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Copyrighting takes a lot of time and money,both of which I am working on. To legally copyright each song, it cost about $30 per song, and since I have a lot of songs that need to be copyrighted, it will take some time.

I have been so busy, and perhaps too occupied with other things that I have not even had a chance to record my songs so that way I can send them off. I have, however, been playing out more, and that means more money, which is a wonderful, wonderful thing.

So, I'm hoping that by this coming May things will be situated, and by that I mean songs copyrighted, ready for the CD. But, that is a long way off, and any changes or updates will be posted on the site, as well as emailed to those who wish to be notified.

Lyrics anticipating their arrival...
  • at my best
  • confession of a songwriter
  • eden
  • let me see
  • love you less
  • rescued from mistake
  • righteous
  • you
  • sigh of relief
  • anti-father
  • this is, is this
  • unwanted
  • morning after
  • say for me
  • rock it
  • jon (poem named you)