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Your Editor: Survivor_Nov2000

Everyone enjoyed a very nice parade and picnic at Halls of Ivy on July 3rd. We decided to celebrate a day early so our members would have free time for their families. The parade and firework show was well attended. Most of our homes displayed the American Flag.

We had mentioned there would be sandwiches, chips, and drinks. WRONG...When everyone began bringing their food, we filled the gazebo. Even had someone furnish a roasted pig.

Several brought salads and we had hamburgers, hotdogs and plenty of desserts and several watermelons. We even had some freezers of home-made ice cream.

Very good time enjoyed by everyone. Looks like we are going to have to enlarge our gazebo for our get togethers.

RUNAWAY by Heather Graham
This is a novel and an easy read, but contained a lot of facts regarding the tumultuous history of America's least-known frontier..Florida. In the year 1835, the hero has built a large mansion in the wilds of Florida. Many Indians inhabit the land, but the best known are the Seminoles. He goes to New Orleans on business and there meets and falls in love with a woman who has a deep, dark secret and needs to get away. He proposes, she accepts, and he takes her back to FLorida. Having heard all the horrible tales of what Indians can and will do, she is petrified.

This is the story of their life in the wilds, a secret the hero has been keeping, and the resolution of her secret past. Even though this is a novel, all the facts are based on history as to the founding of Florida and the war with the Indians which was declared by President Andrew Jackson.

I had a good history lesson, but the book also kept me waiting to turn the page to see what happens next.

submitted by Kitty


This is the funniest movie I have seen lately. It surely is a spoof of the Westminster Kennel Club Annual Show. The characters and the dogs are sweet. I think anyone who watches this will enjoy. There aren't really any famous stars, but many who will seem familiar. ENJOY!!

submitted by Ann







~SYLVANNA~ August 5th
~SUSAN~ August 9th
~IVY~ August 14th
~JUDY~ August 25th

God's Reason

I don't know how to say it,

But somehow it seems to me

That maybe we are stationed

Where God wants us to be.

That little place we're filling

Is the reason for our birth,

And just to do the work we do,

He sent us down to earth.

If God had wanted otherwise

I reckon He'd have made

Each of us a little different

Of a worse or better grade;

And since God knows and understands

All things of land and sea

I fancy he has placed us here,

Just where He wanted us to be.

Sometimes we get to thinking,

As our labors we review,

That we should like a higher place

With greater things to do.

Then we come to the conclusion

When the envying is still,

That the post to which God has us

Is the post He wanted filled.

There isn't any

  service we should scorn,

For it may be just the reason

God allowed us to be born.

© Bernice Elizabeth Miller 1935

submitted by Dale

Just like people, pets can become "a little too healthy". All kidding aside, obese pets can have serious health problems - including arthritis, heart and respiratory problems, and short life spans. Your pet is overweight if you cannot feel his ribs or backbone when you lightly run your hands over him.

Although it's no doubt hard to ignore the pleading eyes of your adoring pet, it's best to turn away and not give in to his pleas for more food. Here are some suggestions to help with this problem your pet might be having:

USE FEEDING GUIDES AS A RECOMMENDATION ONLY. Pet food packages will often recommend how much to feed your pet. However, this really depends on your pet's age, activity level, and size. Use your own judgement.

TRY NOT TO USE THE "FREE FEED" METHOD. In other words, resist leaving food out for your pet all day long. This can contribute to overeating.

PROVIDE YOUR PET WITH MORE EXERCISE. Take him out for an extra little walk, or play with her in the house for half an hour. Every little bit helps.

SEVERE WEIGHT LOSS OR GAIN SHOULD BE CHECKED BY YOUR VET. If you think you're feeding your pet adequately but he loses weight, or your pet suddenly starts gaining weight, consult with your vet.

OLDER AND OVERWEIGHT PETS MAY BE SWITCHED TO SPECIAL DIETS. There are lots of high-quality pet food formulated especially for senior pets, as well as plenty of low-calorie diets. You may want to consult with your vet to get recommendations.

Classified Blunders
1. Outside a shop in Flint, Michigan: We exchange anything- bicycles, washing machines,etc. Why not bring your wife along and get a wonderful bargain.

2. In an office in Detroit, Michigan: Would the person who took the step ladder yesterday kindly bring it back or further steps will be taken.

3. Dinner Special-- Turkey $2.35; Chicken or Beef $2.25; Children $2.00.

I would like to thank everyone who came to the Ice Cream Party that we had on July 7th. It was so much fun and a complete success because of the help from everyone. It seemed a good time was had by all. It was a wonderful way to spend a summer afternoon. Let's plan another party soon.
submitted by Jo
My client, SmokyJim, asked me to send you a copy of our complaint against a member of the Halls Of Ivy. It is as follows:

Complaint: 1. Unlawful entry/use of established business

2. Defamation of character

3. Disturbing the fish

4. Loud and raucous noise

5. Sub-letting said building to relatives and sundry characters.

In as much as my client has enjoyed (for over 3 years) the use of the building in question as SmokyJim's Bait Shop, it appears that another person(s) have chosen to commandeer said premises for their own use.

We, the team of WantItAll and Cheetum, are proceeding in court to have this woman evicted, along with her noisy family, so that He can continue his business in a friendly and quiet atmosphere.

We would like to reach a peaceful solution to this matter. However, if said defendant(Babe) chooses to be stubborn, obstinate and/or otherwise annoying, we have no choice but to ask the court to forcibly evict her and compensate our client for his loss of privacy.

We shall look forward to your publishing this in your newsletter and/or handling it in any way you see fit... as long as my client wins!!!!

Sincerely, Dewey Cheetum

LLD,BS,MS,PHD,ETC and so on.

After receiving this letter from Mr. Cheetum, your editor contacted an Officer Bubba Hogg from the Halls Of Ivy Sheriff's Department. Officer Hogg states that after a very delightful visit with "Ms. Babe" it has been determined that indeed "Babe" is the rightful owner of the little cabin down in the Holler. Mr. Cheetum is more than welcome to print an apology to Ms. Babe in next month's newsletter.

Nobody solved the cryptogram from last month's edition of "The Tender Leaf". This was the answer: Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be.

Here is August's Tender Leaf Cryptogram:



Your clue is M=A.

Please email your answer to the editor as soon as you finish. This answer and the winner will be posted in next month's newsletter.


At first Doris' group began as a ceramic class of 18 women that met once a week on Wednesdays. Now it has become a group of friends that spend a great deal of time together.

They are all widows that enjoy movies, eating out, and especially bus trips. The members suggest different places to go. They have found that there are so many things planned for seniors to get involved with. Not all members can go to every activity, but they are always busy.

Doris says that they are a great bunch of women that all have one thing in common...FUN!!!

In the 6th century, the Pope made it a law to say "God Bless You" when someone sneezed. That is where it got its start.

submitted by Shirl
1. We have added a Tender Leaf Archive to the Halls of Ivy Menu. All past issues will be available for viewing by using this page.

2. Ivy has improved the Prayer Wall, enabling you to make requests and update from the Prayer Wall page. Please visit often and don't forget to make the updates when you put a request on the wall.

3. If you have not turned in your bio for the group, please do so as soon as possible. We like knowing a little about everyone.

4. We will be adding to this newsletter each month. If you have things to add please email your editor by clicking the link below.

Be the first to email the editor with the name of the song you hear on the newsletter.

CLUE: TV Classic Theme Song