At the beginning, when the author wrote this page, he thought that Rome had no affected the Textus Receptus, but after deep searching, the fact is that the Textus Receptus is just another book of Rome, being "IESOUS" and "XRISTOS" the names that Rome gave to the beast in those days, as the following graphs show


How do you spell Abulafia?


Have you heard of the Latin Vulgate?, just look Matthew 23:8 in the Bible that you use and compare it with the following Latin Vulgate passage:

Matthew 23:8 vos autem nolite vocari rabbi unus enim est magister vester omnes autem vos fratres estis

In the Textus Receptus appears the word cristoV:

Matthew 23:8 umeiV de mh klhqhte rabbi eiV gar estin umwn o kaqhghthV o cristoV panteV de umeiV adelfoi este

In the following passages the Latin Vulgante removes the word cristoV:

Mark 13:6 multi enim venient in nomine meo dicentes quia ego sum et multos seducent

Luke 22:67 et ait illis si vobis dixero non creditis mihi

John 4:42 et mulieri dicebant quia iam non propter tuam loquellam credimus ipsi enim audivimus et scimus quia hic est vere salvator mundi

Acts 9:20 et continuo in synagogis praedicabat Iesum quoniam hic est Filius Dei

Acts 15:11 sed per gratiam Domini Iesu credimus salvari quemadmodum et illi

Acts 16:31 at illi dixerunt crede in Domino Iesu et salvus eris tu et domus tua

Acts 19:4 dixit autem Paulus Iohannes baptizavit baptisma paenitentiae populum dicens in eum qui venturus esset post ipsum ut crederent hoc est in Iesum

Romans 1:16 non enim erubesco evangelium virtus enim Dei est in salutem omni credenti Iudaeo primum et Graeco

Romans 3:26 in sustentatione Dei ad ostensionem iustitiae eius in hoc tempore ut sit ipse iustus et iustificans eum qui ex fide est Iesu

Romans 3:26 in sustentatione Dei ad ostensionem iustitiae eius in hoc tempore ut sit ipse iustus et iustificans eum qui ex fide est Iesu

Romans 14:10 tu autem quid iudicas fratrem tuum aut tu quare spernis fratrem tuum omnes enim stabimus ante tribunal Dei

Romans 16:24 Removed

1Corinthians 9:18 quae est ergo merces mea ut evangelium praedicans sine sumptu ponam evangelium ut non abutar potestate mea in evangelio

1Corinthians 16:23 gratia Domini Iesu vobiscum

2Corinthians 5:15 et pro omnibus mortuus est ut et qui vivunt iam non sibi vivant sed ei qui pro ipsis mortuus est et resurrexit

2Corinthians 11:31 Deus et Pater Domini Iesu scit qui est benedictus in saecula quod non mentior

Galatians 3:17 hoc autem dico testamentum confirmatum a Deo quae post quadringentos et triginta annos facta est lex non irritam facit ad evacuandam promissionem

Galatians 4:7 itaque iam non es servus sed filius quod si filius et heres per Deum

Galatians 5:1 state et nolite iterum iugo servitutis contineri

Why the Latin Vulgate didn't like the word cristoV?


Matthew 24:24 egerqhsontai {There will arise} gar {for} yeudocristoi {false xristos} kai {and} yeudoprofhtai {false prophets,} kai {and} dwsousin {will give} shmeia {signs} megala {great} kai {and} terata {wonders,} wste {so as} planhsai {to mislead,} ei {if} dunaton {possible,} kai {even} touV {the} eklektouV {elect.}

For some strange reason the Latin is not spoken any longer. The Latin Vulgate is the source that produced several pseudo Xristos:

Matthew 1:1 liber generationis Iesu Christi1 filii David filii Abraham

Matthew 1:16 Iacob autem genuit Ioseph virum Mariae de qua natus est Iesus qui vocatur Christus2

Matthew 1:17 omnes ergo generationes ab Abraham usque ad David generationes quattuordecim et a David usque ad transmigrationem Babylonis generationes quattuordecim et a transmigratione Babylonis usque ad Christum3 generationes quattuordecim

Matthew 22:42 dicens quid vobis videtur de Christo4 cuius filius est dicunt ei David

Matthew 26:68 dicentes prophetiza nobis Christe5 quis est qui te percussit

Mister Wycliffe in his days - 1382 - used Crist and Christ:

John 4:25 The womman seith to hym, Y woot that Messias is comun, that is seid Crist; therfor whanne he cometh, he schal telle vs alle thingis.

1:16 Mathan bigat Jacob. Jacob bigat Joseph, the hosebonde of Marye, of whom Jhesus was borun, that is clepid Christ.

And also used Jhesus and Jhesu:

Matthew 1:1 The book of the generacioun of Jhesu Crist, the sone of Dauid, the sone of Abraham.

1:16 Mathan bigat Jacob. Jacob bigat Joseph, the hosebonde of Marye, of whom Jhesus was borun, that is clepid Christ.


I emailed to Mister Troy Brooks the following:

Dear, peace

I want to share with you and yours the following documents

taken from

with Love

José Cadena

Mister Troy Brooks wrote (11/01/2005 13:35:39) the following words:

The reason why Jesus Christ is the Christ, is because in English Christ is more accurate syllable rendering, that is, just one syllable.

You sound like you are not treating Jesus as God, and that you are Jewish showing your hostility to God. If I am mistaken let me know. God speaks of those that would make Christianity a synagogue of Satan which is spoken of in Rev. 2 and 3 from those that would try to Judaize Christianity. This is what you seem to be doing.

Be careful of that defiling petty self. It controls you with language. Man will rationalize anything anyway with or without language.

Come to Christ, He is waiting for He died for the sins of the world, including your sins, these sins of bearing false witness of the Christ

Dear Troy, peace

To be sure of his words, I asked to him

When you say:

The reason why Jesus Christ is the Christ, is because in English Christ is more accurate syllable rendering, that is, just one syllable

do you mean that "Christ is more accurate than cristoV?

And Mister Troy answered:

They are equal, and considering today's language is English, then in English Christ is more accurate.

Mister Troy Brooks seems to ignore that the words and names have meanings; for instance, Ies-ous means "Man - Save", that is Savior; if just a letter is removed, for instance - Iesou, another word with a different meaning appears. Take out the D from GOD and you get GO which is a different word with a different meaning. By not way 'Broo' is the same that 'Brooks'. Why mister Brooks likes to ignore this simple fact?, well just take a look


While Christ has 6 letters


When a translator - a ‘transliterator’ - knows well the source and the target languages, he/she tries the best that the reader reproduces the source sound or the closest to it.

Let’s see how the name RONALD REAGAN is written in several languages that use the Latin characters:


Par Patrick SABATIER

06 juin 2004 ( - 17:59)

"Comment peut-on être président sans être acteur ?", s'interrogeait Ronald Reagan dans son autobiographie (1). Il rétorquait à ceux qui n'avaient jamais vu en lui qu'"un acteur de cinéma" et n'avaient pas compris qu'à l'ère de l'Information les images et les techniques de communication jouent un rôle fondamental dans la politique américaine.

ITALIAN Ronald Reagan, ex presidente USA, ha lasciato un'impronta indelebile sugli anni '80. Il 40° presidente americano (dal 1981 al 1989) nasce a Tampico, Illinois, il 6 febbraio 1911. Figlio di un venditore ambulante di scarpe, per pagarsi gli studi universitari deve ricorrere alla sua bravura nel football.


As gafes de Ronald Reagan

O presidente Ronald Reagan é lembrado até hoje por uma série de gafes que cometeu durante seus anos à frente da Casa Branca.


Ronald Reagan

Actor y presidente de Estados Unidos (1981-1989)

Nació el 6 de febrero de 1911, en Tampico (Illinois). Cursó estudios en el Eureka College, institución protestante. Posteriormente, trabajó como locutor de deportes hasta que firmó un contrato con la productora cinematográfica Warner Brothers en 1937. Fue presidente del Screen Actors Guild (Sindicato de Actores Cinematográficos).


"In meiner Amtszeit wird die wirtschaftliche, militärische und strategische Stärke der USA wieder hergestellt, erhalten die Geheimdienste wieder ihren angestammten Platz", sagte Ronald Reagan.

And let’s try the same RONALD REAGAN in languages that don’t use the Latin Characters:


Στη δοκιμή της Τετάρτης, ένας αναχαιτιστικός πύραυλος επρόκειτο να εκτοξευτεί από το Πεδίο Δοκιμών Ronald Reagan, στην ατόλλη Κουαζαλέιν του Ειρηνικού, προκειμένου να καταστρέψει έναν βαλλιστικό πύραυλο που είχε εκτοξευτεί 16 λεπτά νωρίτερα από τη νήσο Κόντιακ στην Αλάσκα.


Эта война оказалась большой проблемой для американской дипломатии. Дело в том, что США были связаны и с Великобританией и с Аргентиной договорами об оказании военной помощи в случае нападения третьей страны. Поэтому в первые дни войны США занимали нейтральную позицию. Президент США Рональд Рейган\Ronald Reagan симпатизировал диктатору Аргентины генералу Леопольдо Галтьери из-за его антикоммунистических взглядов (Кроме антикоммунизма,

We see here the name Ronald Reagan written in Russian characters:

Рональд Рейган

In which the Russian reader can reproduce the sound ‘Ronald Reagan’ the closest to its English sound.

The reader can try with other names, for instance, in the Old Testament in the days of Abraam appears the name Melxisedek,

Génesis 14: 18 And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God.

Hundreds of years later King Dabid used the same name:

Ps 110:4 The LORD hath sworn, and will not repent, thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melxizedek.

Al least two thousands years after Abraam appears the same name in Greek letter:

Hebrews 7:1 outoV gar o melcisedek basileuV salhm iereuV tou qeoutou uyistou o sunanthsaV abraam upostrefonti apo thv kophV twn basilewn kai euloghsaV auton

Which the translators into English transliterated Melchisedec, making ch=c to help the reader to pronounce the best the character c, and instead of K putted the equivalent sound C

Hebrews 7:1 For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him;

In modern Greek written still one finds

Ο Θεός είχε εμφανιστεί στους ανθρώπους πριν τον κατακλυσμό ως "Αbedam" όπως αργότερα ενήργησε μέσω του βιβλικού "Melchisedek".

And in French

L' évangile lu à matines (Luc 2: 25-32) est un abrégé de celui qui est lu à la liturgie (Luc 2 : 22-40) et qui relate la présentation de Jésus au Temple. L'épître de la liturgie (Hébreux 7. 7-17), parle de Melchisedek rencontrant Abraham; déjà Lévi a payé la dîme à Melchisedek « en la personne d' Abraham...

So, following this rule - c=ch - one can recover the source spell of the name,



It is so simple for the translators to follow the above rule for putting the source sound into the target language; so far so good, not problem with that.

If the reader check other names from the Old Testament through the Greek New Testament until its English transliterations of our days, for instance, in Luke 3

Lucas 3:32-38 tou iessai tou wbhd tou booz tou salmwn tou naasswn

tou aminadab tou aram tou esrwm tou fareV tou iouda

tou iakwb tou isaak tou abraam tou yara tou nacwr

tou sarouc tou ragau tou falek tou eber tou sala

tou kainan tou arfaxad tou shm tou nwe tou lamec

tou maqousala tou enwc tou iared tou malelehl tou kainan

tou enwV tou shq tou adam tou qeou

He will notice that


In several passages of the New Testament we have the two names of our Savior and Lord:

Hebrews 13:8 ihsouV cristoV cqeV kai shmeron o autoV kai eiV touV aiwnaV

The name ihsouV represents the flesh nature of our savior while the name cristoV is his divine nature.

The OU sound was very common in authentic hebrew names, as in Rouben, Ierousalem; the following Jewish coin written with paleohebrew characters witnesses about the ou sounds in then name Simoun

These ou hebrew sound must not be taken as greek sound even though is written with greek characters. The Apostle Saoul told us that the Lord didn't speak to him in greek but in Hebrew, pronouncing two Hebrew Names:

Acts 26:14 pantwn de {and all} katapesontwn {having fallen down} hmwn {of us} eiV {to} thn {the} ghn {ground} hkousa {I heard} fwnhn {a voice} lalousan {speaking} proV {to} me {me} kai {and} legousan {saying} th {in the} ebraidi {Hebrew} dialektw {dialecto,} saoul {Saoul,} saoul {Saoul,} ti {why} me {me} diwkeiV {persecutest thou? sklhron {hard} soi {for thee} proV {against} kentra {goads} laktizein {to kick.}

Acts 26:15 egw de {and I} eipon {said,} tiV {who} ei {art thou,} kurie {lord?} o {and} de {he} eipen {said,} egw {I} eimi {am} ihsouV {Iesous} on {whom} su {thou} diwkeiV {persecutest:}

Saoul was the name given to the apostle by his parents, while Saulos and Paulos were nicknames related to greek and latin speaking environment:

Acts 13:9 sauloV de {but Saulos,} o {who} kai {also} pauloV {Paulos,} plhsqeiV {being filled} pneumatoV {wuth spirit} agiou {holy,} kai {and} atenisaV {having looked sreadfastly} eiV {upon} auton {him}

For that reason all the Hebrew Writers (Josephus, Philo of Alexandria, Matthew Levi, John, Jude, James, Peter, Saoul, the writer to the Hebrews, beside others) have the name Iesous among the others hebrew names.

Josephus wrote a lot of hebrew names, revealing the OU sound in many of those names:

(Taken from Cursed Be Canaan)

[238] Gamei d' autos Katouran husteron, ex hês autôi paides hex ginontai pros te ponous karteroi kai deinoi sunienai, Zembranês Iazarês Madanês Madianês Lousoubakos Souos. phuontai de kai toutois paides: kai Souou men Sabakinês ginetai kai Dadanês, toutou de Latousimos Assouris Lououris: Madanou de Êphas Heôphrên Anôchos Ebidas Eldas. [239] toutois hapasi tois paisi kai tois huiônois Habramos apoikiôn stolous mêchanatai, kai tên te Trôglodutin katalambanousi kai tês eudaimonos Arabias hoson epi tên Eruthran kathêkei thalassan. legetai de, hôs houtos ho Heôphrên strateusas epi tên Libuên kateschen autên kai hoi huiônoi autou katoikêsantes en autêi tên gên apo tou ekeinou onomatos Aphrika prosêgoreusan. [240] marturei de mou tôi logôi Alexandros ho poluistôr legôn houtôs: “Kleodêmos de phêsin ho prophêtês ho kai Malchos historôn ta peri Ioudaiôn, kathôs kai Môusês historêsen ho nomothetês autôn, hoti ek tês Katouras Habramôi egenonto paides hikanoi. [241] legei de autôn kai ta onomata onomazôn treis Iapheran Sourên Iaphran. apo Sourou men tên Assurian keklêsthai, apo de tôn duo Iaphra te kai Iapherou, polin te Ephran kai tên chôran Aphrika onomasthênai. toutous gar Hêraklei sustrateusai epi Libuên kai Antaion: gêmanta te tên Aphranou thugatera Hêraklea gennêsai huion ex autês Didôron: toutou de genesthai Sophôna, aph' hou tous barbarous Sophakas legesthai.”

[176] Iakob, encouraged by this dream, went on more cheerfully for Egypt with his sons, and all belonging to them. Now they were in all seventy. I once, indeed, thought it best not to set down the names of this family, especially because of their difficult pronunciation [by the Greeks]; but, upon the whole, I think it necessary to mention those names, that I may disprove such as believe that we came not originally from Mesopotamia, but are Egyptians.

[178] Rhoubêlou men êsan paides tessares, Anôchês Phalous Essarôn Charmisos: Semeônos d' hex, Ioumêlos Iameinos Pouthodos Iachinos Soaros Saaras: treis de Leui gegonasin huioi, Golgomês Kaathos Marairos: Ioudai de paides êsan treis, Salas Pharesos Ezeloos, huiônoi de duo gegonotes ek Pharesou, Esrôn kai Amouros. Isakcharou de tessares, Thoulas Phrouras Iôbos Samarôn. [179] treis de Zaboulôn êgen huious, Saradon Hêlôna Ianêlon. touto men to ek Leias genos: kai autêi sunanêiei kai thugatêr autês Deina. [180] treis houtoi kai triakonta. Rhachêlas de paides êsan duo: toutôn Iôsêpôi men gegoneisan huioi Manassês kai Ephranês. Beniamei de tôi heterôi deka, Bolos Bakcharis Asabêlos Gêlas Neemanês Iês Arôs Nomphthês Oppais Arodos. houtoi tessares kai deka pros tois proteron kateilegmenois eis hepta kai tessarakonta ginontai ton arithmon. [181] kai to men gnêsion genos tôi Iakôbôi touto ên, ek Ballas de autôi ginontai tês Rhachêlas therapainidos Danos kai Nephthalis, hôi tessares heiponto paides, Eliêlos Gounis Sarês te kai Sellimos, Danôi de monogenes ên paidion Ousis. [182] toutôn prosginomenôn tois proeirêmenois pentêkonta kai tessarôn plêrousin arithmon. Gadês de kai Asêros ek Zelphas men êsan, ên Leias de hautê therapainis, paidas d' epêgonto Gadês men hepta, Zophônian Ougin Sounin Zabrôna Eirênên Erôidên Ariêlên: [183] Asêrônos te ên thugatêr kai arsenes arithmon hex, hois onomata Iômnês Isousios Êïoubês Barês Abaros te kai Melchiêlos. toutôn hekkaideka ontôn kai prostithemenôn tois pentêkonta tessarsin ho proeirêmenos arithmos plêroutai mê sunkatalegentos autois Iakôbou.

These are two of the four vowels mentioned by Josephus in his Wars of the Jews:

Book V, Chapter V, Section 7 ... When the High Priest officiated, he had on a miter also of fine linen encompassed his head, which was tied by a blue ribbon, about which there was another golden crown, in which was engraven the sacred name: it consists of four vowels. ...

Be this enough to show the OU vowels in the authentic hebrew names, which is not written nor spoken in the present days.

Using a Greek-Latin equivalent table, the reader can transliterate both names (the ou sound is a hebrew sound)

ihsouV cristoV

Iesous Xristos

Following the transliteration rule, cristoV; could be transliterated to any of the following





From any of the target writing can be reproduced the source name cristoV

But those who hate the divine nature of our savior have destroyed the right sound cristoV placing the strange name Christ, which is not in the source sound and can not reproduce the original name

One can find crstou: of Xristos; cristw:in Xristos, but never Christ crist is found in any Greek Source neither in the Greek New Testament.

In the page Jah Satanas it is clearly shown that Jah is a short way to say Jahbolos which is written Diahbolos


The temples built to Satan in any place has had a triangle:

Being D just a MARK it is not pronounced; for that reason you find that Diana and Dianus are pronounced Jahna and Jahnus; Diabolos sounds Jahbolos. That triangle (D) is just a sign that refers to the three highest wicked spirits needing human sacrifice:

Which is found inside the temples of any mystery

The YHWH of Samaria

is the same Baphomet:

Josephus testifies that the Samaritans worshipped Jah:

[Antiquities of the Jews, 5,5(257)] Tauta blepontes hoi Samareitai paschontas tous Ioudaious ouketh' hômologoun hautous einai sungeneis autôn oude ton en Garizein naon tou megistou theou, têi phusei poiountes akoloutha, hên dedêlôkamen, kai legontes hautous Mêdôn apoikous kai Persôn: kai gar eisin toutôn apoikoi. [258] pempsantes oun pros ton Antiochon presbeis kai epistolên edêloun ta hupogegrammena: “basilei Antiochôi theôi epiphanei hupomnêma para tôn en Sikimois Sidôniôn. [259] hoi hêmeteroi progonoi dia tinas auchmous tês chôras parakolouthêsantes archaiai tini deisidaimoniai ethos epoiêsan sebein tên para tois Ioudaiois legomenên sabbatôn hêmeran, hidrusamenoi de anônumon en tôi Garizein legomenôi orei hieron ethuon ep' autou tas kathêkousas thusias. [260] sou de tois Ioudaiois tês ponêrias autôn axiôs chrêsamenou, hoi ta basilika dioikountes oiomenoi kata sungeneian hêmas tauta poiein ekeinois tais homoiais aitiais periaptousin, ontôn hêmôn to anekathen Sidôniôn, kai touto phaneron estin ek tôn politikôn anagraphôn. [261] axioumen oun se ton euergetên kai sôtêra prostaxai Apollôniôi tôi meridarchêi kai Nikanori tôi ta basilika prattonti mêden hêmin enochlein prosaptousi tas tôn Ioudaiôn aitias, hêmôn kai tôi genei kai tois ethesin allotriôn huparchontôn, prosagoreuthênai de to anônumon hieron Dios Hellêniou: genomenou gar toutou pausometha men enochloumenoi, tois d' ergois meta adeias [262] prosanechontes meizonas soi poiêsomen tas prosodous.” tauta tôn Samareôn deêthentôn antegrapsen autois ho basileus tade: “basileus Antiochos Nikanori. hoi en Sikimois Sidônioi epedôkan to katakechôrismenon hupomnêma. [263] epei oun sumbouleuomenois hêmin meta tôn philôn parestêsan hoi pemphthentes hup' autôn, hoti mêden tois tôn Ioudaiôn enklêmasi prosêkousin, alla tois Hellênikois ethesin hairountai chrômenoi zên, apoluomen te autous tôn aitiôn, kai to par' autois hieron, kathaper êxiôkasi, prosagoreuthêtô Dios Hellêniou.” [264]tauta de kai Apollôniôi tôi meridarchêi epesteilen hektôi etei kai tessarakostôi mênos Hekatombaiônos Hurkaniou oktôkaidekatêi.

[237] When the Samaritans saw the Jews under these sufferings, they no longer confessed that they were of their kindred, nor that the temple on Mount Gerizzim belonged to Almighty Theos. This was according to their nature, as we have already shown. And they now said that they were a colony of Medes and Persians; and indeed they were a colony of theirs. So they sent ambassadors to Antiochus, and an epistle, whose contents are these:

"To king Antiochus the theoi Epiphanes, a memorial from the Sidonians, who live at Shechem. Our forefathers, upon certain frequent plagues, and as following a certain ancient superstition, had a custom of observing that day which by the Jews is called the Sabbath. (18) And when they had erected a temple at the mountain called Gerizim, though without a name, they offered upon it the proper sacrifices. Now, upon the just treatment of these wicked Jews, those that manage their affairs, supposing that we were of kin to them, and practiced as they do, make us liable to the same accusations, although we be originally Sidonians, as is evident from the public records. We therefore beseech thee, our benefactor and Savior, to give order to Apollonius, the governor of this part of the country, and to Nicanor, the procurator of thy affairs, to give us no disturbance, nor to lay to our charge what the Jews are accused for, since we are aliens from their nation, and from their customs; but let our temple, which at present hath no name at all be named the Temple of Jah Hellêniou. If this were once done, we should be no longer disturbed, but should be more intent on our own occupation with quietness, and so bring in a greater revenue to thee."

When the Samaritans had petitioned for this, the king sent them back the following answer, in an epistle:

"King Antiochus to Nicanor. The Sidonians, who live at Shechem, have sent me the memorial enclosed. When therefore we were advising with our friends about it, the messengers sent by them represented to us that they are no way concerned with accusations which belong to the Jews, but choose to live after the customs of the Greeks. Accordingly, we declare them free from such accusations, and order that, agreeable to their petition, their temple be named the Temple of Jah Hellêniou."

Jah Hellêniou = Jah of the Greeks

Iesous told the Samaritan woman that spoke to him that the Samaritans didn't have idea of the evil spirit that they worshipped;

John 4:9& 22 The Samaritan woman therefore said to him, “How is it that you, being a Jew, ask for a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?...22 You worship that which you don’t know. We worship that which we know; for salvation is from the Jews.

The Catholics worship that evil spirit worshipped by the Samaritans:

The judicious reader will peceive that the Samaritan pronunciation Jabe probably approaches the real sound of the Divine name closest; the other early writers transmit only abbreviations or corruptions of the sacred name. Inserting the vowels of Jabe into the original Hebrew consonant text, we obtain the form Jahveh (Yahweh), which has been generally accepted by modern scholars as the true pronunciation of the Divine name. It is not merely closely connected with the pronunciation of the ancient synagogue by means of the Samaritan tradition, but it also allows the legitimate derivation of all the abbreviations of the sacred name in the Old Testament

The Anastasy papyrus of the British Museum, published by Wessely in 1888, includes among other magical formulae the following prose invocation: ' I summon thee the, ruler of the gods--Zeus, Zeus, that thunderest on high, king Adonai, lord Iaoouee.'

Josephus never used the word "Jupiter" but "Dia" and "Dios":

Antiquities of the Jews: 19,1 Gaios de ouk eis monous Ioudaious tous en Hierosolumois kai tous hoposoi têide oikousin epedeiknuto tês hubreôs tên manian, alla dia pasês esomenên gês kai thalassês estellen autên, hoposê Rhômaiois hupakouei, muriôn te aneplêsen autên kakôn hoposa mê historêto proteron. [2] malista de êisthaneto tou deinou tôn prassomenôn hê Rhômê kat' ouden autên timiôteran tôn loipôn poleôn hêgoumenou, alla tous te allous agontos kai pherontos kai malista tên sunklêton kai hoposoi toutôn eupatridai kai progonôn epiphaneiais timômenoi. [3] muria te heurisketo kai kata tôn hippeôn men kaloumenôn, axiômati de kai dunamei chrêmatôn homoia tois sunklêtikois hupo tês poleôs agomenôn dia to ek toutôn eis tên boulên einai kataklêseis: hôn atimôsis ên kai metanastasis kteinomenôn te kai ta chrêmata sulômenôn dia to kai tas sphagas hôs to polu ep' aphairesei tôn chrêmatôn autois suntunchanein. [4] exetheiazen te heauton kai tas timas ouket' anthrôpinôs êxiou ginesthai para tôn hupêkoôn autôi: eis te tou Dios phoitôn to hieron, ho Kapetôlion men kalousin timiôtaton d' ara autois estin hierôn, adelphon etolmêse prosagoreuein ton Dia: [5] kai talla eprassen manias ouden apoleleimmena, epei kai apo Dikaiarcheias tês poleôs en Kampaniai keimenês eis Misênous heteran polin epithalassion, kai tên diabasin deinon hêgoumenos triêrei peratoun, [6] kai allôs epiballein hêgoumenos autôi despotêi onti tês thalassês tauta kai hopoia kai para gês apaitein, ap' akrôn ep' akra stadious triakonta metron tês thalassês [zeuxas] kai eisô ton kolpon apolabôn panta êlaunen epi têi gephurai to harma: theôi gar onti toiautas poieisthai kalôs echein tas hodous. [7] tôn te hierôn tôn Hellênikôn ouden eti asulêton katelipen, hoposa graphês ê gluphês echomena kai tas loipas kataskeuas andriantôn kai anathêmatôn agesthai keleusas par' auton: ou gar en heterôi ta kala keisthai kalôs echein ê en tôi kallistôi, tunchanein de touto ousan tên Rhômaiôn polin. [8] ekosmei te tois enthende agomenois tên te oikian kai tous kêpous hoposai te autôi katagôgai dia gês tês tôn Italôn. epei kai ton Olumpion timômenon Dia hupo tôn Hellênôn kai houtôs ônomasmenon Olumpion Pheidiou tou Athênaiou pepoiêkotos etolmêse keleusai eis tên Rhômên metapherein. [9] ou mên epraxen ge tôn architektonôn phamenôn pros Memmion Rhêglon, hos epetetakto têi kinêsei tou Dios, apoleisthai tourgon kinêseôs autou genomenês. legetai de Memmion dia tauta kai sêmeiôn meizonôn genomenôn, ê hôs an tina mê pista hêgeisthai, huperbalesthai tên anairesin. [10] kai graphei tade pros ton Gaion ep' apologiai tou eklipein adiakonêton tên epistolên, apolesthai te ek toutôn autôi kindunou genomenou sôzetai phthanontos êdê Gaïou teleutêsai.

If some one wants to read the translation go here

Acts 7:43 Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Molox, and the star of your theos Remfan[6] , figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babulon.

The sound Jah was hidden in the writing Dia: Plato, in his work Cratylus, told us that the word Zeus is a mask that hides Jah

[396a] pankalôs to onoma keisthai: esti de ou rhaidion katanoêsai. atechnôs gar estin hoion logos to tou Dios onoma, dielontes de auto dichêi hoi men tôi heterôi merei, hoi de tôi heterôi chrômetha-- hoi men gar “Zêna,” hoi de “Dia” kalousin--suntithemena d' eis hen dêloi tên phusin tou theou, ho dê prosêkein phamen onomati hoiôi te einai apergazesthai. ou gar estin hêmin kai tois allois pasin hostis estin aitios mallon tou zên ê ho archôn te kai basileus tôn pantôn. sumbainei oun orthôs

DioV=of Dia

[396a] for the name of Dia is exactly like a sentence; we divide it into two parts, and some of us use one part, others the other; for some call him Zenon, and others Dia; but the two in combination express the nature of the theos, which is just what we said a name should be able to do. For certainly no one is so much the author of life (zen) for us and all others as the ruler and king of all.

The Latinos worshipped also Dia:

Flamines (priests)

The 15 flamines were divided into two groups; 3 maiores dedicated to the three main gods in the Roman pantheon: Jupiter, Mars, and Quirinus and 12 minores who were assigned lesser deities.

Flamen Dialis for Jupiter Flamen Martialis for Mars Flamen Quirinalis for Quirinus

Jah was worshipped in every country, just follow the books of Herodotus, for instance:

[7] oi d en tauth Dia qewn kai Dionuson mounouV sebontai, toutouV te megalwV timwsi, kai sfi mavthion DioV katesthke: strateu sntai de epean sfeaV o qeoV outoV keleuh dia qespismatwn, kai th an keleun, ekeise ...

The people of the place worship no other gods but Jah and Dionysus; these they greatly honor, and they have a place of divination sacred to Jah; they send out armies whenever and wherever this theos through his oracle commands them.

[5] δοκεειν δε μοι, και το ουνομα Αμμωνιοι απο τουδε σφισι την επωνυμιην εποιησαντο: Αμουν γαρ Αιγυπτιοι καλεουσι τον Δια. τους δε κριους ου θυουσι Θηβαιοι, αλλ εισι σφι ιροι δια τουτο...

It was from this, I think, that the Ammonians got their name, too; for the Egyptians call Jah “Amon”. The Thebans, then, consider rams sacred for this reason, and do not sacrifice them.

V. ως δε Σκυθαι λεγουσι, νεωτατον παντων εθνεων ειναι το σφετερον, τουτο δε γενεσθαι ωδε. ανδρα γενεσθαι πρωτον εν τη γη ταυτη εουση ερημω τω ουνομα ειναι Ταργιταον: του δε Ταργιταου τουτου τους τοκεας λεγουσι ειναι, εμοι μεν ου πιστα λεγοντες, λεγουσι δ ων, Δια τε και Βορυσθενεος του ποταμου θυγατερα...

V. The Scythians say that their nation is the youngest in the world, and that it came into being in this way. A man whose name was Targitaüs appeared in this country, which was then desolate. They say that his parents were Jah and a daughter of the Borysthenes river (I do not believe the story, but it is told).

Herodotos told us the full name Dia BeloV

CLXXXI. touto men dê to teichos thôrêx esti, heteron de esôthen teichos peritheei, ou pollôi teôi asthenesteron tou heterou teicheos, steinoteron de. [2] en de pharseï hekaterôi tês polios eteteichisto en mesôi en tôi men ta basilêia* peribolôi megalôi te kai ischurôi, en de tôi heterôi Dios Bêlou hiron chalkopulon, kai es eme eti touto eon, duo stadiôn pantêi, eon tetragônon.

CLXXXI. These walls are the city's outer armor; within them there is another encircling wall, nearly as strong as the other, but narrower. [2] In the middle of one division of the city stands the royal palace, surrounded by a high and strong wall; and in the middle of the other is still to this day the sacred enclosure of Dia Belos, a square of four hundred and forty yards each way, with gates of bronze.

This Dia BeloV is the same Dia boloV that appears in Revelation

Revelation 20:2 kai ekrathsen ton drakonta ton ofin ton arcaion oV estin DiaboloV kai satanaV kai edhsen auton cilia eth

Jah appears in the Linear A and Linear B scripts of ancient Grecia

Atana Potinijah, Asiwijah, Matereteijah, Ereutijah, Diwijah, Arejah, Ipemedejah

The ancient name of Athena was Atana, from SatanaS. The grammarians destroyed that syllabic writing in order to play with the sounds I,Y, J and curse the souls of those calling upon JAH SATANAS.

Jah = Yah = Iah

It is the same Jah that appears in the Pharisee Scripture:

Still in some old documents is found Jah Satanas, which is a short for Jahbolos Satanas:

Revelation 12:9 kai eblhqh o drakwn o megaV o ofiV o arcaioV o kaloumenoV DiaboloV kai o satanaV o planwn thn oikoumenhn olhn eblhqh eiv thn ghn kai oi aggeloi autou met autou eblhqhsan

Revelation 20:2 kai ekrathsen ton drakonta ton ofin ton arcaion oV estin DiaboloV kai satanaV kai edhsen auton cilia eth

Mesha took the priests of Yahweh in Israel and dragged them to be sacrificed before Quemosh by his priests

Iah = Yah = Jah = Jahbolos

In the following letter found in Lachish one sees the words ADNI (adoni) and ADM (Adam) in which the A had no point or dash because it had its own sound "AH" without any other help.

II. The Name of God In the Ancient Negev

A search of Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions by I. Beit-Arieh, and B. Sass, has uncovered several inscriptions of the pan Canaanite name of God (AL) in the Sinai dating between the 17th century BCE to the 15th century BCE.

Mine L, inscriptions, Sinai No. 377 and 378, also #'s 350, and 363, have been identified to have the name AL in reasonable clarity. Pictures and sketches of two of the inscription are presented below from the collection of Prof. Benjamin Sass, in his 1988 publication fully cited in the Bibliography.

Galatians 4:25 For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Ierosoluma which now is, and is in bondage with her children.

AL had many sons: Ba-al is "son of AL", and ba-alim is "sons of AL".

These head of bull was pronounced "AH" and not "EH", see table of equivalence

This YAH AL is also read AL YAH; Jezabeel named her satanic daughter Ath-AL YAH; the reader must know that the real name of Arabia worships YAH: Ar-ab-Yah; Yah Alah (Yah Allah) is female mountain Goat


The Pharisees avoided to wrote here - which is Yah ALAH; (ALLAH = ALAH)

Any Expert in Hebrew Tell me why in Genesis 36:5 Yeish is pronounced Yeush?

The Evil Grammarian led the people to worship the blasphemous beast AL, as it is easily seen in the following coin

Jud 2:13 And they provoked the Lord, and forsook him, and served Baal and the Astartes.

Jud 6:25 And it came to pass in that night, that the Lord said to him, Take the young bullock which thy father has, even the second bullock of seven years old, and thou shalt destroy the altar of Baal which thy father has, and the grove which is by it thou shalt destroy.

Jud 8:33 And it came to pass when Gedeon was dead, that the children of Israel turned, and went a whoring after Baalim, and made for themselves a covenant with Baal that he should be their god.

1Ki 19:18 {1} And thou shalt leave in Israel seven thousand men, all the knees which had not bowed {1} themselves to Baal, and every mouth which had not worshipped him. {1) Ro 11:4 2) Gr. the knee}

2Ki 1:6 And they said to him, A man came up to meet us, and said to us, Go, return to the king that sent you, and say to him, Thus saith the Lord, Is it because there is no Theos in Israel, that thou goest to enquire of Baal fly, the Theos of Accaron? it shall not be so: the bed on which thou art gone up, thou shalt not come down from it, for thou shalt surely die.

2Ki 10:21 And Ju sent throughout all Israel, saying, Now then let all Baal‘s servants, and all his priests, and all his prophets come, let none be lacking: for I am going to offer a great sacrifice; whosoever shall be missing, shall not live. So all the servants of Baal came, and all his priests, and all his prophets: there was not one left who came not. And they entered into the house of Baal; and the house of Baal was filled from one end to the other.

Jer 32:35 And they built to Baal the altars that are in the valley of the son of Ennom, to offer their sons and their daughters to king Molox; which things I commanded them {1} not, neither came it into my mind that they should do this abomination, to cause Iouda to sin. {1) Or, not to do}

Certainly, Hebrew writers as the 72 Jews that produced the Lxx, the apostle Saoul and Matthew Levi told us that the sounds EL and AL had no confusion at all:

Numbers 22:41 kai egenhqh prwi kai paralabwn balak ton balaam anebibasen auton epi thn sthlhn tou baal kai edeixen autw ekeiqen meroV ti tou laou

Romans 11:4 alla ti legei autw o crhmatismoV katelipon emautw eptakisciliouV andraV oitineV ouk ekamqan gonu th baal

Matthew 2:6 kai su bhqleem gh iouda oudamwV elacisth ei en toiV hgemosin iouda ek sou gar exeleusetai hgoumenov ostiV poimanei ton laon mou ton israhl

The children of Xanaan worshipped AL and hated EL, they didn't mistake those two important sounds and writings. In this site is treated the sound A, which one finds in most of the tables of equivalence of sounds.

The Secret Societies with the Catholic Church used Reina - Valera, King James and the other translators to simulate holy translations of the "bible", but it is enough to see in the cover the name of the Beast; for instance in the "Valera Bible" of the year 1602 for the spanish speaking people Jehova is written clearly as 33(Jahbolos Satanas); in the King James' also the 33 is clearly seen

GOD=JEHOVA is making a trinity with the sun and the moon

The english equivalent to Theos was removed from the english language and put instead the blasphemous word GOD which means JEHOVA SATANAS.

Certainly the writers of the New Testament testified that in the authentic Hebrew existed names ended in IA, as Abia, and names ended in IAS as Ozias, Ezekias, Iosias, Iexonias, Elias, Esaias:

Matthew 1:7 solomwn de {and Solomon} egennhsen ton {begat} roboam {Roboam;} roboam de {and Roboam} egennhsen ton {begat} abia {Abia;} abia de {Abia} egennhsen ton {begat} asa {Asa;}


9 oziaV de {and Ozias} egennhsen ton {begat} iwaqam {Iotham;} iwaqam de {and Iotham} egennhsen ton {begat} acaz {Ahaz;} acaz de {and Ahaz} egennhsen ton {begat} ezekian {Ezekias;}ezekiaV de {and Ezekias} egennhsen ton {begat} manassh {manasses;} manasshV de {and Manasses} egennhsen ton {begat} amwn {Amon} amwn de {and Amon} egennhsen {begat} ton iwsian {Iosias;} iwsiaV de {and Iosias} egennhsen ton {begat} ieconian {Ieconias} kai touV {and} adelfouV {brethren} autou {his,} epi {at} thV {of the} metoikesiaV {carrying away} babulwnoV {of Babulonos.} meta de {and after} thn {the} metoikesian {carrying away} BabulwnoV {of Babulonos,} ieconiaV {Ieconias} egennhsen ton {begat} salaqihl {Salathiel;} salaqihl de {and Salathiel} egennhsen ton {begat} zorobabel {Zorobabel;}

Matthew 15:7 upokritai kalwV proefhteusen peri umwn hsaiaV legwn

Matthew 11:14 kai ei qelete dexasyai autoV estin hliaV o mellwn ercesyai

Mark 7:6 o de apokriqeiV eipen autoiV oti kalwV proefhteusen hsaiaV peri umwn twn upokritwn wV gegraptai outoV o laoV toiV ceilesin me tima h de kardia autwn porrw apecei ap emou

Mark 6:15 alloi elegon oti hliaV estin alloi de elegon oti profhthV estin h wV eiV twn profhtwn

John 1:21 kai hrwthsan auton ti oun hliaV ei su kai legei ouk eimi o profhthV ei su kai apekriyh ou

John 12:39 dia touto ouk hdunanto pisteuein oti palin eipen hsaiaV

The satanist pharisees removed the IAS end and put instead the antixristos IAH, as one finds today:

Esaias 1:1 The vision of Esaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Ioudah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Iotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Ioudah.

It was the Satanist Martin Luther who introduced the name of the beast IAH (YAH, JAH) into the Xristian Reading

Be this enough for the reader to know that the followers of Messiah, Yahshua, Jeshua, Yahveh, Yahweh, Jehova and the followers of Jesus hate deeply Iesous the Xristos; web sites as htttp:// are led by Yah Satan.

The reader must know that the "english" sound "yisas" is the ancient Canaanite cursing "Eesa". Reader, Ismael was as hebrew as Isaak his brother, he was not an Arabe; Arabiyah was a Canaanite nation long before Ismael were born, the sons of Ketouras and the sons of Ismael made families with those evil Canaanites and followed their evil spirits, AL (male) and ALLAH (gay) among them. This AL was hidden by the evil translators, but in Josephus and the Vulgate that name still is present in ALIbames and ALIphaz:

ALI means "my AL"; if "AH" is added, "ALAH" (the same that ALLAH) is named the sodomite "AL" who is the master of the sodomites

Judges 8:24 And Gideon said unto them, I would desire a request of you, that ye would give me every man the earrings of his prey. For they had golden earrings, because they were Ishmaelites.

That female practice the Ishmaelites took from the perverted Canaanites

"In the old language God was called Al, Ale, Alue, and Aleim, more frequently Aleim than any other name." According to the testimony of Higgins, Aleim denotes the feminine plural... We are informed by Inman that whenever a goddess is observed with horns--emblems which by the way always indicate masculine power--it is to denote the fact that she is androgynous, or that within her is embodied the complete Deity-

According to the Qur’ân, the names Allâh and Rahmân are quasi-equivalent: "Call Him Allâh or call Him Rahmân, to Him belong the most beautiful names"; which indicates the as it were Shaktic character of the name Rahmân. The name Rahîm, 'Merciful', in a way prolongs the name Rahmân, 'Gracious'; it prolongs it in view of the creatures, and in this sense it is taught that Allah, who is Rahmân in His Substance, is Rahîm in relation to creation. The great Shakti in Islam is the rahmah: it is the Goodness, Beauty, and Beatitude of Allah. (Note that in Arabic the word rahmah is derived from the root rahim, a word signifying 'womb', and this corroborates the interpretation of the rahmah as Divine Femininity, thus as mahâshakti.)"

2) I emphasize Muhammad became suicidal after his experience and remained in that suicidal state because I want people to think about it. I showed in my original article that suicidal people have a mental disease. And, as a result of his experience Muhammad became depressed and suicidal. Muhammad had a mental disease that caused him to live in the darkness of doubt and fear. Is the true God the author of Muhammad's horrible experience? Or did Satan cause him such pain?

The evil grammarian pharisees put the sodomite "Eloah" - ALOAH =ALLAH -in several places in the Masoretic Bible; and also put "God with woman breast", that is Baphomet or Ba'al. The Pharisees removed from their scripture the heifers that were made with the golden calf which still appears in the Lxx:

2 Chronicles 13:8 And now ye profess to resist the kingdom of the Lord {1} in the hand of the sons of Dabid; and ye are a great multitude, and with you are golden calves, which Jeroboam made you for theos

2 Chronicles 11:15 And he made for himself priests of the high places, and for the idols, and for the vanities, and for the calves which Jeroboam made.

1 Kings 12:28 And the king took counsel, and went, and made two golden heifers, and said to the people, Let it suffice you to have gone hitherto to Ierousalem: behold thy theos, O Israel, who brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.

1 Kings 12:33 and went up to the altar which he made in Baethel to sacrifice to the heifers which he made, and he placed in Baethel the priests of the high places which he had made. And he went up to the altar which he had made, on the fifteenth day in the eighth month, at the feast which he devised out of his own heart; and he made a feast to the children of Israel, and went up to the altar to sacrifice.

2 Kings 10:29 Nevertheless Ju departed not from following the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who led Israel to sin: these were the golden heifers in Baethel and in Dan.

2 Kings 17:16 They forsook the commandments of the Lord their theos, and made themselves a graven image, even two heifers, and they made groves, and worshipped all the host of heaven, and served Baal.

Be this enough to demostrate that Jesus, AL, Eloah, Allah, Jah, Jehova, Yahweh, Jeshua, Yahshua, Jehoshua, the tetragammaton, Messiah, are some of the blaphemous names mentioned in Revelation 17:3, all of them lead to hell far from Iesous Xristos whose name doesn't change:

Hebrews 13:8 ihsouV {Iesous} cristoV {Xristos} cqeV {yesturday} kai {and} shmeron {today} o {the} autoV {same,} kai {and} eiV {to} touV {the} aiwnaV {ages.}

Through the ages and countries Iesous Xristos has been the same name:

Acts 4:10 gnwston {know} estw {be it} pasin {to all} umin {you} kai {and} panti {to all} tw {the} law {people} israhl {of Israel,} oti {that} en {in} tw {the} onomati {name} ihsou {of Iesous} cristou {Xristos} tou {the} nazwraiou {nazarene,} on {whom} umeiV {ye} estaurwsate {crucified,} on o {whom} qeoV {Theos} hgeiren {raised from} ek {among} nekrwn {dead,} en {by} toutw {him} outoV {this} paresthken {stands} enwpion {before} umwn {you} ugihV {sound.}

Acts 4:11 outoV {this} estin {is} o {the} liqoV {stone} o {which} exouqenhqeiV {has been set at naught} uf {by} umwn {you} twn {the} oikodomountwn {builders,} o {which} genomenoV eiV {is become} kefalhn {head} gwniaV {of the corner.}

Acts 4:12 kai ouk {and} estin {there is} en {in} allw {other} oudeni h {no one} swthria {salvation,} oute {neither} gar {for} onoma {name} estin {is there} eteron {another} upo {under} ton {the} ouranon {heaven} to {which} dedomenon {has been given} en {among} anqrwpoiV {men,} en {by} w {which} dei {must} swqhnai {be saved} hmaV {we.}

The apostle Saoul and the demons knew the name Iesous Xristos without hesitation:

Acts 16:18 touto de {and this} epoiei {she did} epi {for} pollaV {many} hmeraV {days.} diaponhqeiV {being distressed} de o {but} pauloV {Paulos,} kai {and} epistreyaV {having turned} tw {to the} pneumati {spirit} eipen {said,} paraggellw {I charge} soi {thee} en {in} tw {the} onomati {name} ihsou {of Iesous} cristou {Xristos} exelqein {to come out} ap {from} authV {her.} kai {and} exhlqen {it came out} auth {the} th {same} wra {hour.}

The apostle Petros never changed the name of his Lord and friend Iesous Xristos:

Acts 2:38 petroV de {and Petros} efh {said} proV {to} autouV {them,} metanohsate {repent,} kai {and} baptisqhtw {be baptized} ekastoV {each} umwn {of you} epi {in} tw {the} onomati {name} ihsou {of Iesous} cristou {Xristos,} eiV {for} afesin {remission} amartiwn {of sins,} kai {and} lhyesqe {ye will receive} thn {the} dwrean {gift} tou {of the} agiou {holy} pneumatoV {spirit.}

Acts 3:6 eipen de {but said} petroV {petros,} argurion {silver} kai {and} crusion {gold} ouc {there} uparcei {is not} moi {to me,} o {but} de {what} ecw {I have,} touto {this} soi {to thee} didwmi {I give:} en {in} tw {the} onomati {name} ihsou {of Iesous} cristou {Xristos} tou {the} nazwraiou {Nazarene} egeirai {rise up} kai {and} peripatei {walk.}

This name Iesous Xristos has been hit badly but being a hard stone still the name Iesous Xristos stands for testimony. The singer in this background calls aloud to some "Jisas" and get not answer at all, since "Jisas" is far from being Iesous Xristos.

The reader must know that the object of the great vowels shift was to remove the name Iesous Xristos from the mouth of the English speaking people, if you review this matter very carefully you should find why the Lord Cursed the Grammarians in Matthew 23, these people work with grammarians of other nations and tongues and set the grammarian rules and changes.

For instance, in the name "Iesous" the "e" sounded as in "bed"; the "ou" could have a tendency to "o", ("Ierousalem to Ierosoluma"; Heliou Polis becomes Heliopolis (Hêliopolitai)). In "Iesous Xristos" there are two "o" while in "Jesus Christ" both of them are destroyed. "Iesous Xristos" in the shorter meaning is "King Saviour" while "Jesus Christ" is far from that meaning; in the page The King of the Jews you should find more about the meanings of Xristos. The reader must not forget that before Iesous was born, wise men knew him as "The King of the Jews" and descended to Ierosoluma not looking for anointed ones in Judea (priests and kings) but just for "the King of the Jews" which was not Herod or Caesar:

Matthew 2:2 legonteV {saying,} pou {where} estin {is} o {he who} tecqeiV {has been born} basileuV {king} twn {of the} ioudaiwn {Jews?} eidomen {for we} gar {saw} autou ton {his} astera {star} en {in} th {the} anatolh {east,} kai {and} hlqomen {are come} proskunhsai {to do homage} autw {to him.}

When Herod the king of the Jews heard the words "The King of the Jews" he understood that was not he or the Roman Ceasar, or any of the anointed High Priests of the Jews but he knew that those words had just one meaning: The King of the Jews = The Xristos = The Theos

Matthew 2:4 kai {and} sunagagwn {having gathered together} pantaV {all} touV {the} arciereiV {chief priests} kai {and} grammateiV {grammarians} tou {of the} laou {people,} epunqaneto {he inquired} par {of} autwn {them} pou {where} o {the} cristoV {Xristos} gennatai ({should be born.}

The preaching of the King of the Jews was about his kingdom, what people must know and do in order to be received and live in his kingdom, the same paradise where Adam was placed at the beginning, clean, holy, pure.

Pilatos wrote the unique reason for crucifying Iesous the Nazarene, "for being The King of the Jews" which everybody understood as the magicians, Herod, the Priests and Grammarians had understood at his birth.

The King of the Jews says: "My Kingdom is not of this world"

The sentence of Pilatos still is written in the faithful Greek:

John 19:19 egrayen de {and wrote} kai {also} titlon o {a Title} pilatoV {Pilatos} kai {and} eqhken {put} epi {on} tou {the} staurou {cross.} hn de {and it was} gegrammenon {written,} ihsouV {Iesous} o {the} nazwraioV {Nazarene,} o {the} basileuV {king} twn {of the} ioudaiwn {Jews.}

John 19:20 touton {this} oun ton {therefore} titlon {title} polloi {many} anegnwsan {read} twn {of the} ioudaiwn {Jews,} oti {for} egguV {near} hn {was} thV {the} polewV {city} o {the} topoV {place,} opou {where} estaurwqh o {was cricified} ihsouV {Iesous;} kai {and} hn {it was} gegrammenon {written} ebraisti {in Hebrew,} ellhnisti {in Greek,} rwmaisti {in Romano.}

Beside Pilatos writting, at least two others writings were put:

Matthew 27:37 kai {and} epeqhkan {they put up} epanw thV {over} kefalhV autou thn {his head} aitian autou {his accusation} gegrammenhn {written:} outoV {this} estin {is} ihsouV {Iesous} o {the} basileuv {king} twn {of the} ioudaiwn {Jews.}

Luke 23:38 hn de {and there was} kai {also} epigrafh {an inscription} gegrammenh {written} ep {over} autw {him} grammasin {in letters} ellhnikoiV {Greek} kai {and} rwmaikoiV {Roman} kai {and} ebraikoiV {Hebrew:} outoV {this} estin {is} o {the} basileuV {king} twn {of the} ioudaiwn {Jews.}

But to all of them the reason of crucifying him was clear:

Mark 15:26 kai {and} hn {was} h {the} epigrafh thV {inscription} aitiaV autou {of his accusation} epigegrammenh {written up,} o {the} basileuV {king} twn {of the} ioudaiwn {Jews.}

The Grammarians and Pharisees destroyed the Hebrew characters in order to destroy the name Iesous in the authentic Hebrew Characters, however from some coins we can write his name in the characters used in those days, for instance, from the days of Smoun Barkochba in Canaanite characters

Using others older coins and inscriptions we find the character e:

From them we can complete the name Iesous in Canaanite Characters:

We don't have today the characters used by Dabid, Mouses, Abraam; the grammarians and the pharisees destroyed those characters and took the idolatric canaanite characters and today used a kabbalistic characters (the square character) in which is the most antixristos and anti Iesous alphabet, in which is hard to write Iesous

The numbers of characters and the S were saved in the Tephillin, the four compartments mean the four vowels, the branches in the S indicate its relative positions.

In the Scrolls of the Dea Sea still appeared the first two vowels (IE) and one of the S:

The S (Shamek) was used in those Scrolls also as paragraph marker, which is aplified here some five times in order to follow its way of tracing and compare it with the third character of IESE

The third character is not a vav charcter

The Quran still uses the word IESA

[4:171] O people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians)! Do not exceed the limits in your religion, nor say of Allah aught but the truth. The Messiah 'Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), was (no more than) a Messenger of Allah and His Word, ("Be!" - and he was) which He bestowed on Maryam (Mary) and a spirit (Ruh) created by Him; so believe in Allah and His Messengers. Say not: "Three (trinity)!" Cease! (it is) better for you. For Allah is (the only) One Ilah (God), Glory be to Him (Far Exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. And Allah is All-Sufficient as a Disposer of affairs.

Certainly "Isa" has here an Blasphemous meaning:

ISA or ISHA in Hebrew:

'ishah "woman, wife" is used as either the equivalent of the English "woman" or "wife" (Am 7:17), like 'ish "man, husband" it can have the sense of "each one", as it is often felt to be used in Am 4:3. It is also used for "virgin."

ISHA In Hindi:

Isha is a boy's name and means, "one who protects." This gives us a clue that Muhammed very likely got his name for Jesus from the east, NOT from the Jews and the Bible. Muhammed got "Akbar" from Syria, which means "mouse" and was the mouse god of Syria. Muhammed got "Rahman," which is NOT an Arabic word, from the Upanshads who worshipped the Brahman, the root of Rahman.

Arabic form of the Hebrew:

No fool could miss the point here, and no Muslim dare say, after reading this box, that he respects Jesus Christ as Muhammed defined him:

A'isha fem.-- Ayesha (Anglicised)

Popular Arabic feminine name from the feminine form a'isha - "alive and well" - of 'asha - "to live". It is given most often in honour of the third and beloved wife of Muhammad, A'isha bint-Abi-Bakr (c.613-678), who he married, when she was only nine years old. Proud, strong, and easily envious, she vehemently opposed one of Muhammad's successors, 'Ali ibn-Abi-Talib, but after leading the rebels herself she was defeated and spent the rest of her life in pious religious practice. Source

In Arabic, Isha means "nightfall," and is the name of prayers said at that time. This in no way clears the issue at all, for many Arab tribes mix and confuse "s" and "sh," which means that the old forms in Hebrew and the Middle East prevail over the 650 usage of Muhammed.


Either Jesus Christ is a woman, or Muhammed was a blithering idiot. There is NO alternative third choice. If you are a Muslim reader, that puts you in a very difficult place, for you cannot bless a woman named Isha and believe she was, in fact, a man and prophet. Why do you delay in coming to the Jesus Christ of the Bible?

Yeshua of Nazareth was never called ‘Isa, the name the Qur’an gives to him. Arab-speaking Christians refer to Jesus as Yasou’ (from Yeshua) not ‘Isa

In arabic still exists other "Eesa" "`EESA", spelled AYN , YAA, SEEN, YA/FATHAH

And Finally a Messias Iesou

So, without any doubt, Allah, Alaim, Yahshua, Yasou (Yahsou), Yeshua, Shiva, Rahma (Brahma), are the same awful Canaanite evil spirits worshipped by them and worshipped also by the children of Ismael, the children of Katouras, by Esau and his children, and finally by the children of Israel; that it is not a big mystery because it is recorded several times from the very beginning.

The Kaaba = Cube that hides the mark of DiaboloV SatanaV

Glancing through some research material recently, I was pleasantly surprised to come across a reference to a king Vikramaditya inscription found in the Kaaba in Mecca proving beyond doubt that the Arabian Peninsula formed a part of his Indian Empire.

The text of the crucial Vikramaditya inscription, found inscribed on a gold dish hung inside the Kaaba shrine in Mecca, is found recorded on page 315 of a volume known as ‘Sayar-ul-Okul’ treasured in the Makhtab-e-Sultania library in Istanbul, Turkey. Rendered in free English the inscription says:

"Fortunate are those who were born (and lived) during king Vikram’s reign. He was a noble, generous dutiful ruler, devoted to the welfare of his subjects. But at that time we Arabs, oblivious of God, were lost in sensual pleasures. Plotting and torture were rampant. The darkness of ignorance had enveloped our country. Like the lamb struggling for her life in the cruel paws of a wolf we Arabs were caught up in ignorance. The entire country was enveloped in a darkness so intense as on a new moon night. But the present dawn and pleasant sunshine of education is the result of the favour of the noble king Vikramaditya whose benevolent supervision did not lose sight of us- foreigners as we were. He spread his sacred religion amongst us and sent scholars whose brilliance shone like that of the sun from his country to ours. These scholars and preceptors through whose benevolence we were once again made cognisant of the presence of God, introduced to His sacred existence and put on the road of Truth, had come to our country to preach their religion and impart education at king Vikramaditya’s behest."

Abu Amir Asamai, an Arabian bard who was the poet Laureate of Harun-al-Rashid’s court, has compiled and edited the anthology.


The first modern edition of ‘Sayar-ul-Okul’ was printed and published in Berlin in 1864. A subsequent edition is the one published in Beirut in 1932.

The collection is regarded as the most important and authoritative anthology of ancient Arabic poetry. It throws considerable light on the social life, customs, manners and entertainment modes of ancient Arabia. The book also contains an elaborate description of the ancient shrine of Mecca, the town and the annual fair known as OKAJ which used to be held every year around the Kaaba temple in Mecca. This should convince readers that the annual haj of the Muslims to the Kaaba is of earlier pre-Islamic congregation.

But the OKAJ fair was far from a carnival. It provided a forum for the elite and the learned to discuss the social, religious, political, literary and other aspects of the Vedic culture then pervading Arabia. ‘Sayar-ul-Okul’ asserts that the conclusion reached at those discussions were widely respected throughout Arabia. Mecca, therefore, followed the Varanasi tradition (of India) of providing a venue for important discussions among the learned while the masses congregated there for spiritual bliss. The principal shrines at both Varanasi in India and at Mecca in Arvasthan (Arabia) were Siva temples. Even to this day ancient Mahadev (Siva) emblems can be seen. It is the Shankara (Siva) stone that Muslim pilgrims reverently touch and kiss in the Kaaba.

Arabic tradition has lost trace of the founding of the Kaaba temple. The discovery of the Vikramaditya inscription affords a clue. King Vikramaditya is known for his great devotion to Lord Mahadev (Siva). At Ujjain (India), the capital of Vikramaditya, exists the famous shrine of Mahankal, i.e., of Lord Shankara (Siva) associated with Vikramaditya. Since according to the Vikramaditya inscription he spread the Vedic religion, who else but he could have founded the Kaaba temple in Mecca?

A few miles away from Mecca is a big signboard which bars the entry of any non-Muslim into the area. This is a reminder of the days when the Kaaba was stormed and captured solely for the newly established faith of Islam. The object in barring entry of non-Muslims was obviously to prevent its recapture.

As the pilgrim proceeds towards Mecca he is asked to shave his head and beard and to don special sacred attire that consists of two seamless sheets of white cloth. One is to be worn round the waist and the other over the shoulders. Both these rites are remnants of the old Vedic practice of entering Hindu temples clean- and with holy seamless white sheets.

The main shrine in Mecca, which houses the Siva emblem, is known as the Kaaba. It is clothed in a black shroud. That custom also originates from the days when it was thought necessary to discourage its recapture by camouflaging it.

According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, the Kaaba has 360 images. Traditional accounts mention that one of the deities among the 360 destroyed when the place was stormed, was that of Saturn; another was of the Moon and yet another was one called Allah. That shows that in the Kaaba the Arabs worshipped the nine planets in pre-Islamic days. In India the practice of ‘Navagraha’ puja, that is worship of the nine planets, is still in vogue. Two of these nine are Saturn and Moon.

In India the crescent moon is always painted across the forehead of the Siva symbol. Since that symbol was associated with the Siva emblem in Kaaba it came to be grafted on the flag of Islam.


It might come as a stunning revelation to many that the word ‘ALLAH’ itself is Sanskrit. In Sanskrit language Allah, Akka and Amba are synonyms. They signify a goddess or mother. The term ‘ALLAH’ forms part of Sanskrit chants invoking goddess Durga, also known as Bhavani, Chandi and Mahishasurmardini. The Islamic word for God is., therefore, not an innovation but the ancient Sanskrit appellation retained and continued by Islam. Allah means mother or goddess and mother goddess.

One Koranic verse is an exact translation of a stanza in the Yajurveda. This was pointed out by the great research scholar Pandit Satavlekar of Pardi in one of his articles.

[Note: Another scholar points out that the following teaching from the Koran is exactly similar to the teaching of the Kena Upanishad (1.7).

The Koran:

"Sight perceives Him not. But He perceives men's sights; for He is the knower of secrets , the Aware."

Kena Upanishad:

"That which cannot be seen by the eye but through which the eye itself sees, know That to be Brahman (God) and not what people worship here (in the manifested world)."

A simplified meaning of both the above verses reads:

God is one and that He is beyond man's sensory experience.]

The identity of Unani and Ayurvedic systems shows that Unani is just the Arabic term for the Ayurvedic system of healing taught to them and administered in Arabia when Arabia formed part of the Indian empire.

It will now be easy to comprehend the various Hindu customs still prevailing in West Asian countries even after the existence of Islam during the last 1300 years. Let us review some Hindu traditions which exist as the core of Islamic practice.

The Hindus have a pantheon of 33 gods. People in Asia Minor too worshipped 33 gods before the spread of Islam. The lunar calendar was introduced in West Asia during the Indian rule. The Muslim month ‘Safar’ signifying the ‘extra’ month (Adhik Maas) in the Hindu calendar. The Muslim month Rabi is the corrupt form of Ravi meaning the sun because Sanskrit ‘V’ changes into Prakrit ‘B’ (Prakrit being the popular version of Sanskrit language). The Muslim sanctity for Gyrahwi Sharif is nothing but the Hindu Ekadashi (Gyrah = elevan or Gyaarah). Both are identical in meaning.

The Islamic practice of Bakari Eed derives from the Go-Medh and Ashva-Medh Yagnas or sacrifices of Vedic times. Eed in Sanskrit means worship. The Islamic word Eed for festive days, signifying days of worship, is therefore a pure Sanskrit word. The word MESH in the Hindu zodiac signifies a lamb. Since in ancient times the year used to begin with the entry of the sun in Aries, the occasion was celebrated with mutton feasting. That is the origin of the Bakari Eed festival.

[Note: The word Bakari is an Indian language word for a goat.]

Since Eed means worship and Griha means ‘house’, the Islamic word Idgah signifies a ‘House of worship’ which is the exact Sanskrit connotation of the term. Similarly the word ‘Namaz’ derives from two Sanskrit roots ‘Nama’ and ‘Yajna’ (NAMa yAJna) meaning bowing and worshipping.

We received the following email from one of our readers

Sun, 07 Nov 2004 02:24:39 +0300

Kabaa - Kabaali - Lord Shiva*

Dear Sir,

First of all I heartly thank for hosting such a beautiful website. I read the message " Is the Kabaa a Hindu temple ???". It was a very Intresting, thought provoking and informative message. I would like to bring to your notice regarding this, that the word Kabaa might have come from the TAMIL language - Kabaalishwaran temple (TAMIL is considered as one of the oldest languages of the world). Dravidian's worshiped Lord Shiva as their Primal Deity - Indus valley civilization. Shiva Temple's in South India are called as Kabaalishwaran temple's. Kabaali - refers to Lord Shiva.

- Dr.Davis S.Senthilkumar*

Indian Sexual Perversion

“The Kauravas and Pandavas fought a great battle on the plains of Kurukshetra. Both were evenly matched. The oracles on the Pandava side divined that human sacrifice was the only way to please the goddess of war and ensure victory. Three men in the Pandava camp were found worthy of sacrifice: Krishna, the divine guide, Arjuna, the commander and Aravan, Arjuna’s son by the serpent goddess. As Krishna and Arjuna were indispensable, the Pandavas decided to sacrifice Aravan. But Aravan wanted a wife before he was sacrificed, as marriage entitled him to a cremation and proper funerary offerings. No woman was willing to marry a man doomed to die the day after his wedding. So Krishna turned into a beautiful woman called Mohini, married Aravan, spent the night with him, and at dawn, after he had been sacrificed, mourned him as a widow.”(p. 87)

Sabarimalai Sastha or Ayyapa is a sylvan god worshipped by the credulous Hindus of Kerala and Tamil Nadu in India. He is the son born to Siva and Vishnu as a result of a homosexual act.

To escape from the curse of the powerful demon Durwasa, all the gods joined together and churned the milky ocean to gather "Amrut"-a butter-like ambrosia. They collected the "Amrut" in a pot, and kept it to be served at a heavenly feast. An Asura (demon) from the nether world stole the pot of " Amrut from Develoka. When the loss of the ambrosia was detected, the omniscient Vishnu was able to know where it was. He went to the nether world in the guise of Mohini, a woman of exquisite beauty, and brought and back the "Amrut" and served it to the gods. When Mohini was serving the Amrut, Shiva got intoxicated with her beauty and had sexual intercourse with her, who was in reality Vishnu. Vishnu became pregnant as a result of the homosexual act, and gave birth to Sastha from his thigh. Both Shiva and Vishnu discarded this un-naturally born illegitimate child in the forests of Sabarimalai in Kerala

Here is the Hindu scriptural reference to your question found in:

Srimad Bhagavatam (Canto 3, Ch.20 Text 23, 24 & 26)

devah--Lord Brahma; adevan--demons; jaghanatah--from his buttocks; srjati sma--gave birth; ati-lolupan--excessively fond of sex; te--they; enam--Lord Brahma; lolupataya--with lust; maithunaya--for copulation; abhipedire--approached.


Lord Brahma then gave birth to the demons from his buttocks, and they were very fond of sex. Because they were too lustful, they approached him for copulation.

"Sexually inclined demons have no respect even for their father, and the best policy for a saintly father like Brahma is the leave such demoniac sons." (Text 26)

Lord Brahma approaching the Lord, addressed Him thus: "My Lord, please protect me from these sinful demons, who were created by me under Your order. They are infuriated by an appetite for sex and have come to attack me."

"It appears here that the homosexual appetite of males for each other is created in this episode of the creation of the demons by Brahma. In other words, the homosexual appetite of a man for another man is demoniac and is not for any sane male in the ordinary course of life."

It is doubtful that every homosexual is simply born that way. In fact according to social studies the homosexual community in America has an agenda to convert otherwise 'normal people' to homosexual activity.".


page 1 shows 'objects' that demolish the strongest theories -speculations- of science.

page 2 shows some math of roundness to know what to expect of a sphere

page 3, beside some math, it shows facts that are against the expectations built up the speculations of science


page 4 shows Tycho Brahe, Kepler, Galileo, Newton, among the others, were sorceres:

[Tycho Brahe]He was an imperious, hard-drinking aristocrat whose devotion to precise observation was motivated by his devotion to astrology. He was also an alchemist and lived for twenty years on a fantastic 'sorcerer's island' near Hamlet's castle of Elsinore, ending his days as Imperial Mathematicus at the court of the Holy Roman Emperor. In the history of astrology and astronomy, Tycho stands out as one of the most bizarre and colourful of all Urania's children

page 5 shows that sky loves the flatness

If at noon- having the sun directly above the upward mirror- you rotate the ring- with the bounded mirrors - toward the east; you will notice that after few degrees of rotation the mirrors don't see the sun any longer, which shows that the earth doesn't rotate and it is not a globe

page 6 warns against the satanic preachers of the hollow earth that want lo mislead people to hell - which they call it the underworld sun

In the other pages you will find very impressive documentations

In the page Atlantis is America are shown that Europe, Asia and Africa and America are Islands!


Tsunami en Asia

Portugues Español


Swine = SUS; B; sus; sūs

