[ Chapter 3 : Affirmative! ] After our exhausting training session this morning, Quistis, Angelo and I headed to the 2F classroom. Angelo ran ahead of us both. I watched as the dog happily wagged it's tail, also leaving slobber all over the clean floors of the Garden at the same time. I giggled. Quistis didn't seem too pleased about it. We hurried into the classroom and I quickly took a seat somewhere. Angelo followed and slumped down next to where I was sitting. Quistis proudly walked to the front of the classroom and looked around at everyone. "Good morning class," Quistis greeted. We all greeted her in return. One of the guys in the back row let out a loud whistle. One of the kinds that you only use when trying to pick up or to signify that someone's looking sexy. Quistis gave him a greasy. The guy instantly shut up and sat upright. "I have a few announcements to make before class begins," Quistis informed. She looked at everyone as if to say, "Shut up and listen!" Everyone stopped talking and gave her their full attention. "Seeming that word's already starting to spread around, no thanks to a certain 'leak' from the Garden Festival Committee, and a somewhat LOUDMOUTH spreading the news, I'm going to satisfy your suspicions and tell you all what's going on." Everyone in the classroom, including Quistis, stared at Zell and Selphie. They both blushed. "It has been confirmed that President Laguna Loire of Esthar and the headmasters of each Garden have joined forces and are currently organizing a worldwide Beauty Pageant. The Pageant is apparently being held as a celebration of their unity," Quistis informed. A soft harmonious chatter quickly spread throughout the classroom. Everyone seemed somewhat confused and excited at the same time. "Quiet everyone! Unless you don't wanna find out more details," Quistis shouted. Silence fell upon the class once again. "Apparently, only students of Garden, including SeeDs, are allowed to enter the Pageant. The Pageant is meant for FEMALES only, so don't you guys get any ideas!" Quisty continued. Irvine and Zell stared at each other with menacing grins on their faces. I couldn't help but let out a short laugh. I could just imagine what kind of evil scheme those two would plan for the Pageant. "More details about the Pageant will be posted up shortly around the Garden. Make sure you that you check them if you wish to enter. It is of utmost importance that you do," Quisty informed. I looked around the classroom again. Almost every girl in the room was gossiping to her friends about the Pageant. The guys seemed to pretty satisfied with the whole idea of staring at girls for a whole night. Irvine and Zell seemed to be planning and evil twist for the night. "Ok. That's it for news on the Pageant. Time to start class!" Quisty announced. Everyone became attentive once again, ready to start their working, in fear that Instructor Trepe would lose her patience... ( To be continued... )