Chapter 7: Another Lost Sheep "No father I'm not staying any longer!" The rebellious youth hollered at his Dad." I'm gone, I'll write when I know where I'm going!" With that the youth brushed back his silver hair and strode off angrily, just as he knew his mother would. God, acting like his mother. He just needed to prove himself. To be what he could be, and he knew he could achieve, but not here, in the shadow of his father. No, he may never be that great but he could become more than he was. So what if he scored the lowest on the SeeD exam? Ever. Well except for that Seifer guy, but no matter, he needed to be somewhere where nobody knew who he was, where nobody knew he was belonged to the most powerful family in the world. He needed those drips to fuck off!! Geez. He shouldered his duffel bag and headed off. His Father might not be able to get to balamb before him, and mayeb he would just let him go, did he actually understand? Never could fucking tell. People said that to him too "Squall, you are the hardest person to understand." WHy did Mom have to name me after him, fuck fuck fuck. WHy couldn't he be his own person. His sister didn't have that problem, she was way to much like mother, in every way, at least his baby brother didn't stop, not like he knew how to talk anyway. No use dweeling on the past it was time to meet his future. Maybe he would go to Galbadia, his parents wouldn't bother looking for him there, then maybe get into a Foreign Battalion. see the damn world for himself, not with mommy and daddy holding his hand, life can come together for he who puts his will towards it. *************************************** The airship had been a bumpy ride, but worth it, Squall Leonhart the II stepped off the ramp, a green staff sargeant in the Galbadian Army, his boots were polished, his thought moving in straight ordered lines. He walked briskly across the dirt tarmac to the corrugated steel shelter that housed the 69th foreign regiments headquarters. The town was set up in the perfect fashion as described in the textbook, except it appear to have been assemble by a crowd of monkey. There was a thick layer of grime on everything, the buildings,the trucks, even the soldiers. The ground was nothing more that packed mud, adn the building nothing more than shaped metal. It was simple, run-down and aging. But not for Squall, it was the frontier. Trabia Garden was a hunder and fifty miles back towards civilisation. He stopped abruptly as a patrol went running by in a sloppy line, thier packs clanking and their mouths grumbling. He picked up the pace he learned at the training camp. Ninety steps per minute, every minute, no matter where you're headed. It was a brisk pace and took him staright to the HQ, which looked even more used up close than it did at a distance. The hinges were creaky as he pulled back the screen door, and it sounded liek the wall was about to collapse when it snapped shut again. He looked around the abysmal office which was inside. Paper was stacked in piles all over the place, everything was out of order. A rumpled looking ladie in an old uniform came out of the door and looked genuinely surprised to see him standing there. "Huh?, Who are you? I haven't seen you through here before." She spoke hurriedly. "St Sgt Squall Kinneas (So he fudged his name a bit, Irvine wouldn't mind) reporting here for imediate field duty, ma'am." He said smartly. "Ahhh, I heard about you. Here are your orders." She rifled through a seemingly random stack of papers, but eventual finding one that seemed to please her. She handed it too him, and walked out. He saluted her back, out of a reflex, then clicked his heels as he walked out, Reading the papers. "Staff Sargeant S. Kinneas, detailed to the 2nd platoon, D company, 69th Royal Foreign Regiment. TO be transported immediately and Report to Captain J. Bear." He heard the chopping of a helicopter as it came in to land, apparently carrying wounded soldiers. A small group of orderlies cam out of another building across the grounds and rushed to pull stretchers out and run them back. We weren't at war were we? Mother? Father? whats going to happen to me?