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SIC: Alex L. and Brandon | AIC:  Mr. Eng | Date: 11/23/2006 |Place: Angel Island, Ferry from Tiburon, CA

From :  alexander l.
Sent :  Tuesday, October 17, 2006 9:41 PM 
To :  "bsa-t453 
Subject :  [bsa-t453] Angel Island Campout

Dear Troop,
    Attatched are the Permission Slips and Agenda for Angel Island Campout.
Alex L and Brandon

From :  alexander l
Sent :  Wednesday, October 18, 2006 5:23 PM 
To :  "bsa-t453
Subject :  [bsa-t453] Angel Island Campout 

Dear Troop,
Because of some revisions that needed to be made, The revised 
agenda and permission slip are now available. They are 
attatched to this message. 

Alex L and Brandon 

*Bring Work gloves for service
* bring Patrol Lanterns, it gets dark after 5:00.

From :  alexander l
Sent :  Wednesday, November 1, 2006 4:14 PM 
To :  bsa-t453 
Subject :  [bsa-t453] Angel Island Campout 

Dear Troop,
Angel Island is a backpacking campout, and attatched are the permission slip and agenda.
The Permission slip is due by nov. 15 Troop Meeting.
Alex L

Permission Slip


Permission Slip
