The following is a list of abend codes (both user + system abends). It is by no means complete ! - please add more. **** see also S:\PPP\HELP\MAINFRAME\ERRORLOG.SAM [this appears to have been deleted!] Abend Codes ~~~~~~~~~~~ SYSLIN DD STATEMENT MISSING Parm info at top os eaytrieve is wrong way round USER 428 Is the PSB name wrong ? USER 437 If you have in your JCL a DFSRRC00 parm statement with "DL1S001" on the end, try changing "DL1S001" to "DL1SGNPP" USER 456 PSB needs restarting. If after restarting it still goes down with 0456 immediately you try to rerun, this could be that the PSB is missing from the ACB libraries. To correct this please see: S:\PPP\HELP\MAINFRME\DLI\PSB.SAM re running ACB gens and copies USER 474 Think this is when a COBOL program is running during the day and the PSB has not been amended for DBCTL (i.e. CMPAT=YES needs adding to PSB) - see notes on S:\PPP\HELP\MAINFRME\DL1 Likely to have IEC161I 052-084 message (unable to open VSAM file) USER 476 Compilation not complete. ie entry DLITCBL not coded. * OR: * PSB presents PCBs in wrong order? e.g. if you try to run PY105 using test PSB PYT00? (program runs OK using PSB PYB105). USER 106 Space problem. Set RGN=1500K USER 806 Module cannot be found. Are there some libraries missing from JCL. E.g. SYS1.SUBRTN. Or for Easytrieves is SP.EZP.EZP.LOADLIB missing from STEPLIB. Could also be that program you are trying to run cannot be found on Loadlibs (is alias correct ?) USER 821 Is the PSB wrong ? USER 852 Segment code not valid. DATABASE CORRUPT. USER 878 Set RGN=1500K USER 3707 Run under CLASS=B, shared D/B support or 8 for PDLs USER 3723 PSB not in CICS table CICS allocated / deallocated & program thinks its the other way round. Cancel job, allocate/deallocate & rerun USER 4026 Program trying to write report or display data but no BPS or sysprint file USER 4039 Is LIBRANP step in JCL pointing at wrong library ? USER 0476 Problem with link, need to include DLITCBL statement in link USER 0240 CPU Time exceeded. Has the catproc got a maximum CPU time coded in it? USER 0853 database error e.g. using wrong database or after a reorg, using the old database with the new DBD or vice versa. USER 3303 go into either YYCICS or ZZCICS and deallocate the NP400TST file, restart the CICS region and try again VSAM ERRORS ~~~~~~~~~~~ Error 212 If 'UNIQUE' parm is specified in the cluster definition then allocation MUST be in cylinders - try changing TRK(n n) to CYL(n n) (Also seems to be a relationship with recordsize as some of our vsam definition parms are defined with TRK and work ok but have fairly small record sizes (I came across this error when increasing a recordsize up to 27490) Error 160 Empty file GV901 - VSAM REQUEST ERROR R15=08 RC=028 (on a database restore) this was resolved by choosing another disk for the target test db- presumably the work disk originally specified was full DSTMO997TERMINATION OF GPF. ERROR IN MONITOR INITIALIZATION 9050 If you get this message in CICS it means that not all the databases are open. Open them again & the problem should go away. IMS messages. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 805 CICS problem. Half of job run when CICS is up, half when CICS is down. 852 Segment code not valid. DATABASE CORRUPT. 853 D/B not copied correctly. After a reorg, using the old database with the new DBD or vice versa. 1001 Link incorrect. Use INCLUDE TESTLIB(IGZEOPT) and/or INCLUDE SYSLIB(ILBOSRV) 12 QSAM Error no dump.Not stictly an abend READ after end of file, after a CLOSE or before file OPENed Missing DD Statement 0CB Zero divide 0C1 Gone to wrong part of core, Incorrectly linked program Ensure that with a one module prog NCAL= is co Invalid call statement In Unipension/Unipay P.S. say it is usually an operational environment problem. Could be that it is trying to do an update but all extents are full (i.e. VSAM file has run out of space) Get DCI to increase space for file. Look at dump as it should indicate DDNAME, module, action etc at time of abend. Possible problem with arrays - entry number outside of expected range 0C4 Storage Protection Subscript/Index out of range of table Incorrectly linked program Moving data to FILE SECTION area of an unopened or incorrectly defined file Multi-module programs - is there a USING statement on procedure division heading. Looping? Jumped outside program. 0C6 Specification exception - (according to internet search!) poss invalid length specified for a receiving field or address of storage referred to is not on a full word boundary (?) or invalid value in the base or index register (?) 0C7 Data exception. usually trying to do arithmetic with non numeric value 306 (with message "CSV019I REQUESTED MODULE DFSVCI00 NOT ACCESSED, IS IN NON-APF LIBRARY/CONCATENATION"): I solved this by adding SP.EZP.EZP.LOADLIB to STEPLIB (probably irrelevant!), and DFSRESLB,IEFRDER,IMS, IMSACB, and DFSTROUT DD statements (see as example. Don't know which one caused the problem!) * * DL1 codes: AC Hierarchical error in SSA. Fault in PSB. AI Data open error. Check CICS up/down etc AJ SSA qualification format invalid. AK Invalid SSA field name. AM Check PSB has correct attributes (ie, is read-only when you are trying to update) DA Key has been changed. II Segment already exists. DJ Segment not previously 'held' GP Parentage not established 001 I/O error BLOCK CONTAINS 0 omitted, BLOCK CONTAINS X with a non zero X. WRITE after a CLOSE Conflicting DCB information 002 I/O error Too large a variable length record. Input file - RDW corrupted Output file - implied RDW > LRECL 013 OPEN failure - msg gives file in error -20 : Conflicting DCB info between file, program and JCL. -18 : Member not found. S322 Running out of time, increase time parameter on job card S522 Running out of space How to get a dump in COBOL 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Need DD Statement //SYSABOUT DD sysout=* to get a dump output