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Triple G Super Health
Triple G Super Health [109]  shipping weight: 0.5 LB
90 capsules
Dose: 2 capsules 3 times a day after a meal.

Ingredients (per capsule):
garlic 300 mg, ginger 200 mg, grape seed extract 100 mg

A fantastic trio played by three virtuosos: Garlic, Ginger, and Grape Seed.
All three in one capsule!

Trinity of healthy diet supplements – if this doesn’t do you good, then what will?

The list of garlic’s health benefit is almost endless. Garlic and ginger are two most versatile herbs offering wide spectra of beneficial health effects. Garlic, the “Russian penicillin” is a well-known germ killer (anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral). Garlic helps to reduce blood cholesterol level and blood pressure. It helps and reduces the chance for heart disease, cancer, cold and flu, stroke, angina, allergies, arthritis, bronchitis, diabetes, fungal infections, headache, inflammation, pneumonia, sore throat, tuberculosis, ulcers, yeast infections, vaginitis, and more. It also contains many strong anti-oxidant chemicals. If there is any cure-all among botanicals (of course there is none), garlic comes closest to it. There is virtually no reason not to take garlic except for the odor. Triple G SuperHealth is not made of “garlic extract”, and yet it is free of strong garlic odor. (If you are concerned about breath, take our Herbal Breath. It turns your breath immaculate, and as a bonus, it is also an excellent herbal formula that does your body good.)

Ginger contains chemicals that are anti-inflammatory and strong anti-oxidants. The list of ginger’s health benefit almost completely overlaps with that of garlic’s. In addition, ginger is known to help reduce fatigue, motion sickness, morning sickness, nausea, dizziness, and swelling.

Grape seed extract is the strongest antioxidant known. Anti-oxidants protect our body from damages caused by toxic free-radical chemicals generated in our body or of environmental origin. Anti-oxidants thus slow wear and tear of our body (aging) and reduce chances of illnesses. Anti-oxidants are strongly linked to longevity. Deficiency of anti-oxidants may not necessarily cause illness in short terms. However, in the long run, it will accelerate aging and cause many illnesses.

Grape seeds contain bioflavanols, a group of anti-oxidants that belong to the bioflavonoid family known as "Vitamin P". Known as OPC (oligomeric pycnocyanidines), proanthocyanidins, procyanidins, leucocyanidins, leukocyanidol and pycnogenols are the most powerful free radical scavengers and vitamin C enhancers known. OPC also protects brain and nerve tissue because OPC penetrates the blood-brain barrier. OPC is virtually free of side effects and totally non-carcinogenic. OPC has been used effectively in promoting wellness and as an anti-aging nutrient. OPC maintains and restores that youthful appearance, because of its ability to bond to collagen and promote increased flexibility.

Warning: Notify your doctor if you are taking garlic products prior to scheduled surgery. If you are pregnant or lactating, consult a physician before taking this product.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products or nutrients discussed here are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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