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Brock William Richards
Born:  March 13, 1982.

Age:  21 years.

Occupation:  Student, New York State College at Oneonta.
Major:  Music Industry

Interests:  Writing songs, Hearing music, Playing music, Thinking, Poetry, Color and music, General Creativity, Rhythm, Good conversations/debates, Being Alone, Social Gatherings/ Bar-B-Ques, Nature, Space, Camping, Breaking barriers, Eating well, Morning exercise for increased energy throughout the day..

About myself:

 Like others out there,  I am still trying to figure out who I really am.  Its hard for anyone to figure it out, though, since we're constantly evolving.  Time waits for no man.  I perceive myself with eyes peeled in a burning awareness.  I feel a sense of urgency.  There's something I must do..   I'm Hungry.  Hungry for music.  Hungry for life.  I'm digging and searching for answers to my questions.  Hungry to make a stance.

Lets just say I'm 21 years old and feeling like a lion.

My plan of attack!

We've been silent for 5 billion years.  I'm tired of being silent. 
There's a lot to say and less time to do it.       

I feel like I'm crouching in the jungle in a forward attack position; waiting for my turn to get out there and make a difference.  I walk in the shadow of the Music Industry.  I wish to dismantle it.  I won't be able to until I'm ready though. Some people ask me why I haven't been playing out at the bars more often.  My response to them, "I'm not ready yet.."  I'm gearing up for the biggest battle of my life, and music is my vessel.  
These ideas are in an unnamed song I created:

" I Explode moreover in an open neck tournament. 
 As a mortal vein pulsing as its coming up.. 
 Mortar-headed in the rudiment, all eyes on the clock!! "

I'm sick of music that doesn't say anything.
  Man, if you can get an audience to listen~ say something of importance!!!  Allow me to quote the same song for my plan of action.   In the song, I will burst amid the scene while the phrase also speaks for something else:

 " Moods exchanged, now, can't we move on.. (but true, oh?)   
I'll level out with a precision guided amendment release. "

In most of my songs I try to write with two or three ideas in mind at a time.. that way they can overlap and provide various interpretation.  If interested, you can read more in the poetry section of this web page.


   A little comment about life:
The odd thing is that most people aren't happy unless all their troubles wash over, and they can finally do what they want to do..  I think it is later that people eventually realize that overcoming their troubles was their life, and instead of regretting it the whole way through, they should have taken it by the horns and lived their life to the fullest.  I don't wish to regret a thing.  You can't double back later to change anything.  I make my decisions largely in part of this.  Its a one way road out the other side, so go for broke.  If you care about someone tell them.  Tell them today.  You can't lose nothing if you have nothing.

I have many different sides to me.  One major thing is that I hate negative energy.
  Its useless.  Why can't we take our negative energies and use them in a positive way?  Anything's possible.  
I admire compassion.  I admire trust and friendship.  I hate it when people take these things for granted.  These are heavenly qualities that we should revel in.

Did I ever mention that I have a weird desire to be a wise old man?

Brock's Home Page

Hey everybody!!  Thanks for visiting my Home Page.  Obviously its all about me.  And well..   here it is:

Contact Brock:
           Assume contact with my living being!!..

Resume of Brock W. Richards:
           Discover my qualifications!!..

Brock Music!!
           Sound check my tune-age!!..

Brock's Think Links:
           Here I reveal my interests!!..

Brock's Poetry:
           Feast your eyes on my very own!!..

My Dog!!
            Take a look!!..