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Ani Boyle

Anice Boyle was born almost nineteen en'vars ago
to a baker and his kajira.
As a result of their union, she grew up in both worlds.
Her father loved his daughter Anice deeply,
and the young girl could wont for nothing.
Her mother, who remained a slave,
taught her the ways of pleasing a Man.
Having the aptitude, she learned her father's trade,
while holding to her mother's softer side of submission.
When she was fifteen, her parents both died,
and Anice was left in the care of friends.
The young girl grew up amidst much confusion
and strife, but managed to keep her head
above water and survive.

Anice soon took up the trade of baking,
as she had the same love for it as her father once did.
She soon found herself in the frozen north,
cooking for a rather large Hall.
But misfortune struck when one of the men
tried to collar her, claiming she was better off on her knees
than cooking as a free woman.
Anice made off in secret in the cold night, to escape her fate.
At that very same time, she was invited
to come see a dear friend of hers
join with the one man she has always loved.
The trip took her a full hand to make,
arriving there just as it was ending.
But it was enough to see how happy Lilly was
with her mate, Val. They were made for each other.
It was her own wish that someday she would feel
the same way for a man, and he feel the same for her.

Changing from a kirtle to robes and veils,
was a big adjustment for Anice
as she made her home in the city of Ti,
cooking and baking once again.
She was happy to be around new friends
as well as old ones and hoped to live all her days there.
Alas, her dreams did not come to fruition.
Anice had fallen in love with a man,
who did not feel the same for her.
Scorned, she left the city behind heartbroken,
moving once more.
Her travels led her to a place along the Vosk River.
Liking the city and its citizens,
Anice settled there, hoping it would be
the last move she would ever make.
The City of Woodhaven is now her home, and there,
she grows in her quiet way, making new friends
and accomplishing her goal of opening
her own shop called Sweets by Ani.

She settled in nicely. The city grew by leaps
and bounds--friendships were made, love grew.
And for Ani, she soon found that she wasn't
immune to love either. She tried hard to deny
what she was feeling,
to bury herself into her work,
watching the shop grow.
In fact it grew so much that she
was moving to a bigger location.

Ani would keep herself busy,
having been hurt once before.
Usually, she kept her feelings to herself
until one night on the walk home
from a dinner gathering for the city.
He turned to her, and asked her if she loved him.
Ani, not being one to lie
nor one to hide her feelings at times,
answered truthfully.
She told him yes--that she did love him.
Surprised, but she shouldn't of been,
Malakai Nadir was a lot like her.
He was honest and noble, trustworthy.
But when he too told her of his love for her,
she couldnt believe it! Imagine, He loved her!!
Her world tilted, then spun,
happiness overtaking her very soul.
Now they are courting, and they both
look forward to the joining
that will be coming soon.

Ani's life has had its ups and downs like anyones.
But here, in the city of Woodhaven, she grows.
Her shop expanding to a much larger spot,
and she will soon truly belong
to the one man that she has been waiting for
all her life.

Trixie's Music

Malakai's Web Page
Nadir Cottage
City of Woodhaven
Woodhaven Institute for Culinary Arts