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Hi! Welcome to the Connor Family Website, a family which now numbers more than a small independent state  (on the basis of the relations we know about).

The purpose of this site is to exchange information and news about the family in general to ensure that everyone is kept up to date and in particular, we avoid any more of those toe curling embarrassing moments at Family get togethers where someone inevitably puts their foot in it.

So, if you have changed your husband, wife, or sex recently, then let the rest of the family know by sending me an e-mail  and I will post it on the website for everyone to see. If you do not have access to a computer then it will not matter because you won't be reading this then, will you?

Also, as we seem to be procreating faster than the Chinese at the moment, could you let me know of any new arrivals, and give me details of date of birth, name and sex (in case the name does not give any clues in that direction). I should add that the preference is for names that do not cause a major malfunction in my spellchecker or look like an excerpt from Countdown.

Lastly, this is a trial website - as a first try it is not bad, but obviously I hope to refine it and add features as I slog my way through the on line  instruction manual which was written for someone without a life.

Look forward to hearing from you.

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