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Here are 2 sample songs Dominique has recorded. Enjoy! Email and let Dominique know what you think of his songs.

"Can't Wait" I have been working with music for 10years and I know what to do. I can tell what places not to go and how you can get ready for a show. I play in coffeehouse,bars,outside,infrontofabigcrowd,concerts and alot more. I will go the distance to getting you a show. I keep on looking for one. As a musician I know it is hard to find a gig and a band. I know bands here in Alaska and there are some on myspace. I know them. I have added some my music on itunes and other sites. I will make your music on sites,blogs,ads,word,graphicarts,posters,ads,radio,podcast and etc. I will give you the full package. My full package ranges from $100-200. Its not that bad. And its only for one year. You won't have to worry about paying anymore. I know my Dad work for kglp and he will put your music on the station. My Dad is working on being in a movie soon. I have met some movie stars and musician who have made it big time. I been to LA,AZ,AK and New Mexico. I will record your music put it on youtube,yahoo and other video applications. To add me to your my space go to I will do what you ask. Just send me a sample of your music and bio. Send me your music bio,coverletter,where you play,what you play and etc.. Good luck to all!

"Shes Wonderful" For more of Dominique Kien music go to Dominique Promotion Page click here Dom's myspace