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got confession?


i think i must be a bad friend or something!!! my best friend invited me to a new years eve party at her house. she said she was having a really big party and to be there at five. when i got there her mom told me that there was absolutelty NO party and that my friend was spending the nigt with another girl. I first I was angry but then i thought that maybe i did something to offend her and that she hates me for it but i can't think of anything i did.


When I was in school a few weeks agao, I ran into this girl whom I absolutely hate. She thinks we're best friends beacuse I started leading her on. We went to the movies together, the mall, we even double dated. But then, when she least expected it...


I posted the other message I want to hate him well after a few days I have only ended up not liking myself. I would like to thank the person that replied to my message the first time, I tried that and it helped for a few hours. I know what my problem is I get really attached to guys, not just normal guys, guys that are different that have something about them that no one else sees, i just get so attached and can't let go. I just can't get past the fact that this guy said he just wanted to be friends in the best part of our relationship, we were having so much fun. He called me the other day and we were talking and it was like nothing had changed and then he didn't call the whole weekend. Then he called me today and I was so proud of myself because I didn't pick up the phone then I got online and he was on and he imed me.I wasn't going to let him make me less mad so I cussed at him and I was so rude. I left and afterwards I got really depressed, I get like that once every few months and it is like really bad depression, anyways, I am worse than I was before. I am such a dreamer and now its just like my dreams are stupid and me believing them and believing any guy is gonna wanna be with me is so impossible and it hurts. I am different, I am the kind of girlthat wants to go play in the rain rather than going some place nice. I just don't want to be alone anymore, to anyone reading this, I hope you aren't lonely either

nick:so ruined,male,35,St Paul,MN,Usa

I have a little more than one month to live. I don't have terminal illness ( Wow, I wish I could believe that more often ) I just can't go on like this. I hate this life. It's not that I want to take my own life ( Maslow's law applies to me too ), but I just can't live anymore. I hate this life. Everything I've ever wanted or loved was either taken from me, or too distant to grasp. Everything seems always out of reach.I mean, I spent the last months of my life, trying to pry open a door I knew full well was bolted on the other side. I'm tired of failing, and even more tired of being a failure. I look back at my comparetivly short life, and I've lived a shameful life. I would pride myself on my cleverness to lay things to waste, but when it came to doing something constructive, I was hopeless. It's funny how life is like the chaos theory, seems so random, yet is predictable. Everytime I see my future, I see gloom. I see an existance where every single day is a molech. When I'm not being haunted by failures of the past, I haunt myself with failures to come. I deticated myself to being some sort of rough thinker, I deticated my life to an idiology that is hated. All the education in the world can't save me from this hell. Oh God how did it all get like this. I'm tired of using escapism as an opiate to a wasteful life. Through my few years, I've done little with my life. So little. I'm a broken man. I haven't decided my method yet. I guess I could use the mercury in a thermometer. I don't know, I'm just so ruined. So ruined.

nick:sorry,female,27,Daytona Beach,FL,usa

Friend of mine calls, she just got dumped by her live in boyfriend because his parents didn't like her... She calls, crying, and sobbing, but it's a busy day and I can't really do anything, all I can do is say "listen, get over it... I got work to do..." and hang up the phone... I found out later that she hanged herself agter getting off the phone... I don't blame myself, I blame him, but I can't help feeling a little guilty...


I'm from Pennsylvania. I am a 20 year old male. I want to confess something and get it off my chest. Last year, one of my best friend raped me. At first, even the idea of getting raped killed me, but later I gotta admit that I liked it. He had everything I needed and we were satisfaying each other in any way possible. Now we are in the same college and even at the same dorm. So things are way easier for us. Nobody knows our relationship, but here i am confessing... I Love You Brandon ,and I Love Everything you do to me....


I have totally fallen for a guy that has hurt me twice and it hurt so much worse the second time. I confess that I am making him think that he didn't hurt me. I feel things with him that I never thought I could feel with anyone especially when I am 16. It is just so hard because anything I have ever wanted in a guy, he has. We go and play in the rain together and stay up late talking. I want him to know I want to be with him, be he can't make any committment and being friends with him is killing me. I know that he feels the connection we have together but I think he is just afraid to see it. Being with him is so awesome and I know I make him happy like he makes me. Everything is so perfect when I am with him and I can't tell him that because if I do it will make things harder for me. It is going to take me a long time to get over him, to get past this, I just pray with all my heart he could do what he knows feels right. So, my confession I guess would have to be that I have fallen for someone that won't give it to their feelings.


let me tell you all about me. i am 35 years old and have been married since 16. i love my wife but feel i missed out when i was young. i have a hard time saying no when a lady comes on to me. it's like a game i play to see how far i can push it. what should i do for help or should i keep on doing what i love to do. if i get cought again she will kill me or leave me. i do not want this to happen. if you live in the nashville area i will show you what i mean, lol


i have this friend who is seperated from her husband and who is dating this guy who is just out of prison for a shooting. she is so cool but i just can not get past her new fling. she is in love but i just think that after being in prison for 8 years that he is only after her for sex. she has 4 kids and she is no where near ready to take on this guy. i feel he can not provide a life for her and her seperated husband is afraid to talk to her cause of this guy. her kids are out of control and so is her life and this guy is already trying to control her life. i do not like hearing about this new guy and tell her that she needs to stay away from him. she tells me about their sex life and i feel like telling her ( AFTER 8 YEARS IN PRISON ,IT BETTER BE GOOD ). this guy can not get a decent job to provide for her and her family. who is going to hire an excon? she is now (for a reason i can not gather)spending a weakend with her ex to talk . she is so confused and she is driving me nuts with this crap. i wish i can get more in depth with things but i would be on this all night. she needs to stop glorifying this guy and move on because when he gets pissed off at something he may shoot her ( he did it before to other people ) her ex is a nice guy atleast to my husband and me and they seperated for her cheating (maybe other things too ). i feel like choking her sometimes and i think that the more i hear about him ,the more i do not want to be her friend. do you think that i am a bad friend or a concerned one.


i have a habit of comparing all of my friends. i use to have alot of problems in relationships but i now have a great relationship and seem to feel annoyed when people tell me their problems. i had alot of people help me but i do not feel like being bothered. problems happen but i have 4 kids and a great husband so their problems are meaningless. especially when their problems are remotely close to mine from before (YOU MADE YOUR BED NOW YOU HAVE TO LAY IN IT" attitude). i have a hard time giving advise because the advise will be exactley what i denied so long ago. i know that it sounds bad but if your problem is something you created then i am sorry. is it fair or wrong ?


Patient arrives complaining of a 2-3 day history of stuffed nose, runny nose, headache, feeling sick. During the physical exam, i forget to take a blood pressure. after the physical exam, he states that the main reason he came in was for viagra. while writing up the case i noticed i had not checked his blood pressure, looked at his last two appointments, and copied the blood pressure. then, i presented it to the attending physician. while we're in the room, he asks about getting his blood pressure checked. of course, the attending looks at me (caught), and i check it right then and there. it's higher than it should be, necessitating a change in his medicines. it doesn't seem like much at first, except that i falsified the medical record (by writing down an incorrect blood pressure), i lied to my attending physician, and i did something that indirectly could have caused the patient a lot of harm.


I had heard stories of people masturbating on the road or head jobs, etc. To me, this sounded intensely erotic, so one time on the way to pick my sister up from work (which is only 2 minutes from my house) I took a detor down a road that isn't quite as busy as main street, but busy still and I masturbated until orgasm. Then, I was driving home from the bus station after having dropped my boyfriend off. It is an hour ride home, and I could just barely see the sun coming up on the horizon. I unzipped my pants and intensely masturbated twice until orgasm, moaning and screaming louder than I ever have. The car was swerving back and forth, and I was going 80! I could've crashed, but the adrenaline rush was worth the experience.


Help I'm sitting here reading confessions when I've got an essay on the ethics of euthanasia due tomorrow, and three final exams which I havn't studied for next week. I'm sick of school and I just want the %$#@ term to be over so I can work at a job in which I'll have absolutely no responsibility whatsoever.


I was really pissed at my friend one time and i had a bunch of her stuff over at my house. so one day when she tried to fight me i went home grabbed all her stuff and went to her house and threw it in the big garbage. I called her and said you might wanna look in your garbage cause i think i saw some stuff of yours in there". she was sooo pissed. The next day at skewl i started spreading really bad rumors around school. the rumors were that she masterbated with a candle a screw driver and a hot dog. i also told some people that she experimented with a girl named hillary. the next day the whole scholl knew and my friends made fun of her in a class and her reputation was totally ruined! my friends hated her so much that they wrote the rumors in perminant marker on the pay phone and she was sooo upset that she moved to another school.


I made up a huge lie that I've only confessed to one person, although there are several people out there who suspected, no one knows the truth. I completely faked a pregnancy and its subsequent miscarriage several years ago to get my ex-boyfriend back who proceeded to propose to me and move me to a different time zone to escape our friends and families who wanted to keep us apart. The fake miscarriage came before we left, but we went anyway, and I dumped him two months after we got there. He still doesn't know it was a lie.


what happened yesterday

I have got a confession