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Poets Mourn the Death of Liberace

Still stunned almost two years after the tragic murder of central Vermont's prize leghorn, Liberace, men and women from around the world pay tribute to the rooster loved by so many, and understood by so few. In this issue, Black Cow asks five poets to look beyond their grief and answer the question: "What did the rooster mean to you?"


The Death of Liberace

This bird... this freaking bird... I saw him on the washing machine not long ago. "My spurs are long. My wives are many. Conjugation, serial-like, delights them." I sit atop appliances and wonder that Liberace's and my hearts did not beat in rhythm Under the same sky. I looked at his wives once. He looked at me and knew that he would keep them, that my efforts would not shake free any of his harem. I walked over to my car, tapped the hood, to show the ladies I could drive. They knew their rooster couldn't. Yet they stayed true. I let a dollar bill fall to the ground, subtle-like, So they'd know I was a man of means. Their eyes were soft as BBs. They were fine wives and chickens, and not for the taking. But always a man has to try. Worthy cock, crower, your hens remained yours and you a true brother of flint-souled men. You spoke the language of the spur. Your death is a reminder that the millstone of the world is hard and works in heavy wind and as it grinds us to dust, that dust is scattered thin in all four directions. -Jebediah Reed


As midwinter sun dips below smoldering horizon, the full moon rises like a gleaming mushroom above the ridge to our East. The towns people go quietly about their winter chores. I am reminded of a great, white bird. -Han Ji-Sheng


A lusty bird Who strat absurd Upon the sawdust floor Did mount from rosey dawn 'till late His chickens, eight, Behind barn doors He foiled the cat And dodged the coon But death again did knock He fell like Niagara And not even Viagra Can resurrect my lifeless cock -Billy Kelso

EULOGY FOR LIBERACE (d. May the 27th, 2002)

Here lies Liberace, Prince of Leghorns, King of Coop, He of the eight wives, Wild Hen Humper, White stallion of a bird, Last of his line, The general who oversaw The laying of 10,000 silent eggs, Shy percher of crab apple tree Who cheated raccoons Of their grisly feast On many moonless nights, He of the inch-long spurs And rose-red comb Who crowed the sun into the sky each day. Yeah, though his wounds were mortal, Did he peck back death itself, And advance- A rabid whirlwind of feathers, A Rasputin in his death throes, Blinded but uncowed in his fury, Uberchicken. Rest now, great bird, Beneath your favorite perch Alongside the last of your wives. And be still, As the spring rain falls gently Upon the blossoms Of the crab apple tree. -Nick Copeland


Este mundo-- Pienso en un huevo, companero. Me duele la garganta. Me digo "no mas." Hambre, tan hambre, para conocer lo Mas simple. Espero nada. Di me lo que es. -Maria Alcazar Fuentes

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