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For info on a possible 2004 EcoRaw Tribal Gathering (2nd annual), contact

The 2003 ECORAW TRIBAL GATHERING was a fabulous success!!

We spent 5+ days in late August, 2003, talking, chopping and eating fabulous raw foods, dreaming and planning our cultural visions. A number of groups have formed to begin/continue living in a tribal way NOW.

"If the world is saved, it will not be by old minds with new programs, but by new minds with no programs at all." ~Daniel Quinn, The Story of B


Definitions of Eco, Raw, Tribal, and Gathering
Old Site: 2003 EcoRaw Tribal Gathering
Recommended Reading List
B Attitudes
Networking site for readers of Daniel Quinn's Books
International Raw and Living Foods Festival
What is Raw Foods???
Daniel Quinn's Ishmael Site
