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Our Gifts To Stevie

Since Stevie has been such an inspiration to all of us, we decided that it was time that we gave something back, so here is our story....

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Stevie's Fairy ~ Firefly

Stevie_sFairy2.jpg (91865 bytes)When Louise Beard joined Fireflies UK in April 2001 she informed us that she would be traveling to Boston to see Stevie’s concert. It was then that she suggested taking a gift for Stevie from her UK fans in Fireflies UK. She brought to our attention the wonderful work of Debby Faulkner-Stevens. On seeing Debby’s style of work we all agreed that is would be a suitable gift to send to Stevie. It was at this time we saw a painting she had recently done called Rhiannon.

On the strength of this it was decided that Fireflies UK would commission a unique work of art. We left the design totally to Debby with the only stipulation that it should not look like Stevie and that is should somehow incorporate Fireflies.

dedication.jpg (77705 bytes)6 Weeks after meeting with Debby, Stevie’s Fairy was born. Firefly, as she was named, exceeded all expectations. A dedication was supplied by Gemma M. in Welsh and added to the back. This quotation came from the Mabinogion legends.

After much consultation with International Artist Relations, John Kinney at the Nicksfix, Stevie’s publicist and Stevie’s management it was decided that the painting should be sent to Sheryl Louis whom assured us that it would be given to Stevie at the end of the tour.

Written by Pip Fidler and Louise Beard


Rhiannon.jpg (85999 bytes)When Louise and I visited Debby Faulkner-Stevens in June 2001 several pieces of completed paintings were on display in her house. Within minutes of arriving I spotted a beautiful painting called Rhiannon and instantly thought of Stevie. Debbie told us that Rhiannon had been part of a collection she painted on the welsh legends. For a brief moment we considered purchasing this painting as Stevie’s gift but decided to go with the unique commission.

After hearing Louise’s review of her trip to see Stevie in Boston I decided I had to experience Stevie for myself. It had been 12 years since I had last seen her on tour. On choosing Las Vegas for our trip we started thinking about a gift for Stevie from us. Remembering the Rhiannon painting I asked Louise if Debby had sold it. She hadn’t but was exhibiting it with some other work at 3 shows with a view to sell it. Louise suggested that if it hadn’t been sold by September 23rd Rhiannon would have a new home with Stevie. Suffice to say Rhiannon hadn’t sold and she came to Las Vegas with us.

We were honored to be able to personally present Rhiannon to Stevie. Her comment was, “This is soooo beautiful, Thank you”

You can read a full review of our trip to Vegas and our meeting with Stevie

Written by Pip Fidler, with Louise Beard.

See more of Debby's work at her official website:

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