feature of, it lists all MPs and MPPs by province.
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Legislative Assembly, Queen's Park

Progressive Conservative: Ontario
Good for the official line. The Tory Tuck Shop offers sweat shirts, ceramic mugs, Cross pens and (if you can imagine) golf stuff.
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Progressive Conservative: Canada
Standard official. Their merchandise includes sports bags, flashlights, watches and a chef's hat.
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New Democratic Party: Ontario
Standard. Kind of orange around the edges.
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New Democratic Party: Canada
(Pop-up, small.) Standard. No merchandise, but they're announcing "Mouseland," a private e-mail forum for exchanging ideas and discussing party politics. (No word on whether Disney is thinking of suing for copyright infringement.)
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Liberal Party: Ontario
Standard. They have videos of McGuinty speaking.
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Liberal Party: Canada
Standard. Merchandise includes knapsack, infant sleeper and vest
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Listing of Ontario Political Parties
Probably more of these than you knew about.
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Federal Government Sites

Government of Canada
The Government of Canada has a big, sprawling, but relatively manageable Web site.

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Legal Information
(Meaning information about legal stuff; not information that's legal)
Run by Lloyd Duhaime of Duhaime & Company, this is an uncharacteristically clear and good-humoured legal site offering concise explanations of numerous fields in Canadian law.

Government of Ontario E-laws Site
A decent site giving you access to the consolidate laws of Ontario. You can:

Legislative Assembly of Ontario
The official Web site of the Ontario LA. Among its features are:

Members by -

Complete Summary of Ontario Law
As summaries go, it's pretty long, but it does cover the whole spectrum, and it's official legalize (unfortunately).
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Ontario Provincial Police
Official Web site. More PR than real info. But it has contact information and news releases.
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Royal Canadian Mounted Police (Ontario)
Official Web site, but it has some information. This, of course, is a branch of the RCMP (Canada).

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On This Page

Provincial & Regional
Public & Sec. Schools
Ont. Universities & Colleges

Parliament & Party Politics
Federal Gov't Site
Legal Information & Police

Quick Jumps for Quick Info

Contact Provincial Agencies

Community Profiles

Home Pages of Towns, Cities & Municipalities

Government of Ontario Site

Ontario Provincial Information

Parliamentary Names & Numbers

Government of Canada

What's New by date, from the Canadian Government

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Ontario Government Sites
A comprehensive list of government sites along with minister in charge, resources and other information.
Here are a few for quick reference: