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Hello Larry & others,

I ran across an interesting marriage in Christ Church, Philadelphia, Pa. This took place mar 24, 1732 between Daniel McKebb (the next to last b could have been misinturpeted in old writing and was an le) making Daniel McKeleb married to Martha White. Date is right to be Hugh of NC parents. The White sounds right since Hugh of Nc was Hugh W. McCaleb when he married Agnes Hannah in Pa. Grandson that came To Fayette, Al. was Hugh White McCaleb.

More marriages there: Jane McKillop to Thomas Davis Apr 8 1861

Gilbert McKillup to Ann McKahan Mar 23, 1773

These two went to NC and I have speculated they were Hugh's sister and brother. I have had this in My Miscellaneus Notes on the McCalebs for a long time. Don't even know what I have. Ha!

Randall McKillup  married Jane Miller oct 24 1771.I don't have anything on him. May have stayed in Pa. or killed in Rev War.

Following is an interesting article about an Archibald M'Caleb & others written in a NC newspaper Friday June 10 1790-Vol 5 No 232
Petersburg, NC.
    On Thursday last came to this town on his way to Charleston.. Archibald Ross and gives the following account of himself.-that about 5 years ago he entered as mate of a ship called Julious Ceasar, belonging to Philadelphia, commanded by Capt. Squires,which was then lying at Charleston, and about to sail to Cadiz, Spain. After they had proceeded on their voyage as far as the Western Islands, they were taken by two Algerian vessels and carried to Algiers...the third day after their arrival, the whole of the ship's company, which consisted of 22, including the Capt. and himself, received sentences of slavery for life. -That part of them, Viz. John Henderson, John Wilkinson, John Woodrow, Archibald Kidd, James Cary, William Welles, Archibald M'Caleb, John Young, Luther Eldrikin, Peter Sterling, John M'Callum, William Spiers, and Martin Barr, were sent into the country and chained alongside of mules, to work with them...
another..William Woodrow..being a young and handsome man, was castrated and sent to the Seraglio to take care of the women; the remainder, viz. Capt Squires, himself, John Smith , Archibald Deacon, William Jackson, David Smith, David Davis (Carpenter) and William McGraw, were sent on board a galley and chained to the oars; - That Capt Squires died while in slavery, about 5 months ago, when a favorable opportunity offered...they killed one or two of the guard, confined the rest, seized upon a small galley...near the one they were in and set sail for Old Gibralter...the English Consul..very kindly furnished them with some necessaries...a vessel being about to sail from Spain to Boston, himself and Archibald Deacon entered and arrived there safe. The remaining 5 he left in Spain. The said Ross also informs that he saw a Capt Henry Whiting belonging to Virginia, in slavery and that it is generally Thought the Turks have 4000 Christians in slavery, amongst which are about 220 sea captains.

From State Gazette, N.C. 1787-91 Vol 1

Muslims and Christians acting about the same as today.  Fred McCaleb