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News for 6/12/06: The first part of the About/FAQs section is up, so there's that.

News for 6/10/06: I'm currently working on the history/about section for this website, along with a reorganization of the whole place. I'll try and have it up by next week, but no promises.

News for 6/2/06: I put up one of my old poems, which is also probably the most pretentious thing that will ever be on this site. It's under Other Writings.

News for 5/28/06: It's here! The Graturation Extravaganza! It's only 4 days late! Go see it.

News for 5/24/06: Now that I've finally settled in back home, I'm going to try and keep this going as long as possible. There's a logo now, and I've got something special coming as a Graduation Extravaganza. Watch your back.

News for 4/28/06: It's been literally over 2 years since I've touched this site. During that time I made 2 others, but both went under. Now, it's back to basics. This is the site that started it all. I'm using this to archive some of my writings that were sent out via e-mail to my friends, and every once in a while I may write an exclusive article or maybe bring back some old stuff. Just watch out.

Here's the goods- Now in exclusive Angelfire Basic Editor format!

The About Section/FAQs
Legends of the Tall- Cameron's Memoirs, as told by the man who lived them.
The 2004 Graduation Story- With Pictures!
Other Assorted Writings