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Gabbing With Gedstern

This week: Michael Saucedo!

Michael played Juan on GH. He's married to Rebecca Herbst (Elizabeth) and their son, Ethan just turned one on Halloween!

visit Michael's great Official Website-featuring his new album!

Hello, Michael since leaving GH, what have you been up to?

After spending a year or so ironing out some legal issues with my former production company, I am now working with a whole new music team. I'm getting ready to go into the studio with Jellybean Benetiz to cut a track for the "Dirty Dancing 2" soundtrack, and hope to start my new album shortly there after. On the acting side of things, I was recently cast to play the role of Will Jameson in a pilot called "Waterfront." We start shooting in December.

We've heard rumblings of a "Juan" return. If he were to come back, how would you like to see it written?

I think when Juan was initially introduced there was a lot of depth to the character, but as things progressed he slowly became one-dimensional. I'd love to see Juan written with the edginess he had in the beginning. When everything went down with Emily, I remember receiving a lot of letters from viewers wishing that Juan would have gone in the opposite direction. People wanted to see Juan go bad, which I think would have been a lot of fun to portray and much more interesting to watch.

Do you watch ever watch GH?

Occasionally I have to wrestle the remote from Ethan because he actually prefers Teletubbies. What are you gonna do?

Will you be going to the SSW in Florida with Becky this year?

Unfortunately, they only take a small number of actors each year, and Becky was not one of those invited in 2002. Becky and I really enjoy Super Soap Weekend. It is definitely one of our favorite events. We will miss seeing you guys! I'm going to keep my fingers crossed for next year.

Did you think Kelly should have won "American Idol"?

I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. I think based on singing ability she was the clear choice. I'm just afraid that she's going to be labeled for the rest of her career as the "girl who won American Idol." Part of me had hoped that she wouldn't win because I thought she might have a better chance at longevity if she wasn't the winner. Nevertheless, she is without a doubt a very talented singer, and hopefully in the end that is all people will care about.

Also, you have a great new website! Did you help out in its planning?

I'm very excited about my new website. Kevin Simon, the webmaster, has done a fantastic job! Although it is up and running, we look at it as a work in progress, because we want it to continuously evolve. It is my hope that the site will be a place that people not only enjoy visiting but also contribute to as well. I encourage everyone to send in their comments, questions, pictures, etc.

Thank you for your time! Anything else you'd like to add?

I want to thank all of the fans for their continued support. Your letters and email mean a lot to me. I hope all is well for you and I wish you all the very BEST!

Copywrite 11/2002 Gedstern/Canfield. All rights reserved. This interview may not be reproduced in part or whole without the written permission of the website owners.


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