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Welcome to Dark Fountain. Dip your head in darkness and gaze at the screen in awesome delight.

Black Rose Symphony

The deep and winding path falls into the mist behind the whispering trees.

Closer and closer to the edge of the thought that echoes small steps and blue shapes.

The borders of colourless chaos stray from the mind bringing your soul to innermost depths of beauty.

Once free of uncertainty and within the darkness there the thing lies in simple covers and wispy shades of black and green.

Dark Fountain story

Twin Peaks
(a tribute)

Film Reviews

(Chase's Littleton-based band)

My Blog of Darkness
(let it out)



Don't click here, it's bad for you


"Everything can happen, everything is possible and probable.

Time and place do not exist;

on an insignificant basis of reality, the imagination spins, weaving new patterns; a mixture of memories, experiences, free fancies, incongruities and improvisations."

- August Strindberg .

get this gear! Message the Fountain Crew