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First Generation


This is the directline of my husband Jack Baker.



1. Andrew BAKER. Born  abt 1600 in Buckinghamshire, England. Andrew died in Boston, Mass.  abt 1650, he was 50.


Darlene, my websites has the history back to Simon.  The paste did not go through too well & I will paste it here again:

From:     Rjbaker1965    

To:     BBrown7152    


    Hello Byron,

It's been a while since we've talked. I was looking at the four generations added, and something rang a bell, about Simon Baker and the city Faversham, Kent, England. I went on a mad search and found it.


You should load Volume four of WFT and look at Tree # 2428. When you have done this do a search for "Thomas Baker" born abt. 1325. I printed the first 10 generations of descendants so I could relax and take a look. Following is what I found.


Thomas Le Baker           born abt. 1325

Thomas Baker                       abt. 1384   Faversham  

Simon "The First" Baker                1415   Faversham, Kent     died 1484  

John Baker                                   1431-1454; d. 1539, Tenterden, Kent

Christopher                                   1465   Tenterden, Kent

George "The Queens Surgeon"       1540   d. 1612


At this point it really caught my eye for George was married twice to: Anne (Baker) French, daughter of Paul French, Rev. The second marriage was to Anne (Baker) Swayne, daughter of William Swayne.


Son of George and Anne Swayne:

Alexander "Kings Surgeon" Baker

Alexander M. P." Baker


The line goes on with others. Take a look and let me know what you think. There is too many names the same, and in the same order. Could there be another link before we get to our Andrew "Andy" or does the tree fall short on the total children for George "The Queen's Surgeon" Baker.


Almost wish I hadn't found this tonight, for I have to work in the morning.HA!


Ronald "Ron" Baker



Forwarded by Byron Brown 3-3-2001







Andrew married unknown.


They had one child:

          2            i.          John (~1630-~1693)



Second Generation


Family of Andrew BAKER (1) & unknown



2. John BAKER. Born  abt 1630 in MA. John died in Lancaster County, PA  abt 1693, he was 63.


John married unknown.


They had the following children:

          3            i.          Robert (~1660-1728)

                       ii.          Andrew.


                      iii.          Samuel.


                      iv.          Elizabeth.




Third Generation


Family of John BAKER (2) & unknown



3. Robert BAKER. Born  abt 1660 in MA. Robert died in Lancaster County, PA in Sep 1728, he was 68. Buried in Lancaster County, PA. Occupation: Rifle maker.


Robert Baker, Sr. lived in Lancaster Co., PA on Piwuea Creek. He and his sons were gunsmiths in Lancaster Co, PA, VA, and NC.  They invented and developed the "Kentucky" Rifle and developed hand operated machines to cut the rifles in the barrel.


In 1685 when Robert was 25, he married Susan PACKER, in Pennsylvania. Born  abt 1664.


They had the following children:

          4            i.          Robert (1686-1759)

                       ii.          Douglas. Born in 1688. Douglas died in 1765, he was 77.


Douglas married Jane THOMPSON. Born  abt 1720.




Fourth Generation


Family of Robert BAKER (3) & Susan PACKER



4. Robert BAKER Jr. Born in 1686 in PA. Robert died in Prince Edward Co., VA in Apr 1759, he was 73.


In 1728 when Robert was 42, he married Mary THOMPSON, in Prince Edward Co., VA. Born in Susses Co., DE.


They had the following children:

                        i.          Eliza.


                       ii.          Samuel.


          5          iii.          James (1729-)



Fifth Generation


Family of Robert BAKER Jr. (4) & Mary THOMPSON



5. James BAKER. Born in 1729 in Wilkes, NC.


 ?  James married BLOUNT.


They had the following children:

          6            i.          Andrew (1749-1815)

                       ii.          Morris. Born in 1750.


                      iii.          Martha Patsy. Born in 1752.


                      iv.          Robert. Born on 17 Jan 1754.


                       v.          George. Born on 14 Oct 1759.


                      vi.          Nellie. Born on 24 Dec 1765.


                      vii.          Samuel. Born in 1769.


                     viii.          John. Born in 1771.


                      ix.          Eleanor. Born in 1775.


                       x.          Bolling. Born in 1777.




Sixth Generation


Family of James BAKER (5) & BLOUNT



6. Rev. Andrew BAKER. Born in 1749 in Grayson,VA. Andrew died in Lee County, VA on 24 Sep 1815, he was 66. Buried in Jonesville, Lii County, VA.


Andrew first married Susannah VANNOY.


In 1768 when Andrew was 19, he second married Elizabeth AVANT, daughter of Peter AVANT & Amy MASSIE, in Grayson Co., VA. Born on 12 Oct 1752 in Grayson,VA. Elizabeth died  abt 1844, she was 91.


They had the following children:

          7            i.          Solomon (1770-?)

                       ii.          Henry. Born on 14 Aug 1774.


                      iii.          Andrew. Born on 18 Feb 1777.


                      iv.          Joseph. Born on 8 Apr 1779.


                       v.          James. Born on 27 Jan 1782.


                      vi.          John P.. Born on 15 Aug 1784. John P. died on 21 Jul 1885, he was 100.


John P. married Martha Patsy JONES.


                      vii.          Elijah. Born on 8 May 1789.


                     viii.          Martha Pasty. Born on 27 Oct 1791.


                      ix. Nancy. Born on 10 Jan 1787 in Grayson Co., Virginia. Nancy died in Gentry Co., Missouri on 17 Jan 1856, she was 69.


 abt Feb 1801 when Nancy was 14, she married John Howell, in Grayson Co., Virginia. Born on 28 Mar 1780 in Grayson Co., Virginia. John died in Clinton Co., Missouri on 1 Aug 1840, he was 60. Buried in Clinton Co., Missouri.


John was described in a journal that was kept by his son, E lijah, in the following manner:  He was of Scottish descent , education as primary, occupation as a farmer, his politic s, Democrat, his religion, a  baptist;  that he was five fe et, nine inches tall, weighed 165 lbs., was of florid compl exion, had sandy colored hair, blue eyes, and his health wa s good.


According to Elijah's journal, he as a young child, with hi s family, left Grayson Co., Va., moved to Lee Co., Va., the n to Claibourne Co., Tn. and then to McMinn Co., Tn. arrivi ng there by 1821.


John was born in 1780 in Grayson Co., Va.---but Grayson Co . wasn't formed until 1792.  Grayson was formed from Wyth e and Wythe was formed from Montgomery Co., in 1789 and als o, Virginia wasn't admitted to the Union until 1788, so i t was still a Colony when John was born.


2 Jun 1829 - John Howell was elected to the Grand Jury or I nquest for McMinn Co., Tennessee and sat on the jury for th e following three cases:  Tuesday, 2 Jun 1829: (1)  Case be ing Nathaniel Smith vs. Thomas Hopkins - Trespass.  The jur y declared that Thomas Hopkins was not guilty of the Trespa ss and that he recover his cost from Nathaniel Smith. (2 )  Case being John Vanzant vs. James Bodine.  The jury foun d John Vanzant was in the right and awarded him $150.00 plu s cost. (3)  Case being William B. Carten vs. George M. Hay nes.  The jury determined that George M. Haynes did not pa y the debt mentioned in the declaration and that he is to p ay William B. Carten $35.00 plus cost. (Source: FHC Microfi lm #0024746, McMinn Co., Tn. Court Proceedings, 1819-1829 ) NOTE:  The above abstracted records gave little detail a s to exactly what had transpired to bring these various peo ple to Court.


From land transaction recorded in Grayson Co., Va. Deed Boo k 2, page 128:  One of the witnesses to this transaction (1 3 Jul 1803) was a John Hiett.  Then in 1840-1843, two buyer s at the estate sale were John Hiett and William Hiett.  Th e probate file also shows that a James Hiett held a note o r notes against the estate and also there was a receipt fo r $20.00 against a note held by Abraham Lincoln.  The signa ture looks like "the" Abraham Lincoln.  Money was owed to J ohn, from McCalister & Hawkins mail contractors from Pike C ounty, Missouri, for carrying the U. S. Mail.  James M. How ell owed the estate $80.75 and the appraisers for the estat e included Pitman Hanks, Joseph Buckridge, and Daniel Selli nkton.  The following real property of John Howell was sol d to settle his estate:


NW¼ and the NE¼ of the SW¼ of Sec. 2, Twp 54, R. 32 ;  NW ¼ of the SW¼ of Sec. 3, Twp. 54, R. 32;  SW¼ of the SW¼ o f Sec. 2, Twp. 54, R. 32. Total amount of land involved wa s 160 acres±.  This sale of property was ordered by the cou rt in April, 1843 per Elijah P. Howell, Admn.'s request.

Of the above, about 50 acres is Timbered and 70 ac res Prairie, of which 30 or 40 acres are in Cultivation.  T here is on the premises a Dwelling House, Smoke house, Stab les and good spring and stock water.  I will also sell at t he same time and place, all the right, title, interest an d claim of Jno. Howell dec'd, to the South West ¼ of Sectio n No. 2, Township No. 54, Range No. 32.  These lands are ab out 3½ miles South West of Plattsburgh.  A credit of six an d twelve months will be give and bond and good security req uired.  Plattsburgh April 1843~~~ Signed: E. P. Howell, Adm . of Jno Howell, dec'd.


Will look up the land transactions pertaining to the abov e descriptions, for sale price and who bought.


>Burial note:  

John and his wife are buried 3 miles Southwest of Plattsbur g, Clinton, Mo., not sure yet, which cemetery.



Land Patents, Missouri:


The Unite d States of America

Certificate: No.            

To all to whom thes e presents shall come, Greeting:

Whereas, John Howell of Clay County Has deposited in the G eneral Land Office of the United States, a certificate of t he register of the Land Office at Lexington whereby it appe ars that full payment has been made by the said John Howel l according to the provisions of the act of Congress of th e 24th of April, 1820, entitled "An act making further prov ision for the sale of the Public Lands," for the North Eas t quarter of the South West quarter of Section two, in Town ship fifty four of Range thirty two, in the District of Lan ds subject to sale at Lexington, Missouri, containing 40 ac res according to the official plat of the survey of the sai d Lands, returned to the General Land Office by the Surveyo r General, which said tract has been purchased by the sai d John Howell.

NOW KNOW YE, That the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, i n consideration of the premises, and in conformity with th e several acts of Congress, in such case made and provided , have given and granted, and, by these presents, do give a nd grant, unto the said  John Howell and to his heirs, th e said tract above described: To Have and to Hold the same , together with all the rights, privileges, immunities an d appurtenances, of whatsoever nature thereunto belonging u nto the said John Howell and to his heirs and assigns forev er.

In testimony where of, I Martin Van Buren PRESI DENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, have caused these Let ters to be made patent, and the seal of the General Land Of fice to be hereunto affixed. Given under my hand, at the Ci ty of Washington, the Seventh day of September in the yea r of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight a nd of the Independence of the United States the Sixty third .


By the President:  Marti n Van Buren  By  M. Van Buren, Jr., Secy.


Jos. S. Wilson  Acting            Recorder of the General L and Office  Ad Interim




Seventh Generation


Family of Rev. Andrew BAKER (6) & Elizabeth AVANT



7. Solomon BAKER. Born on 13 Apr 1770 in Wilkes Co., North Carolina. Solomon died  ? .


 ?  Solomon married Morning Dove CALLOWAY.


Mourning Dove was part Cherokee Indian.


They had the following children:

                        i. Johanna. Born in 1804 in Ashe Co., North Carolina. Johanna died in Harlan, Bell Co., Kentucky. Buried in Turner Cemetery, Clear Creek Fork of Yellow.


 abt 1825 when Johanna was 21, she married Squire HURST, daughter of John HURST Jr. & Nancy, in Claiborne Co., Tennessee.1


1The info for the HURST families comes from Susan.


                       ii.          Andrew Jackson. Born in 1807 in Ashe Co., North Carolina.


                      iii.          Henry. Born on 11 Aug 1809.


          8          iv.          Caleb (1813-1886)

                       v.          Sabrina. Born in 1815.


                      vi.          Russell Leroy. Born on 23 Aug 1823 in Claiborne Co., Tennessee.


                      vii.          James.


                     viii.          Joseph.


                      ix.          John.



Possibly to more Baker children



Eighth Generation


Family of Solomon BAKER (7) & Morning Dove CALLOWAY



8. Caleb BAKER. Born on 23 Mar 1813 in New River, Ashe Co., NC. Caleb died in Mercersgap, Texas on 16 Jun 1886, he was 73. Buried in Snowhill Cemetery, Blue Ridge, Collin Co., Texas. Occupation: herb doctor, blacksmith,. Served in the military.


Research: 2On March 1 of 1860, Caleb Baker bought 40 acres of public lands in Scott Co., Arkansas. Patent noumber: 5003  Property description:  "the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section Thereby live in Township   two north of Gange Twenty Nine West in the District of Lands subject to sale at Clarksville, Arkansas as counting forty acres" .


 abt 1832 when Caleb was 18, he married Ellendor Dorcas HOLCOMB, in Cumberland Gap, KY or TN. Born on 5 Dec 1818 in Buncombe co., NC. Ellendor Dorcas died in Blue Ridge, Texas on 24 Jan 1880, she was 61. Buried in Snowhill Cemetery, Blue Ridge, Collin Co., Texas.


They had the following children:

                        i. Melissa Jane. Born on 21 Apr 1835 in Boles, Scott Co., Ark. Melissa Jane died in Boles, Scott Co., Ark. on 11 Apr 1875, she was 39.3


Melissa Jane married Nazareth MITCHELL. Born in 1825. Nazareth died  abt 1911, he was 86.


                       ii.          Josephus. Born on 3 Feb 1837 in Boles, Scott Co., Ark. Josephus died in CA.


                      iii.          James Logan. Born on 29 Nov 1838 in Boles, Scott Co., Ark.


                      iv. Alexander Hamilton. Born on 30 Mar 1840 in Boles, Scott Co., Ark. Alexander Hamilton died in near Presidio El Norta, Texas on 14 Aug 1862, he was 22. Buried in Buried by the side of the road 18 miles north of Presidio and about 80 miles south of Fort Davis,Texas. Occupation: Conferate Army of the Civil War; Joined Oct. 26, 1861 Mansfield, Tarrant Co., Texas. Served in the military.


          9           v.          Henry (1842-1926)

                      vi. Solomon J.. Born on 27 Sep 1843 in Boles, Scott Co., Ark. Solomon J. died in Collin Co.,Texas on 23 Feb 1897, he was 53.3


On 7 May 1865 when Solomon J. was 21, he married Jane PENNINGTON, daughter of Richard Daniel PENNINGTON & Polly WALLING, in Houston, Texas.3 Born on 28 Feb 1848 in Daly Community, Houston Co.,Texas.3 Jane died in 1930, she was 81.


                      vii. Louisa Catherine. Born on 15 Mar 1845 in Boles, Scott Co., Ark. Louisa Catherine died in Amhurst, Texas on 17 Dec 1931, she was 86.4


On 4 Feb 1866 when Louisa Catherine was 20, she married  James Lawson PENNINGTON, son of Richard Daniel PENNINGTON & Polly WALLING. Born in 1846.


                     viii. Zadock. Born on 17 Jun 1847 in Boles, Scott Co., Ark. Zadock died in Little Rock, Ark. in May 1909, he was 61. Buried in Texas.


In 1866 when Zadock was 18, he married Lucy PENNINGTON, daughter of Richard Daniel PENNINGTON & Polly WALLING, in Texas.


                      ix. Susan E. (Died as Infant). Born in 1849 in Boles, Scott Co., Ark. Susan E. died in Boles, Scott Co., Ark. on 23 Feb 1850, she was 1.


                       x.          Andrew Jackson. Born on 27 Dec 1850 in Boles, Scott Co., Ark.


Andrew Jackson married Elizabeth Emily CARTWRIGHT.


                      xi. Pamela (Died as Child). Born on 14 Apr 1852 in Boles, Scott Co., Ark. Pamela died in Boles, Scott Co., Ark. on 21 Jun 1858, she was 6.


                      xii.          Walter Ferrell. Born on 4 Mar 1856 in Boles, Scott Co., Ark.


                     xiii.          Mary Columbia. Born on 8 Aug 1858 in Boles, Scott Co., Ark.



Three more infants born and died at Boles, Arkansas. They are also buried there.




Ninth Generation


Family of Caleb BAKER (8) & Ellendor Dorcas HOLCOMB



9. Henry BAKER. Born on 25 Apr 1842 in Boles, Scott Co., Ark. Henry died in Zephyr, Brown Co., Texas on 4 May 1926, he was 84.


Served in the Civil War was wouded many times returned home an became a Texas Ranger for about two years. was struck by a train in Zephyr , Texas and died May ,1926


In 1866 when Henry was 23, he first married Mary Gee HAYS, in Tarrant Co., Texas. Born on 5 Feb 1845 in KY. Mary Gee died in Zephyr, Brown Co., Texas on 21 Mar 1886, she was 41. Buried in Blanket Springs Cem., Mills Co., Texas.


One of the oldest sons came in and layed a gun down on the bed.  Mary had been playing with the youngest son. He was playing cowboys and indians.  He picked up the loaded rifle and shot his mother in the abdomen. She died from the wound.  As told to Jack Baker by his father  Lee Roy Baker and grandfather Earl Lee Baker.   


They had the following children:

                        i. William Theodore. Born on 8 Mar 1867 in Tarrant Co., Texas. William Theodore died on 11 Feb  in Maverick, Texas.


On 24 Dec 1891 when William Theodore was 24, he married Viola Malinda CURB, in Mullin, Brown Co., Texas. Born on 20 Nov 1872 in Belton, Bell Co., Texas. Viola Malinda died in Maverick, Texas on 13 Sep 1960, she was 87. Buried in Zephyr, Brown Co., Texas.


                       ii. Mary Ellen. Born on 29 Oct 1869 in Mansfield, Tarrant Co., Texas. Mary Ellen died on 24 Apr . Buried in Zephyr, Brown Co., Texas.


Mary was only married a short while when her husband disappeared.  She was a handsome girl with  dark brown eyes and dark hair.  She lived in her own little cabin.

She also had chickens and  a garden.   


Mary Ellen married Will DAVIS.


        10          iii.          Joseph Andrew (1872-1950)

                      iv. George Major. Born on 13 Feb 1874 in Tarrant Co., Texas. George Major died in Zephyr, Brown Co., Texas on 17 May 1934, he was 60. Occupation: farmer. Religion: Methodist.


George had a kidney illness for years before he died.


                       v. Effie Ada. Born on 6 Sep 1876 in Tarrant Co., Texas. Effie Ada died on 2 Feb 1896, she was 19. Buried in Blanket Springs Cem., Mills Co., Texas.


On 11 Apr 1895 when Effie Ada was 18, she married William CORNELIUS, in Zephyr, Brown Co., Texas.


William and Effie had one child that died at birth with Effie.  The child is buried with her.  


                      vi. Emma Minnie. Born on 28 Aug 1879 in Brown Co., Texas. Emma Minnie died in Brownwood, Texas on 4 Apr 1957, she was 77.


On 9 Jul 1896 when Emma Minnie was 16, she first married Remus CORNELIUS, in Zephyr, Brown Co., Texas. Born on 23 Dec 1877 in Titus Co., Texas. Remus died in Zephyr, Brown Co., Texas on 18 May 1901, he was 23.


On 18 Oct 1902 when Emma Minnie was 23, she second married Elonzo (Lonnie) Antney CORNELIUS, in Zephyr, Brown Co., Texas. Born on 12 Feb 1874 in Titus Co., Texas. Elonzo (Lonnie) Antney died in Ballinger, Texas on 8 Oct 1931, he was 57. Occupation: Farmer. Religion: Methodist.


Lonnie and Remus were cousins.



Census Note: Henry and Mary Baker are on the 1850 Federal Census for Brown County, Texas. His age is listed as 38 and place of birth Ark.   Children listed are Wm T., Mary Ellen, Joseph A., George, Effa, and Emma. 5


On 15 May 1890 when Henry was 48, he second married Louisa Phenolia LONG, in Zephyr, Brown Co., Texas. Born on 25 Dec 1854 in Atlanta, GA. Louisa Phenolia died in Zephry, Brown Co., Texas on 16 Jun 1947, she was 92.


They had the following children:

                        i.          Ernest Templin. Born on 28 May 1892.


                       ii.          Solomon. Born on 9 Nov 1893.




Tenth Generation


Family of Henry BAKER (9) & Mary Gee HAYS



10. Joseph Andrew BAKER. Born on 4 Mar 1872 in Mansfield, Tarrant Co., Texas. Joseph Andrew died in Abilene, Texas on 1 Dec 1950, he was 78. Buried in Fort Phantom Hill Cemetery, Jones Co., Texas. Occupation: Farmer, U.S. Fish and Game Service off and on for 20 years.


In Oct 1894 when Joseph Andrew was 22, he married Laura Josephine WELTY, daughter of John WELTY & Isabelle, in Brandon Hill Co., Texas. Born on 10 Mar 1877 in Harrison, Ark. Laura Josephine died in Fort Stockton, Texas on 20 Apr 1959, she was 82. Buried in Fort Phantom Hill Cemetery, Jones Co., Texas. Occupation: Homemaker.


They had the following children:

                        i. Emily May. Born on 27 Feb 1895 in Mullin, Brown Co., Texas. Emily May died in San Angelo, Texas in 1990, she was 94.


On 10 Sep 1910 when Emily May was 15, she married Charles (Ed) Edward BAILEY. Born on 22 Feb 1890 in Voca, McCulloch Co., Texas. Charles (Ed) Edward died on 15 Mar  in San Angelo, Texas. Buried in Fairmont Cemetery, San Angelo, Texas.


                       ii. John Henry. Born on 4 Jul 1896 in Mullin, Brown Co., Texas. John Henry died in Fort Stockton, Texas on 27 Jun 1963, he was 66. Buried in Sanderson, Texas.


                      iii.          Clarence Stanley. Born on 16 Jan 1900.


        11          iv.          Earl Lee (1902-1991)

                       v.          Velma Beatrice. Born on 17 Mar 1904.


                      vi.          Hershell Bertrum. Born on 30 Mar 1906.


                      vii.          Denver Durwood. Born on 17 May 1910.


                     viii. Carl Regnal. Born in 1913. Carl Regnal died in Concho Co., Texas on 3 Aug 1987, he was 74.


Carl Regnal married Dessie Maurise CLABORN. Born on 28 Sep 1915 in Eastland Co., Texas. Dessie Maurise died on 27 Jan 1972, she was 56. Buried in Rising Star, Texas.




Eleventh Generation


Family of Joseph Andrew BAKER (10) & Laura Josephine WELTY



11. Earl Lee BAKER. Born on 10 Mar 1902 in San Saber, Texas. Earl Lee died in San Angelo, Texas in 1991, he was 88. Buried in Funston, Texas. Occupation: Farmer. Religion: Baptist.


On 23 Dec 1925 when Earl Lee was 23, he married Zelma Louise STARRITT, daughter of Euion Calven STARRITT (-1954) & Sara Jane VINSON, in Anson, Texas. Born on 17 Oct 1908 in De Leon, Texas. Zelma Louise died in Rotan, Fisher Co., Texas in 1976, she was 67. Buried in Funston, Texas. Occupation: Homemaker. Religion: Baptist.


They had the following children:

                        i.          J. C. (1926-)

                       ii.          Melvin Edward

                      iii.          Pernie Louise

                      iv.          Lee Roy (1936-1994)

                       v.          Iva Jay

                      vi.          Illa Mae

                      vii.          Jo Ann

                     viii.          Patsy Jean


1. Susan, “Descendants of Andrew Baker ESQ.,” July 2000.

2. “Caleb Baker,” March 1,1860, Clarksville, Arkansas, Bureau of Land Management Records (on line).

3., “GenePools Records,” 3-31-01.

4. Steve Williams, 3-25-01.

5. “Kindred Konnections,” 3-24-2001.