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All Saints Day 2004


In a mockery of the electoral college system, the "dA dA Pooh-Pooh" will go to random voting sites Tuesday November 2nd around Gallup, New Mexico. This mischievious character casts a ballot for US President because he was paid to do so by foreign citizens. dA dA Pooh-Pooh is also known ironically and conversely as Paw-Paw dO dO, and it will pass out anti-presidential-voting literature. dA dA Pooh-Pooh is a myth born from the alleged unholy union of two hermaphrodite parents: the early 20th century art movement called Da Da and the aloof, oblivious, moronic wild pooh bear. dA dA Pooh-Pooh is also a pacifistic statement against the military-industrial-educational complex and the system of hierarchy running institutions in the USA. The city of Gallup, NM has nothing to do with the infamous Gallup Polls.

The conflict between dA dA Pooh-Pooh and Paw-Paw dO dO is mysterious. The Paw-Paw dO dO is the elder of the two brothers. Paw-Paw encourages people in every place in the USA to don these costumes and take on these characters tomorrow. He says, "In a world dominated and coerced by a single superpower, all peoples must have a chance to help select the leader of the global empire," to explain the need for apathetic voters to sell their right to vote to the highest foreign bidders. One of the actors inside the Paw-Paw dO dO costume ridicules any voter who votes for the "lesser of two evils" in lieu of taking direct action to personally get the job done, because, she says, "it is ridiculous logic to elect any form of evil to do good" on behalf of the voter.

In Gallup, NM a man inside one of the costumes of dA dA Pooh-Pooh is Marc Page. He says that unlike the dA dA Pooh-Pooh and the Paw-Paw dO dO, he could neither vote for Senator K. nor Mr. B., because of his Christian faith: "If I had to choose a person, I would go with my conscience and pick someone who could help dismantle the filthy rotten system. But the masses must rise up and do that ourselves! Jesus Christ is not a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, etc.--that Superstar, Child of God, anarchist knows better; his Love is Supreme and defies human political systems--whether nationalistic or religious." Paw-Paw dO dO is married to the Love-of-Power, whereas dA dA Pooh-Pooh is divorced from the Power-of-Love.

See the poem & propganda regarding the battle of the dA dA Pooh-Pooh and the Paw-Paw dO dO!

Back to dA dA Pooh-Pooh Propaganda

One dA dA Pooh-Pooh gives voters a ride on the voting pedestal.

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