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Guild Rules
Things To Do









Welcome to Adult Neopians United Guild Website.

For people new to the guild, let me just say a few words about us. This guild is for adult Neopians. Our guild is mostly about communication and interaction with other members. We are very friendly, help is always there if you need it, whether that be advice, tips or fearie quest help. There is no guild account, to make things more simple, we won't be asking for donations or doing any official contests. Instead, members can do little contests or giveaways for others, and that will be considered as donations.

We now have a proper forum, and we encourage our members to join up and be active posters. Click here to get to the forum.

Feel free to invite anyone you think may be interested in our guild.

Other Guild Links:

Guild Message Board.

Other News:

New banners have been added, so go check 'em out!

The guild is not private at the moment.

Latest News!

New Forum!
It's up and running, so why not sign up and get chatting?

Useful Links.
In-Depth Battlepedia
Pink Poogle Toy
Tine Neo Help









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