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black cow press
Issue 11: "TRAGEDY"

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Scandal, Espionage, and a Candidate's Tragic Fall from Grace

MONTREAL - Moo Doo, Louisiana's folksy third party candidate, has pulled out of the race for President. Dogged by scandal since he announced his bid for the White House just two months ago, the precocious bag of composted cow manure told supporters on Thursday he would keep his options open for 2008, but was no longer in the running for this November's prize.

At Thursday's Press Conference

If any of the sordid rumors circulating around Doo are true, then his decision to exit came not a moment too soon. Doo plummeted in the polls after pictures allegedly showing him meeting with members of the Canadian Intelligence Service appeared on an Islamic web site in July.

The candidate immediately found himself fielding tough questions about his patriotism and the details of his organic certification. Doo responded to the charges on his own web site saying that the pictures had been faked, but then refused the opportunity to take a polygraph test. He later changed his account to say that it was his older son, Ron, pictured with the Canadians. He has since been unable or unwilling to adequately explain Ron's presence in Ottawa.

Just as the Doo team was starting to get beyond the damage of "Ottawagate," a video surfaced of Doo in a Montreal hotel room behaving very badly amid a throng of remarkably undressed students from McGill University. Within a week, paternity suits had been filed in three provinces. Louisiana's once rising star found his name smeared as late night TV hosts and radio shock jocks on both sides of the border saw the opportunity to spoof the whole affair with endless puns like: "Deep Doo Doo For Moo," and "Debbie Does Doo," even a parody song: "Moo Doo want to go to bed with me to-night." sung to the tune of Patti Labelle's "Lady Marmalade."

By the middle of August, serious questions had been raised about Doo's fitness to lead the country. Mainstream media outlets have since refused to take him seriously or even acknowledge his candidacy. In a tearful resignation speech, Doo cited a desire to spend more time with his family as his main reason for leaving the presidential race.

Hotel Vache, St. Catherine's Street

As of last week, Doo's PAC ("Moo-On.Org"), had raised $63 dollars in campaign contributions. That number is likely to be revised downward as some of those checks have apparently bounced. -bcp

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