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Throughout this page, there are Scattered fact filled tidbits that many enrollees may appreciate for a better grasp of what's about to be embarked upon and may never run across it anywhere else, even in the basic program itself!

Of course ... if you're like me and hate reading big pages with a purple passion and are just not interested in program particulars, just click on one of the many early links in this page that delivers you to my GP sign up site ... then sign up!! .... It's easy as pie, not to mention the treat you will be giving yourself, but be sure to read about the four A, B, C and D options further below before leaving!.... It is very important information regarding which earning plan you will have a choice of.

Just by doing the things you normally do on the Internet, receive a check every 15th of the month!! -- There is no catch to it ... just simply do all your Internet with us instead of the other guys -- You've heard of super stores, now there is a super ISP in the works!!

Break out of the expense and dissatisfaction of yesterday's Internet!! Come discover the Internet of tomorrow and let it become your future nest egg!!

Does your Internet provider offer unlimited premium Internet access while putting the money in your pocket to pay for it?

Does it force you to use a troublesome banner bar?

Does it pay you a steady monthly income from just normal use of it?

Does it have new technology that puts it years a head of all other ISP's?

Does it offer1-800 dial-up, High speed DSL cable service and wireless that your online activity can pay for?

Does it share steady monthly income with you from others who use the service?

Does it not care how long you stay on line. and disconnect you. when you're not looking?

Is it willing to. pay you .$$ thousands of dollars $$. from .the .stealth. advertising revenue it generates?

Final question,

I bet you got several no answers didn't you ??


That of course means you need to come and join our revolution ... a revolution that's going to rock the foundation of conventional Internet!!

The same revolution that's going to drastically improve the lives of ordinary people all over the world, about 200 countries in fact !

I'm talking about the Going Platinum revolution and your going to be seeing, reading and hearing much about it in the worldwide media very soon!

$6.00 per hour!!!!

At times, many of our advanced members could possibly be generating $6.00 per hour just from simply having a web page loaded staring them right in the face!

Rates will constantly go up and down on what we will charge advertisers, but the normal charge they will pay is usually around $50.00 for 1,000 banner impressions, or
$0.05 per impression.
You will probably have two small banners placed some where on many of the community screens you visit. They normally rotate once a minute, meaning you will be exposed to at least two impressions per minute. If you surf, that will build exposure to "impressions" much faster.

Two impressions per minute equals $0.10 per minute gross revenue production! This most passive type of activity would equal
$6.00 per hour!!

GP has some good demographics to offer advertisers to keep the ad rates high!

Keep in mine though that beginning members only would receive 60˘ per hour of that $6.00/hr rate on their own personal use, plus 50˘, 40˘, 30˘, 20˘ in that order through 4 levels of anyone under them who created the same use earnings.

As you advance up in the metals (bronze, silver, platinum) your percentage take of the hourly amount get higher! A platinum metal round member for example would get 100% ($6.00/hr) on personal time and 50%, 40%, 30%, 20% on downline earnings!

Different folks require different options!


All plans below comes with your own massive personal website!! See details further in this page.)

You get the Going Platinum ISP with this plan.

(Option A) "Premier Plus Plan"
(those seeking income from their personal use and community use of other members.) The Premier Plus Plan will be a very popular choice!!

The Premier Plus Plan is packed with ALL of what Going Platinum has to offer including world-class, unlimited Internet Access and the exclusive Premier Member Area, where you will enjoy specialized content, upgraded features, targeted columns, marketing advice and materials, discounts and more - with all the charm, leadership, humor and camaraderie of our online community.

If you elect the "Premier Plus Plan" option, You'll be paid considerable amounts of cash on personal use and from the common Internet activities of other people!

This plan also allows you to become eligible for corporate spillover, which is a process that builds your orgs. for you by Going Platinum through TV advertising campaigns etc!! It only takes 39 people to full up one organization. Three orgs and you become Silver ... Six orgs and you are Gold ... Ten orgs and you become Platinum, which is the highest you can go with ten times the earnings at 100% in community generated revenue!!

Monthly cost for Premier Plus Plan is $19.95.

Bring your own ISP with this plan.

(Option B) "Premier Plan"
(those seeking income from their personal use and community use of other members.)

You do not get the ISP with this plan, but it will get you into your first metal round earnings which in turn allows you to advance to Silver,Gold and Platinum!! Your earnings will double with each organization that completes under you. It will also allow you all other features that Premier members are using!!

This plan will allow you to become eligible for corporate spillover!! See details in Option A above!!

Monthly cost for Premier Plan is $9.95.

You get the Going Platinum ISP with this plan.

(Option C) "Community Plus Plan"
(You can earn with this plan but it does not allow higher metal round earnings)

For those seeking world-class Internet Access This plan will get you the powerful ISP (limit 150 hours per month) for just $14.95 per month!!. You will be able to earn on your own community activities and the activities of those that you invite to join under you!! Does not allow increased earning percentages or metal round advancement. Upgrade to Option A or B for that.

Monthly cost for Community Plus Plan is $14.95.

Bring your own ISP with this plan.

(Option D) The FREE ..."Community Plan"
(earn income off yourself and others that you bring in! No spillover help with this option, but you can always upgrade to option A (Premier Plus Plan), or B (Premier Plan) anytime just off your earnings!!)

Supply your own Internet Access and sign up for a free GP income-producing Community Plan membership. The Community Plan option also allows you to earn income from the usage of others that you personally recruit!! This plan does not offer spillover assistance to build your downline for you or increased earning percentages. You can always upgrade to Option A or B on your earnings to be eligible for spillover and advanced metal round earnings!! (All you have to earn is Ten Bucks if you want to put it in an Premier Plan upgrade!!)

Monthly cost for Community Plan is NOTHING!!


You don't have to give up your present service to use ours! Many people do not realize that they can have more than one Internet service provider installed on their hard drive at once ... I've had as many as six!!

Now I only need one which is the Going Platinum isp! It turned out to be the most reliable and fastest isp I've had on my C: drive and I've use them all !! GP really hauls!!

As an option, you really do not have to have our isp at all in order to earn from our program! All you really need is to be a member of the GP community, then enter it for a world of earning activities like watching music videos, composing or reading your GP e-mail, surf, play games, read the news, listen to the GP radio, shop, use the Instant Messenger, or anything else you want to do (and I mean ANYTHING, plus stuff you can't right now imagine), then be paid the whole time while doing it ... all from the ISP connection you are using at this moment!

By the way, the IM system will be able to interact with any of the major messaging systems on the web including the ability to import your buddy lists.

Many members will go on to make fortunes with the program because of their ability to recruit and convince hundreds of people to join in the present early stages. Those hundreds can become multiplied by corporate spillover going under each person that has little or no downline of their on! Hundreds could quickly become thousands in this situation.

A platinum member could see earnings of $50 and higher monthly on some of its downline members ... each!! (you only need 400 first level people under you to be platinum and GP will help you get there!)

Earnings of $20 or $30 per month on each person under a platinum metal round member could be expected as average amounts based on a 50% cut off some of the personal earning times the majority of members are anticipated to put in!

Whip out your calculator and have some fun with those figures! Remember to figure it as monthly income then multiply it by 12 months!

But, you don't have to make it all the way to platinum to get excited ... Gold and Silver members will be celebrating and many of the beginning Bronze members will be dancing as well!!

As for the rest ... well, lets just say they will have smiles on their face on a regular basis, not just from extra income, but also from the incredible facilities they will be entitled to as a community member!!


You can actually retreive your e-mail from your present ISP through Going Platinum without ever logging into it!

When the ISP installation CD's are mailed out, they will contain an e-mail client that will remain a resident on your C: drive like MS Outlook Express. This client will be a state of the art pop mail server that's out of this world!! You'll never want to use Outlook Express again after using ours!! Advanced, but user friendly features include sound and animations in your e-mail !! Will also allow reciepients to color code their incoming mail, plus many more new and exciting innovations that you're sure to be crazy about!


Your installation CD will also contain the GP version of the Internet Explorer browser that has been specially integrated for the earning tracking process! Because of its massive size, the incredible browser will take up most of the space on the CD ! There won't be an option to download it due to the size.

The browser has been super highly encrypted which makes it ultimate secure for all your Internet browsing and buying needs! Since that is our business, providing a custom browser was an absolute necessity for the navigational speed members will need throughout our immense complex!



So the real bottom line is, how can you possible go wrong, or lose anything by simply being a member to the Going Platinum program?? It will turn out to be the most important and depended on Internet service you will ever have!!

Under any sign-up plan, you can start earning the second you log in to the time you log out! It's that simple!

When you go sign up: Be sure to type your e-mail address in very carefully !!! Even though the requirement is to type it in twice to prevent errors, 2 out of 20 people will still type an error and can't be sent a temporary pass word to get into their new web site member's area. GP makes an attempt to track those members down, but it's not always successful.

Using certain e-mail accounts may present problems in contacting you. Please be sure your mail box is not too full and your filter won't block us out.
(We've simply had a lot of problems in the past sending to Free type accounts such as MS Hotmail mainly from blocking features commonly turned on by the users.)

Take the advantage of being ahead of millions ... get yourself signed up .. NOW!!

Daniel, I've read enough! Take me to the sign-up site right now! CLICK HERE!

Bookmark the GP sign-up site in case it's temporarily offline for commission or upgrading work! Keep checking back!

Can you imagine the different kind of feeling you'll have logging onto the Internet knowing that each accumulated second is an accumulation of income instead of the opposite??


Going Platinum will be available in 18 Languages

Sorry Earthlink and AOL'll never come close!

Something good this way has finally arrived ...

Going Platinum TM is a first of its kind Internet Service Provider that will soon launch, sweep and shake up the World Wide Web by sharing revenue with members!

Win,Win situation!

I'm talking about being cut in on billions in ISP community generated revenue!!

It's unheard of and has generated a great deal of anger among competitors! In fact, it's not inconceivable that many could go under just from so many of their members immigrating over to Going Platinum!

It's our Internet, It's only right that we the users finally get a share of what's going on!

I've personally seen many things that are pretty evident of forces trying to undermine our intentions, but they won't be able to stop us because of the huge number of people worldwide that will be absolutely thrilled over our concept!

Our enemies are very much aware of how such a program will go over with the public, that's why they've stepped up the nasty rumors on certain sites and are working so hard against us with increased advertising and special deals! Those deals will always be loser deals because they don't and will probably never have what we have!!

We have the patent pending technology that can track millions of earning accounts throughout thousands of content pages! There wasn't any kind of model in existence to go by so GP had to invent the process!

After that, special high powered servers had to be sought, then revamped in order to be capable of handling the staggering amount of integration and tracking that our facility will be increasingly demanding! We settled on a Sun/Solaris platform from Linux for our entire environment using Linux servers for our Apache Web Servers, Sun e4500s for our application servers (running Oracle 9i) and Sun e6500s as our database cluster (running Oracle 8.1.7).

There have been some delays, because CEO Alan Catalan is adamant on not releasing the service until it is absolutely bug free and perfect in every way giving users ultimate future Internet right here today!

Marketing experts have estimated that membership in the community will reach 6,000,000 (six million) within months and that's just the tip of the iceberg on what will come in from the continued worldwide publicity campaigns and internal recruiting efforts of the membership!

I personally believe the membership could reach 100 million in just a few short years because lets face it, the computer age and Internet has become a world wide phenomena that will surely be a part of the lives of almost every person on earth some day! Since GP will surely corner the Internet with it's revolutionary concept, how much would you be willing to bet that we would reach even beyond 100 million!!

Going Platinum will probably be the greatest internet opportunity in our/your lifetime!!

If you had had the chance to be in at the beginning of
America Online you would have made a lot of money.

This time you won't be an historic bystander

This new Internet community is a new concept,a new idea,a new philosophy. It is an opportunity for its members to own their 'piece of the Internet'.

It is a full service ISP, Internet Gateway, Search Engine/Directory, Shopping Mall, Virtual Office and just about anything else you can think of, all rolled into one easy-to-use program. Besides your own email account, mailroom, marketing center with tools that you may
never have dreamed existed, you'll have access to anything and everything the Internet has to offer. From chat rooms, news groups and clubs
. to. Chinese. cooking .and. Western European .architecture. From .Wall Street to Hollywood and Baseball to Cricket, it's all yours and we mean that literally.

YOU'LL OWN IT and the revenue that is generated from every feature will be PAID TO YOU!

What most internet users don't realize is that from the moment you logon to the moment you logoff, you are generating revenue for someone else, even if you don't buy or fill out anything. Yes, this innovative program offers countless benefits as well as. a. means to. dramatically. improve .your. financial situation .without mentionable effort. or .monetary commitment. We're not just talking about pocket change. . MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT - this is THE REAL THING!

There is another type of revenue source that will part of the program which has not even been touched on by anything you've read thus far. It's the part that's really going to blow a lot of people's minds !!

Our project is backed by several major companies, one of whose customer base. includes. some .of the most well known Internet providers in the world such as AOL, CompuServe, EarthLink, Networks, GTE and The Microsoft NetworkTM, with 2500 Global POPs (Points of Presence) and well over 1.6 million modem ports in over 100 countries, .they .provide a .great .foundation .for Going Platinum's .ISP .service. ..We .haven't stopped .there though! All Information on GP's partners will be made public close to launch !

Soon the
Going Platinum Internet service provider will be marketed heavily in the mass media by the largest advertising agency in this country, and guess where all these people who join are going to be placed? That's right ... right In the downlines of those who have already joined and are in the right membership plan!

To put it another way, the downline you will be given (known as spillover) will be sure income in your pocket month after month without doing anything, or for that matter, ever doing anything more except watch your earnings grow from all those people using and expanding under you!

Take the advantage of being ahead of millions ... get yourself signed up .. NOW!!

Daniel, I've never ran across an opportunity like this before! It puts all the others to shame! Take me to the sign up site right now! CLICK HERE!

The spillover process whether it's by upline or later corporate will be possible only to metal round (bronze) members!

There are many types of spillovers that become possible for option (A) and (B) members to benefit from, which is: corporate spillover, upline spillover, downline spillover, direct spillover, indirect spillover.

There is simply no way out of the earnings

it would be impossible not to have some kind of income! You could receive monthly checks for life even if you never cut your computer on! How?? From the activity of your downline that's constantly being placed under you by the algorithm and this will be done with or without you ! If your downline is earning, so will you!!

Those people under you who also eventually become metal round members off earnings would get any voids filled under them as well and so on with the ones underneath likewise conditions! Plus, there is always that chance of getting what is called a heavy hitter in your downline which will explode it quickly! (That is what happened to my uplines)

This is the time to join Going Platinum under a Premier membership status in order to be in an early position to receive corporate spillover when the ad campaigns start! Doing so could possibly mean receiving a much greater amount of placments for you or any downline you have that is eligible!

If you join later, the membership will be enormous which will thin the allocations of new sign-ups spread to the membership base and the big advantage of being among the few back then, which is now, would be lost!

The corporate spills are far more dynamic than the other spillovers. These produce a torrent of people that sign up at the corporate sites around the world! These are the ones you don't want to miss!!

Take the advantage of being ahead of millions ... get yourself signed up .. NOW!!

OK Daniel, from the information you have just revealed, it looks like I'd be my own worst enemy for allowing myself to completely miss the boat, expecially with the advantage of early membership for what will change the Internet as we now know it! Take me to the sign-up site right now! CLICK HERE!

How much money??

All members will be constantly creating earnings even if they dose off in front of their screens!!

Nothing has to be purchased in order to earn money!

Moderators have informed me that each member will rack up an average of $100 per month in earnings based on a typical 30 hours of use and from those earnings they will get 10% of that $100 from their own personal use and 5% of the $100 their direct referrals earn plus 4%, 3%,2% of the downline earnings their direct referrals in turn bring in!

That's not the end of it ... Going Platinum recently changed the structure so that members in the metal round can now reach the silver, gold, and platinum faster and easier! What does that mean? It means all the above percentages will be multiplied many times which will allow many Going Platinum members to become filthy rich in only a short period of time .....that's what!!

The $100 per month stated further above is a conservative projection and one that can easily be met by any user who would have to be almost like in a comatose state. It is an average the company has to use cautiously for legal reasons which means they must be pretty darn sure of it !!

We will be providing many fun and exciting areas guaranteeing that our members spend a lot of time enjoying more!

Below are just a few of the attractions that will soon be available in the Going Platinum™ community!

The list goes on and on would be too impractical to try and list it all here!

The above list serves as examples to the many ways you can earn money in your account every month!! There will be over 400 earning areas in all !! Something for everybody with lot's of delightful time spent ! You will be able to earn incredible amounts more from countless other people who do the same as part of their normal daily Internet sessions!


The more time everybody spends ... the greater the earnings in your account!!



Some members will use more than 30 hours per month (150 not uncommon) and others will make purchases driving up your profits even more! (Since GP pays us an extra income, we'll have it for purchasing things or impluse shopping in the community ...right??)

The bargains will be endless and so will the variety!

Below a recent bulletin board post to members from CEO Alan Catalan :

The ultimate gameplan is much larger than many members see right now. It is not just about advertising revenue or revenue derived from a few services here or there.

Do you realize that a $100 voucher from a major airline (as good as cash even with special discounted fares) can be obtained for as little as $40 with a bulk purchase? What does this mean? It means that our members can be offered a genuine 20% discount on airline fares (even on those $99 specials ) and still earn up to $40 in GPC commissions on the purchase. Yes, a $100 flight for $40 bucks!

Besides that, other members will be earning on that member's airline ticket purchase.

It does not stop at airline tickets either. Bulk (enormous Walmart type) savings can be had with the right membership base on virutally everything and this is just scratching the surface on various ways our members will both save and earn.

End post

Latest buzz in the message board area is Going Platinum will produce quite a number of millionaires out of its early membership base! A great deal who do not reach that grade will still have money coming out of their ears because of the obvious advantage of being in early! This is truly a chance to effect the rest of your life in a positive way!

As mentioned earlier, GP intends to be the new dominating force on the Internet! No one else has anything that can compare with it! There are at present no competitors that offer a simular design! To put it bluntly, everyone will soon realize how foolish it will be to continue using any other service!

Going Platinum uses technology that is currently about 2 years ahead of any Internet service anywhere in the entire world and will blaze trails for others to try and follow in an attempt to be competitive!

It's perfectly within the rules for members of your own family to be part of your downline which can double/triple/quadruple your income instantly!

Many members are signing up their children just to give them a head start in life and have money for their college education!

The fact that members will be rewarded bountifully and yes, some will be made millionaires off the concept, means the attraction of millions of users worldwide upsetting the conventions of normal pay-to-use Internet access!

This is what is making our big boy competitors highly nervous! They know they're going to lose billions!

Your own website!!

You will be given instant ownership of a large and quite fancy website that is created for you at no charge! Don't worry, you don't have to maintain it or anything .... that's done for you!

It's just handy in case you ever want to start referring family, friends and prospects to increase the downline GP gives you! Simply provide them with your site address which declares you as the owner on the home page!

The site will keep track of your hits, earnings, people who signed up under you, internal recruiting of the downline plus numerous other important activites you'll surely want to watch everyday!

Since the site is individualized, the search engines won't give you any flack if you want to list it! (highly recommended!)

Perhaps it's fate that guided you here today! If it has, you will join our family and will never forget the day you first ran across this site!

It's one link away from changing the rest of your life!

Take the advantage of being ahead of millions ... get yourself signed up .. NOW!!

Daniel, you have convinced me already! There is no risk... I have nothing to lose on this!! ,...For Heaven sake show me what my web site will look like and let me sign up there now!!! CLICK HERE!

You'll enjoy the use of a decent ISP for a change!!

Going Platinum eliminates the stuff people hate about their ISP!

Everyone you know that has access ,,,,,,

Become a hero!

Start getting others under you by printing up business cards with your site URL and description to give and leave around here and there! Most people will be targeted prospects, even the cashier at your local grocery store!

Why not really soup of your referral rate by giving away our CD's (Your name burned onto each!!) Contains an eye popping movie that almost forces people to join up under you!! The CD will automatically get them connected to the Internet and signed up under your tracking ID without any further ado on your part! Once this happens, you will see them in your referral report as new additions to your downline!! This will of course mean another increase to your income every time they get on line to use the awesome GP community!!

We created the community in such a way to fulfill most every member's need guaranteeing lenthy use and frequent returns (pretty smart huh!!) You will be making money on their dwell time the same way your ISP does!!

What you'll have will be filling a tremendous need to many people!

The option of promoting involves nothing more than just letting people know what has arrived on their Internet that is butting heads with giants and will soon become a giant in its own right! Curiosity will get the best of your prospects and when they go and have a look see, your site takes over with the power to persuade quickly and run them through the signup process! (happily for some, recruiting is not a requirement with our program!! If you have little or no sign-ups, the algorithm will notice and fill under you!!)

When your referrals eventually realize the wonderful depth of our community and what it will mean in terms of Internet enjoyment and steady monthly income, guess what they're gonna do? You guessed it!! They're going to start signing up family members and brag to their friends getting as many sign-ups as they can to increase their earnings .... WHICH OF COURSE INCREASES YOUR EARNINGS AT THE SAME TIME!!

How do I know that?? ...... because I know human nature!! I have seen it happen first hand out of my own downline! They've brought in nearly one thousand people for me so far and all I did was grin and watch it occur day after day in my web site referral report!!

That will always be an exhilarating feeling for me to say the least !!!

Everybody wants to earn money for doing pratically nothing while enjoying themselves ... wouldn't you say?? It's going to be the greatest thing to ever happen to the Internet!!

I recall one veteran GP member writing:
When word of this and the AMOUNTS of some of these checks begins to spread on the net and through the neighborhoods of the world, I sincerely believe we will witness the GREATEST GOLD RUSH in the history of mankind!! AND YOU ARE HERE NOW!!!

As mentioned earlier, your monthly check can get enormously fat from the various earning activities of your downline even during those times when they're hardly doing anything more than just breathing in front of their screen! This is stealth revenue that most users are unaware of and until now only went into the hands of the greedy! (There will be some offline earnings that's even greater! Join up and stayed tuned for that!!!)

We want you to earn more money other than just off your own usage! That's why we provide a safety net of spillover under you to make sure of it!

For those who are looking to retire early in life from GP (we have a lot of members who will!) and are just itching to get out and pull in scads of people without relying on the small monthly placements of spillover, the territory is World Wide and currently Wide Open for the pickings! Start by stealing away EarthLink and AOL members! Shout it in the streets and from the roof tops, run advertising!

Try finding someone of sound mind that would not want cash to offset the cost of unlimited premium grade world class Internet connection that comes with more community content than anyone else in the entire world! I dare you!!

Under the right access plan you will be able to explore the many rooms your GP site will have in the coming months and discover many unusual features that other iSP's wouldn't think of providing you! For example a FREE Top Of The Line Autoresponder In The Mail Room! Normally people have to pay atleast $100 per month for this kind of autoresponder! It yours, use it all you want, anytime, for anything, no charge!!

But, I've taken way too much of your time now! Come discover a lot more in-depth and far better information than I can provide here right from your own future website!

If you've read this whole page, you must be tired! (I can't help it because it turned out too big... it just shows how much enthusiasm I have for this program!! ....There is nothing else on the web that will do as much for normal people as this one will !!

When you get to the site, you'll be glad to see the sign-up link is on the first short page! (It has many more pages)

Since there is no mandatory cost (if you sign up under the free community plan) and certainly never any risk of any kind ....Why Not !!

Since the site you are about to visit can be yours ... you may want to explore it in depth sometime just to see what you have!!

Want to see what it looks like?? ( your ownership name on the site will later be where you see mine )

Click on your future Going Platinum banner below then get signed up before the launch time and storm coming!

(psssst .... I'd hurry on this if I were you ... the more time that passes, the more people are signing up .... under someone else! )




Yours for the bright future ahead with Going Platinum,


Join Going Platinum


Last updated March 14 2003

copyright © 2000 charles mask



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