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#philosophy on

"Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the word itself: 'Mankind'. Basically, it's made up of two separate words - 'mank' and 'ind'. What do these words mean ? It's a mystery, and that's why so is mankind." ~~ Jack Handy

So, welcome. Welcome to #philosophy, the definitive repository for conceptual thought and superbly distracting deontological debate. A hardcore thinktank, with freaks, geeks and Randroids aplenty! Repulsive as it may be, it's here... and you like it. If not, you will be escorted out by the thought police, brainwashed and fed back into our society through means of neural collision and repetition. Now busy yourself to the gallery of retrospection, ponder the statistics, and forever bruise the fragile epoch of the guestbook with your abhorrent and archaic monologue. ~~ PsyraniX and spiraleyes

gallery of #philosophy members
definition of flossofy
the Jean-Paul Satre cookbook
Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy
How to argue like a true philosopher
