"The usual response to atrocities is to banish them from consciousness"

Dissociation &
Recovered Memory Resources

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We believe that dissociation, repression and recovery of memories are common ways that human beings survive and react when faced with horror and trauma. The overwhelming majority of actual experts in trauma and traumatic memory agree with us. And our own experiences, as survivors, our own hearts, tell us it is so.

By becoming a member of our webring, you
show support for survivors of abuse and
trauma who have experienced dissocative
amnesia, and later recovery of memories.

We Affrim and BelieveThat

1.Dissociation, Repression and Recovery
of Memories tell us about real traumatic events that
happened in the lives of those effected.

2. The process of healing from trauma involves processing
our memories with the support of ethical therapists or
other safe and supportive people.

If you agree with the above and would like to make a statement about these issues, please apply to join our webring.
No Pro-FMS type sites will be accepted.

In order to qualify:

The site must

1. Be created by a survivor of abuse or other truama, or by survivor's supporters

2. Contain no obscenity, pornography, nudity, occult/hate/racist/sexist/illegal materials


Steps to Apply

1. Save the ring image (at the top of this page)

2. Fill out the following form and click submit. You'll be given an ID number, be sure to write it down, then return to this page

3. Copy the HTML fragment at the bottom of this page

4. Paste the fragment onto your page using an HTML editor, being sure to customize it as follows:

--YourName--replace with your name

--mail-- replace with your email

--YourID-- replace with the ID number you recieved

Upload your page and the ring image.

5. When it's all done, write to starlite000@hotmail.com She will then check your site. If your site is approved, you'll be notified and added to the ring!

Submit site to Our Memories Are Real

Site Owner's Name:
Site Title:
Site URL: (Please make this the URL of the page where the ring logo will appear or the index page which should clearly show how to get to your webring pages.)

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

If you need to edit any info you've already submitted, do so below.

Site ID No:

HTML Fragment


<table border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="505"
<td width="388"><img src="omarlogo3.jpg" width="388"
<td align="center" width="112" bgcolor="#000000"><font
color="#8080FF" size="2" face="Arial"><br>
Dissociation &amp;<br>
Recovered Memory Resources</font><p><font color="#8080FF"
size="2" face="Arial">This site is by <br>
</font><a href="mailto:--mail--"><font
color="#8080FF" size="2" face="Arial">--YourName--</font></a></p>
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color="#8080FF" size="2" face="Arial">join </font><br>

If you have any questions, please contact Amber at