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My Daily Devotional Page

Read Jeremiah 33.

Who do you allow the privilege to lead you? The answer for some might be, “Well, I allow my doctor to do that.” My aunt could reply in such a manner as she faithfully followed his diagnosis and prescription advice, meeting with him weekly. She never missed an appointment, driving about 40 miles each way. Would you like that? Others might give that honor to their parents—which is where it truly belongs. God’s Word makes that clear.

Some are so enamored with a movie/television/singing star, they give him or her all of their time, money, energy, and devotion. This task includes watching the star wiggle and yelp, squawk or squeal, or jangle the strings or keys on a piano or guitar or hammer on a set of drums or an anvil—to really give their ears a ‘rock’, their heart a ‘jumpstart’, or their eyes a ‘blast’! Don’t fail to read this chapter. Especially note the last sentence in God’s verdict to His people. What does that tell you about the God Who controls heaven and earth? Wouldn’t you like to make Him the ruler over your life?

Glance at a history book or just look at the Bible to compare the governors of people throughout time to see how they acted toward their ‘clientele’. Many people could be deemed ‘scapegoats’ to their leaders’ desires. Of course, some were not so persecuted. But many were—especially, those who were just their ruler’s constituents.

Consider what kind of leader you would like to be if you were actually allowed to rule the whole world (or at least one country) for one week—or even just one day. How would you expect your ‘fans’ to react to you? Would you want them to praise or serve you? Or bow in obeisance and honor to you? Perhaps you would choose to be a humble king/queen/president/ leader and desire to serve your people to their benefit. You would actually want what’s best for them and honor them. Wouldn’t that be a blessed change!

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