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Bible Quizzing

Check out our new page! Once again, we have national pictures!

National Tournament- Kansas City, KS

8:00 PM Monday April 19

They are on their way!!! Heavy downpour just before they pulled into Randolph, NY but it was short lived and they are on the road. Please pray for safe travel, good health and that they will have a good time quizzing.

Wed. April 21 11:00 am

Arrived in Kansas City yesterday afternoon. Today we are going to an interactive sience museum. We will be taking part in a simulated Mars mission. Basically, the same thing they did with the international space station a few months ago, accept it will take place at Mars, supposedly in the year 2070. There will also be some IMAX events. Sounds really cool. Quizzing starts tomorrow. Pray that we are all well rested, remember what we have learned and that all the glory would be given to God. Thanks in advance for all your prayers.

Thurs. Apr. 22 11 am

The tournament has begun! These young people and coaches have worked so hard to get here. Pray that their minds will be clear and that they're behavior would reflect Jesus, without whose presence in our lives, there would not be this quiz league. Praise God! These are the teams from the Bath/Olean league this year:


Coaches- Mast, Curcio

J Mast,
A Pulver,
M Mast,
C Cain,
B Curcio,
M Alianello


Coaches- Hager, Williamson

E Smoker,
J Williamson,
L Smoker,
W White,
A Cledgett,
S Williamson,
D Fox


Coaches- Archer, White

K Herbert,
J Archer,
C Corcoran,
K Herbert,
K White


Coaches- Hardy, Hager

H Miller,
E Slover,
C Mikkola,
M Reiner,
C Hardy

We will keep you posted on how our teams are doing as the information becomes available.

Apr 22 10:30pm

Wow! 10 quizzes today! None of our teams did extremely well. We are a little slow on the jumps - half of quizzing is being the first to "jump" as the verses reference and questions are being asked. The jump is more like a slow rise, but you have to be quicker than the opposing team. You can't score points if you aren't the first quizzer to respond. Pray that we all do better jumping tomorrow and Sat. The placing for Sat. morning will be determined by how we end up after today and tomorrows quizzes. Sat. is a double elimination with the final top three teams up on stage to determine this years #1 team. It is really fun quizzing but more importantly we have all these scriptures memorized and it is something that we will use all through our lives. Please continue to pray for all the quizzers, not just our teams. Hopefully we will have more info tomorrow. God Bless!

Fri April 23 1:00 pm

Our teams are having a much better day today. The stats from this morning's quizzes are:

Grass- 3 first place, 1 second and 1 third

Feat- 1 first place, 2 second and 3 third

Toggle- 3 second place, 2 third

Restord- 2 second place, 3 third

We will have place standings later this evening and will get them posted as soon as they come in. Again, please pray for clarity of mind and good attitudes. It is so easy to get flustered after a few errors and that can really affect the rest of the day. There is a lot of pressure that these kids put on themselves to do well and though it is nice to win, they have already done the important thing by memorizing all these scriptures. The race will not be finished after this tournament but they are well on their way. Praise the Lord that they have the desire to spend all the hours that they have putting the Word in their hearts.

10 pm

Standings after two days of quizzing are:

Grass--14th, Feat--46, Toggle--52, Restored--58

Total number of teams participating is 66. The competition is very tough and we congratulate all of the teams on completing 20 quizzes in two days. Talk about hard work. Whew!~ Please continue to pray. Tomorrow is more stressful than today and yesterday. By tomorrow evening the top three teams will be on stage for one last quiz to determine this year's first place team. Pray for all the quizzers as they go into this final day. Thanks to you all.

Sat. April 24 The final day of the tournament 1:00 pm

What an exciting day! After this morning's quizzes, Feat and Restored are about where they were yesterday. Toggle had a good morning - 2 first places, 2 seconds and a third, so they are moving up in the standings. Wow, Grass continues to hang tough! 1 first place and 4 seconds and they have moved up to 11th overall. Great work on all the teams part!! Continue to pray. As we said yesterday, today is a very stressful (in a good way) and even after the tournament finishes tonight please hold them up in prayer that they would be pleased with their performance and not beat themselves up over errors. What they are doing is so awesome and 10 years from now, they won't remember the mistakes but will have all those scriptures for life. We are so proud of all of our teams. They should finish up this afternoon around 5:00 (6:00 Eastern time) and we will update as soon as we know how the afternoon went.

6:30 pm Three of the FLM teams are done with their quizzes The only place standings that we are sure of is that Grass ended up in 22nd. Good job, Grass! Hopefully we will have more information a little later. Two of the three teams that will be on stage this evening are: By Faith from St. Louis and Messengers - from Midland Ministries (the host of this years tournament)-Kansas City. Please pray for the final three teams as they go against each other at 7:00 tonight. Our quizzers are expected back in NY tomorrow evening, please pray for safe travel and some sleep. Congratulations to all this years national bible quizzers!!

4-28, 9:18 am Well, the kids are prtty much rested up by now. THe other teams stayed pretty muc in the same area as they placed Firday. Unfortunately, I do not know what the standings were exactly.

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
Psalm 119:11 NIV

Stats are up, you can look at all the stats from this year now.

Well, how about some team pictures!

The Word became Flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father full of grace and truth. John 1:14 NIV

[Stats] [Olean Dates]

[You Might Be a Bible Quizzer If...] [Poem] [Top 10]

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