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The Conservative Party
(Last Update: 23/07/04)

The Conservative Party

Conservative Links
The Conservative Party Main Site
The Liberal Democrat Party
The Labour Party
UK Independence Party
BTOpenworld's Conservative Page
Yahoo! Conservative's

Thank you for coming to my website devoted to the Conservative Party in the UK. Look out for more information on this site, as it will get updated regularly. Please go to any of the Conservative pages on this site. Thanh Nguyen (Site owner and founder) is a member of the Conservative Party on Youth and Conservative Future & I shall be adding more Information near the time of the General Elections in May/June 2005.
Conservative Party Coverage  for the Local, Region and European elections have been made, and can be seen on the "General Elections" page.

Please Note, that if you have any comments regarding Conservative Councils OR you feel let-down by them,
Please use the feedback form on my page (at the bottom) and I shall pass on any comments.
Pictures on the Conservative Pages have been taken from: - & (C):-

The 3 top main stories in the Conservative Party now: -

Top Story: (23/07/04) The Conservative party are launching a new style way  in order to get the OAP vote. The idea, dubbed their Lifetime Savings Account a “Buy One, Get One Free” strategy means that for every £1 spent, there would be £1 saved. This was introduced in order to combat the UK's Pension crisis.

Update: (08/07/04) The Conservative Party pressured Gordon Brown to SCRAP a rise in fuel duty. Shadow Treasury minister Andrew Tyrie said: “This Government wants to squeeze every penny from the motorist.”

Update: (07/07/07) The Conservative Party has claimed that only 8 SCHOOLS in the United Kingdom benefited from Benefits from the government. This comes on the day, when Labour launched there Education Plan, which was similar to the Tories ideas.

Links to pages on this site:-
Michael Howard, QC. Leader of the Conservative Party
 Campaigns the Conservative Party are involved in. Also Includes Info on the General Elections. (Update: 12/06/04) 
How Can YOU Help the Conservative Party (1 Video Download @ 1.46mb (.zip) file)
I Believe... A Speech by Michael Howard, in The Times (Jan, 2004)
 Meet the Shadow Cabinet (13/06/04)
News Update Page (All Previous Articles from Feb-May 2004)
News articles on the EU Constitution & Comparisons between the UKIP and Conservative Parties

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