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Going Platinum opportunity brought to you by Daniel Wasielewski, affiliate.





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Will you be ready for the new Internet??

Unprecedented World Wide Web Access!!

ISP community pays you for usage instead of the other way around!!

Get The Ultimate In World Class
Unlimited Internet Access and let your normal on-line activities pick up the tab!!

Some Platinum status members will get the Full Range ISP absolutely free ....including Free Dial Up, Free High Speed DSL cable and wireless access plus many other incredible services!!
Also FREE Voicemail with their own 1-800 number!!

So, until you become a Platinum member . your earnings in our community can pay for your online usage and whatever other service you may need!!

Our optional ISP has the broadest range and capacity available anywhere!! So what does this mean? .... faster log-ons and cruising times of course!!

But That's Not Even Close To Being The Best Part !!! ....

The best part is the kind of extra cash we will pay you as a member, even if you only use the Internet on occasion and in some rare cases ..... NEVER!!!

If you are an above average Internet user, you could earn considerable amounts of cash just off the amount of your own personal time doing what ever you please and without any revenue support from other members ... we do not put a limit on what you can earn just off yourself !!

Does your ISP send you a generous check on the 15th of every month??

How can we afford to pay out cash to our members? ... You will have unintrusive small ads and text links that are constantly on whatever screen you visit in our community, whether it's reading or composing your e-mail, reading the news, watching music videos, playing in the game room, using the search engine, visting the auction, listening to our interactive radio, using the Instant Messenger, or countless other things among soon to be thousands of content-intensive and feature-rich pages!!

These ads and links will be no different than the ones you see now within your own present isp community. They make scads of money for your ISP!

Wth us, the only exception is, we split a good portion of that money with you!! To reiterate, what ever the promotions that are exhibited will never be a hindrance to your fun and activities! We make sure that they provide for your particular interest, which guarantees that our advertisers are getting the best media their money can buy!

By the way, our Instant Messenger system mentioned above, will be able to interact with any of the major messaging systems on the web including the ability to import your buddy lists!!

You are going to be absolutely thrilled when you see the many incredible innovations that we will be unleashing as time goes on!!

Want to see how you can easily and quickly turn beginning earnings into a larger source of income?? ......Then Keep Reading!!

You will have access to an abundance of state-of-the-art facilities and services, and for the most part, you'll rarely see a need to ever go outside our community!!

Astoundingly, this earning community over time, will also be phasing in over 3,000 pages of superlative content that offers a whole new world of interactive experience that will keep you coming back hour by hour, day after day!!

Our aim was to design our community to excite and mesmerize our members with content that is constantly changing while providing pure enjoyment right at the control of their fingertips!!

We have many of the top award winning content providers in the business!!
(even an Emmy award)

It's indeed a world that you will quickly become addicted to while it provides an additional thrill of unique and steady monthly income limited only by the time you spend within its extraordinary confines!!


Incredibly, That Is Still Not The Best Part !! ....

According to which plan you sign up under in our community, we will place and keep placing membership underneath you which helps you multiply your monthly income by the number of those we place!!

This process will occur from huge numbers of people that will be signing up on the corporate site as a result of the worldwide advertising campaigns set to begin sometime in the near future. The advertising blitz will cost millions of dollars which will result in resizing the membership population quite suddenly and dramatically! Current members will benefit greatly because there is no place to put the ones coming except underneath the members we already have!!

In a nut shell, If we see that you have no members underneath you to earn from, or only just a few, we take care of that situation by directing new people (complementary referrals) into your earning organization. It's sort of like a safety net put in place to guarantee your success! The placements are decided by an algorithm!

What's required on your part?? .... Nothing

What's required on the part of the members we place under you?? .... Nothing

Just sign up for the right option and simply use our new One-Of-A-Kind community doing Nothing more than what you've always done on the Internet except now get paid handsomely for it!! ...You will actually earn even while watching your cash accumulate in your earnings report!!

After launch, you can have your earning stats follow you around! You will see it as a small marquee that scrolls horizontally like a stock market ticker showing your earnings in real time!! ..Watch it increase constantly when you or anyone under you becomes logged in somewhere in our massive complex!!
Can you say ... Exhilaration ??

Our earning structure literally turns you into an earning catalyst!!

Many people will actually be able to leave their present jobs due to the enormous amount of money they will make with this opportunity ...

Depending on ad rates at the time, Platinum level members could earn around $6.00 per hour and up from their own normal Internet use!!

All other members including beginners in the lower metals could enjoy earnings that range from 50˘ to $3.00 per hour!! This can go higher according to what community areas are frequented including certain other actions that can goose the earnings up!!

There will be over 3,000 areas that pay just for showing up!!!
You can sign up as a free member and enjoy normal earnings, but the
accelerated earnings will come from a sign-up option called the Premier Plan. That's the name you want to remember for higher earning percentages and the one that also allows us to place complementary referrals (corporate spillover) underneath you enough to possibly build your first org of 40 people!!

Sign up free and let your community earnings pay for your Premier Plan membership!!

Your part does not involve a learning process of how the program works in order to earn impressive monthly income!

All you'll be doing is using the Internet just like you are doing right now!! However, you may want to spread the news to your friends, thus another boost to your income just off their normal online usage!!


Your earnings double everytime you fill up an organization!!

An average user that puts in about 30 hours per month could cause a gross revenue of about $100 to the ISP community because of all the advertising exposure.

The chart below shows how a metal (Premier Plan) member would make a lot more money than free members:

It shows the percentages you would be paid of whatever gross revenue you generate and also the percentage you would be paid from the revenue generation of those under you shown by levels.

Free members would only earn the percentages in the far left column, but oh just look at what Premier Plan metal round members would earn in all the columns!!

Your downline grows quickly because those under you will be eager to tell others how their Internet service pays them instead of the other way around!!

Your own personal time earnings alone can pay for your Premier Plan metal round membership!!

Each column only requires 39 people to complete before starting on the next one of 39 people!!

Just the first complete round alone could possibly generate $1,000 and higher in steady monthly cash going right in your pocket with no attention ever required on your part!!

1 bronze

2 bronze

3 bronze


4 silver

5 silver

6 silver


7 gold




10 Platinum


































































Some Platinum members with only a few hundred people under them will make thousands of dollars per month!! I'm not talking about excessive usage either ... as little as one hour of normal Internet usage per day by a hand full of people can add up quick!! Some areas of dwell in our community will pay out a little higher earnings than others!!

Other Platinum round members with more under them, may see five figure monthly incomes and a few that I'm presently aware of, could even see six figure monthly incomes!!

See earning options explained in detail through a sister page which can be visited by clicking on the flaming link near bottom of this page!

In case you are unaware of the fact ... The ISP business is a multi billion dollar per year industry!! Our service makes it possible for you and millions of others to become part of this kind of earning excitment!! You will actually own facilities that people use everyday!!

Members will have several options on how they wish to receive their monthly earnings including a check in the mail ! The majority simply choose to open an easy account with our online banking partner so their earnings can safely be directly deposited on the 15th of every month! Naturally through this type of banking, members can access their money through the same means they would with their local banker, including the writing of personal checks, or using their issued bank debit card for cash withdrawals and of course purchases! The debit card will be accepted by ATM's all over the world!

See a further list of goodies that comes with your membership on the sister page (flaming link below). It tells of the highly encrypted (for ultimate security) custom Internet Explorer browser that we will be providing some time in the future which has become integrated to plot your time earnings throughout our community! The state-of-the-art browser will be so massive, it has to be installed from the CD instead of having a download option! The sister page also gives a company basic of what each member is anticipated to earn at a minimum just from their own personal log-in time! The information is concentrated on minority level users whose online activities are generally very limited including those who never buy or fill out anything. ( the sister page is in a flaming link near bottom of this one. You can't miss it ... just click out the flames when you finally get to it).

Aren't you ready to stop shelling out money for second class Internet when you can get ultimate first class using our community as a means to pay for it??

I know it all sounds too good to be true, but there has never been a concept like this throughout the history of the Internet, which at last makes it all possible!!

I feel proud to be one who can offer such a bright spot to help counter the troubled times we live in these days!! Countless lives will be financially improved around the world with this wonderful alternative to the expensive on line use of the past!!


Today becomes your particular day in history to get signed up for the event of the century as it will no doubt become the global celebration of tens of millions!! ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

After launch and even though it will be very rare, some dail-up numbers may not be available in your area at this time. We will continue to add more and more numbers as they become available in an attempt to encompass all possible areas that our service was built to blanket (every country in the world).

You don't have to use our ISP!! You may wish to remain one of our free members and just simply visit our community for worlds of earning pleasure from your own ISP connection!! (Just sign-up, log in and start escalating your earnings!!) Our powerful and reliable ISP is simply available for those needing one better than their own (we have the best access available)! You can always install it anytime from your member CD kit ..It's all up to you!!

See a referance to the above in the A, B, C, and D sign up options in the sister page mentioned earlier. You can visit it by clicking on the flaming link near bottom of this page.


Read enough and anxious to sign-up?? In that case simply scroll down to the bottom of this page any time and hit the sign up link to the main site! But book mark this page to return to later! .... It's got some interesting insider info you won't see anywhere else!!

Some of us who have been around a while have become privy to such information!!

We have some very prominent partners who you will recognize when
they are announced after launch, including an affiliation with one of
the major TV networks!
This means we have more than enough financial backing to make this venture a huge success.

Revenue will not completely depend on advertising revenue. There
will be some incredible off line ventures taking place and the program will actually be much greater than anything I've expressed in this page!
Under the right membership option, you will benefit from this offline revenue in ways many people wouldn't have thought possible! The offline arrangements will be the most impressive part of your income!! Staff will not tell us what these arrangements are until after launch. As they put it, "if you think the program is great now, just wait .... you haven't seen anything yet !!!"


Needless to say you have struck gold by hitting this page today!

It will now be left up to fate to guide your further actions.


As for the ISP part of our service (mentioned somewhat above), please not make the mistake of comparing us to a typical ISP! Most of the Free or reduced price ISPs on the market run on 2nd tier Internet Networks and do not have the range and capacity of top ISPs.

We have the broadest range and capacity available in the US and
soon globally. So if you have to compare us to other ISPs at
this point in terms of coverage,
the closest you will find will
be MSN.

As soon as it's finished loading, just take a gander at what your home page will look like much further below! ... We have a lot of pleasant surprises in store for you !!


Your chance to get in on the birth of something wonderful !!

Do you realize you're being offered your own piece of the Internet here?? You will own many ISP facilities that you will receive an income from by the daily use of other people ... This will be passive income ... nothing required on your part!!

If you had been in on the start of AOL, you would have made a heck of a lot of money and just think what you would be doing today! Now something far greater has surfaced and will change how everyone will be using the Internet in the future!

Sooner or later you will become a member to our service!!

Perhaps after it becomes a household name or your ISP has folded.

The latter has already occurred in a couple of instances where an entire membership base was transferred over to us!

You will see this happening more and more as we wound up in the long run monopolizing the entire Internet with a concept that appeals to every man woman and child on the planet !

There are a lot of people working on the inside who have access to the total game plan that honestly and truely believe that GP will not only become the largest provider of Internet Access and the most trafficked site on the Internet, but one of the largest companies in the World.

Our earlier members (the ones getting in right now) will reap the greatest financial benefits!!


Several years from now, did you make your move back then which is today??

Competitors are rasping their hands over our impending launch because without a doubt, they are going to lose much of their membership over to us!

As mentioned earlier, when you logged into the Internet a while ago, your service provider got paid a pile of money from its sponsors just from that simply little act??

Now you'll be in on that same kind of action ... An action that could possibly put $$ thousands of dollars $$ monthly in your pocket!!

Ever heard of the phrase "In the right place at the right time"??

We are about to launch what will become tomorrow's Internet today and you becoming a member at this point will give you a head start, or founding advantage (spillover wise) ahead of millions that will be flooding in from corporate worldwide advertising campaigns.

In time, and as we become well known, large numbers of people will come to realize how foolish it will seem to stay with their old service when they see the night and day difference of what we are offering ... wouldn't you agree??

We intend to go head to head with AOL and will eventually dwarf it as we continue our expansion into over 200 countries including Russia and China!!

What we are doing has never been done before by anyone!

We had to seek out the most powerful servers in existance then practically reinvent them to handle and track millions of individual earning accounts throughout the thousands of exciting pages that are contained in our facility! As you can imagine, this was no easy task and has taken a great deal of time to complete! (We have some great developers capable of miracles!)

Internet users of the future will become accustomed to and demand what we are revolutionizing right now!

It will take years for other ISPs to completely turn their ships around and try to redesign their business model to something similar to our patent pending design! By then, we will be so far ahead, they will never catch up with us competitively because our worldwide member reach in over 200 countries and provinces could go to a level of 100 million or more over the years!

We will easily soar ahead by such an incredible public appeal to our service! A service that includes a structure designed to share the wealth instead of greedily taking it all in, like our competitors are set up to only do now!

Some are presently doing all they can to try and harm us because they know they will lose billions if we are in the game! There are right now millions of Internet users that are dissatisfied with their service (just ask anybody and see) but are helpless to do anything other than switch to a service that may be even worse!

We are coming to the rescue!!

We know what everybody wants in an ISP ... we've simply took it to a new level far beyond that!

Our system in its present early stage can handle 20 Million simultaneous logins ---- yes, all at the same time!

We already have twice the connection points of AOL
which means fast and hassle free Internet enjoyment!

At last a premium grade ISP meaning no miserable fat banner bar in your way and will pay you considerable income just from doing the things you normally do on the Internet anyway!

You will of course under certain conditions earn far more from people placed under you by an algorithm that constantly attempts to keep everything balanced in its earning structure.
It hates voids!

This means it is possible for entire organizations to be built for you even if you never recruit a single person on your own!

Your income skyrockets by being at the head of these full or partially full organizations of people that automatically cause earnings to accumulate the instant they become logged into our community!!

There will be varieties of ways that the members in your organization and free community members (gpc) can create earnings for you just from normal online and offline activities probably no different than your on!!

Our program has concentrated on the strategy that if we provide the ultimate best of everything that anyone could possibly ask for and even going way beyond that, community time use will be enormously heavy which creates impressive revenues for those in an organizational position to receive them!!


We could never depend on members getting members to build the huge membership base needed! Corporate will always have to spend mega bucks (millions) to keep bringing in the lion's share to eventually blow our competitors away!

These new members who sign up on the corporate sites, can only be placed underneath the members that we already have in a fair and balanced manner which becomes the building blocks of their prized first level organizations! Members who qualify, will instantly start earning off the Internet activities of our corporate placements and of course, from their own personal community time as well !

You can invite family, friends and other prospects to also get signed up under you to boost your monthly income even more! Under the right status, they will also get corporate placements thus another boost to your income!! This is steady monthly income, I might add!!

There is really a brilliant plan behind it all ...

If we keep the entire membership base in the earnings, they
will be happy and no one is apt to stray!

If we keep increasing their earnings with the upline and corporate
spillovers which puts downline under them, they not only get
but have extra money to start purchasing things
online or offline!

That keeps the sponsors happy ... If the sponsors stay happy, they keep sponsoring ... that makes our ISP happy!

So if everybody is happy, we thrive in these times where many others are failing because we have our own little built in economy!

Members always seek to buy within that economy because of the big discounts plus they save even more by being paid on their own purchases!

They will be able
to purchase anything and everything, even airline tickets at 60% savings after discounts and commissions!

A lot of revenue will also come from large companies who merely want to brand their company or product name like they do on TV and in magazines.... meaning, they don't expect, nor are they set up for any kind of purchase directly from the exposure. They are simply paying to have their name put some where unintrusively on your screen and some of that revenue will wound up in your pocket as cash through the program earning structure!

The Internet will be shaken by our presence!!

This new Internet community is a new concept,a new idea,
a new philosophy. It is an opportunity for members to
share in the Internet promise.

It's like owning your own television network, newspaper, magazine,
shopping mall, sports arena, real estate/travel agency and about 100
different billboards, all at the same time. It is an income generating
opportunity like no other.

You'll have access to anything and
everything the Internet has to offer. From chat rooms, news groups,
and clubs,
. to. Chinese. cooking .and. Western European .architecture.
.Wall Street to Hollywood and Baseball, to Cricket!

it's all yours
and we mean that literally!!

YOU'LL OWN IT and the revenue that is generated from every
feature will be PAID TO YOU!!

All members under certain options will always earn income from usage whether anyone ever buys anything or not!!

That's the part that's going to draw and keep drawing everybody in to sign up!!

Any purchases that are made will result in greater size commissions for you!!

All this is from one man's dream and now that dream has become larger than he ever imagined, starting a revolution that will change the Internet forever!!

We will have not one but three Platinum™ Shopping Malls!! All realistic looking with parking, elevators and store buildings different throughout hundreds of screens ... we wanted to make it fun to shop in our malls so people will spread the word and keep coming back !! The uniqueness of our malls creates browsing fun, Enjoy big discount Walmart type savings on everything, then be paid cash money on your purchases including the purchases of other shoppers as well !!  

Our Platinum™ Shopping Malls will be the talk of the Internet !!  Your going to love what you experience  ...
I guarantee it!! 

The above is only one of the ways you will make a lot more money!!

Besides the malls, there will be over 400 other earning areas throughout our community !!

One of the areas in which we will certainly shine brightest is the area of content. Not just a news link here and there, but a feature and content-rich interactive experience every time you visit our site!

We have more content than just about anyone else in the world!

Yes, for us it is all about the content and about giving you a reason to visit, stay, and revisit the thousands of pages you'll have at your fingertips.

In addition to our gifted team of content managers, editors and writers, we will feature many of the top award winning (even an Emmy Award) content providers in the business through direct, affiliate and syndicated relationships!

A lot of these people have written the content for many newspapers, magazines and major television broadcasts!

It takes talent to know talent!!

This opportunity is so potentially affluent that I am seeing more and more successful Internet companies come into this themseves as members, which gives a pretty good indication of what we really have here!!

Now you can earn income the same way your Internet Service Provider does!!

Below is a preview of of an earlier version of a Going Platinum home member page! .... Isn't it pretty ??

It's only a screen shot mind you! You can earn income from components that your latest home page will contain!!
NOTE..Picture is made smaller to improve load time.


Click out the flames below to learn about the A, B,C and D earning and isp options and how you will have a very fancy website created for you and maintained at no charge!! It will be your member site where you will go and view your earnings in real time and keep track of who is signing up under you! The site will actually allow you to plot your personal earnings by learning where the most lucrative areas of usage are in the over 400 earning areas!

Plus, you'll want to pinch yourself when you see the partial list of what comes with your membership! I can't list it all because there is simply too much of it !

You're not having a dream about this ... it is real despite how unbelievable it sounds!

Hurry and click out the flames futher below in order to clear up some things that may be going through your mind about right now!!

If you're in a hurry, I have placed early links throughout the additional details page that will take you to the main site to sign up!! (details= information not easily found at the main sign-up site, plus a lot of insider stuff you would never see there! )


Although quite sizable, you'll want to take a good look at the GP sign-up site when you visit ... you'll be the future owner of it ... every part of it ...your name on the front where you see mine!!


There is absolutely nothing to lose, but think of all the things you'll have to gain ... not to mention the ultimate in ISP access that dreams are made of !!


Click out the fire below to see what's in store for your coming days !!


If you'd rather cut it short and just go sign up, then click below instead !!

CLICK HERE now to go sign up ! ... But see caution below first.


CAUTION ...................... CAUTION:

If you're going to the sign-up site now... Be sure to type your e-mail address in very carefully !!! Even though the requirement is to type it in twice to prevent errors, 2 out of 20 people will have some type of problem with their e-mail address and can't be sent a temporary pass word to get into their new web site member's area. GP makes an attempt to track those members down, but it's not always successful.

Using web based free e-mail clients such as Microsoft Hotmail, Yahoo and some others may block out bulk mail, which is the form of mailing GP has to use to send out important updates to members. Please be sure your mail buffer is not full and your filter is set to
not block bulk mail .... atleast until you can start using your new Going Platinum e-mail address to recieve our updates.
(in other words, be careful not to let your present e-mail client throw in a monkey wrench !!)

AOL users who use the AOL browser may not be able to visit the GP sign-up site... To get around that problem, just minimize the AOL browser and click open the Internet Explorer, or Netscape etc. browser icon on your machine, then type or paste the below purple address in the browser address bar.

Also due to the community launch which is very near, the sign-up sites are having to be temporarily offline more frequently for necessary changes. Please keep checking back if you get a white screen error message!!


Last updated 08/4/02

copyright © 2000 charles mask

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