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Cameron's Funny links and Pictures

Here are the funny links to various websites and pictures:

This is Rock n Roll.
Yes, I almost pooped in my pants.
New hairdo's
Try to spot the funny thing in the third photo.
I hope this is a joke.
The course.
Is it a crime to give a clerk a gun?
Color test. similar to the one on Ms. Goodman's wall.
Kerry for guitar president.(Democrat page)
Bush for president.(Republican page)
Biggest Burger Ever.
Quit Complaining about your job.
Why you should play golf instead of any other sport.
You don't see this kinda stuff everyday.
Creativity at the Beach.
Good advertisement.

Poop. Heh.

If anyone feels that they have a link to something very impressive, or some funny pictures, send them to me. You might just be lucky enough to be on this awesome website. Also, if anyone wants to donate some money to keep this website running, feel free to slip a dollar or ten into my hand. I'm out.
