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Bungee-Men International

What are Bungee-Men you ask? The Bungee-Men are an International group of manly men who believe in everything that Bungee-Men stand for...Nothing. Every Bungee-Man has made a personal promise and pledge to the Bungee-Men way to eat pizza as greedily as possible and drink beer whenever its necessary.

The Pecking Order:

Mark C. Holden (Grand Bunge)

Kyle Hanley (President)

Chris Jackson (PR Secretary/Governor)

Nick Buzinski (Governor)

Bailey Wellman (Governor)

Luke Semo (Governor)

Secondary Officers

All other Bungees

In order to apply for a chapter at your school you will need to follow these simple instructions.

1. Contact Kyle at his email address listed at the bottom of this page.

2. Be worthy.

3. If you pass the quiz then you may gain the necessary information to set up a chapter near you.

Bungee Games:

Bungee Tag - This involves an elaborate system of cars and NERF guns!

Bungee Ball - "Softball... 'cept you have to talk with a funny accent the entire game"

Bungee Requirements:

1. Pizza

2. General Disregard for misdemeanors (MIP's)

3. Girls can only have 1/2 memberships... but we get to choose which half.

4. More Pizza

5. Procrastination is a plus

6. Gramatical skills are not a necessity

Here are some of the different Chapters.

Wayne State

Michigan Tech

Central Michigan

U of M
