Chapter 6: Life will never stop He walked slowly towards the arched gate. There were 4 men on either side of him, and Squall was walking solemnly in front. On the grounds the entire student body of Garden was watching lined up in neat rows, everyone in their dress uniforms, prim, trim and buttoned up. A little farther into the distance The bear could see a crowd of Balambians, a gawking mass when next to the stiff Students. It was hundereds of miles to those hated gates. He could see the car waiting to take him to the dock, to the ship preparing to transport to his port of choice. The ship waiting to get rid of him. He was becoming hot under the hideous burning stares of his peers. He saw faces of friends, people he would never see again, his family, who he'll never be able to say goodbye to. He saw the last few years of his life behind him as he alked into the slight summery breeze. THere were no clouds, a fne day by any account. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming, a whole world ignorant to his plight, a whole world that doesn't care, and thats where he was headed. THe Bear also realised that The garden wasn't so special, it would leave hardly a trace in a thousand years. humanity would be gone in a hundred thousand. People are so self important.They think they are the world, look at where they aren't, I'm better than them now, self righteous fucks. I'll show them the true meaning of leaving an impression on the world. Stories of my exploits will last as long as civilisation haunts the planet. I will be better... ********************************************** Another night under the trabian skies, another night staring at the same set of stars. He knew them all. People always think there are too many to count. Pvt. Bear knew better, he knew they never had a number, they wer just there, and he knew them, knew the look of them. They were his freinds, his family, the stars never left him, only briefly when it rained, and that never lasted more than a few days anyway, but the spring was setting in. Mud. A soldiers worst nightmare. Well, maybe the shumi outcasts were a soldiers worst nightmare, but mud was up there. Ice was pretty bad too, but it had started to the list was growing shorter. Maybe losing a freind was bad too, but thats just war eh? He flipped down the eypiece on his helmet and started scanning the distance, looking out for one of the massive metal pods that house the misshapen shumi. President Heartilly shouldn't involve us in her little power struggles with Garden Master Squall. Fuck off for a while eh? Break time, not really, but who's watching. He reached into his pack and took out a small bottle. ********************************************** More rain. Centra is the worst. Half the fucking continent is a desert, and he wound up on the only fucking patch of grass, and it just fucking happens to rain way too fucking much. Sgt. Bear told his squad to drop their gear and pitch the camp. No sense in getting wetter and muddier. After the shumi campaign, he was promoted, decorated, and transferred, when the centra crisis started, he was just the man, just like another two thousand of his fellow G-army soldiers, to land with teh first wave and get torn to shit by hideous unimaginable monsters. Fifty percent gone in the first four days. They had to learn fucking quick to live, they practically evolved in the first few months. Some experienced, many green troops, clean shaven and ready to take on the world. Now wary hunters, eyes glowing, slavering for blood; scarred, tightly wound men, ready to kill in an instance. Bear helped set up the machine guns and set the guards, then settled dow to get a bit of sleep. But first maybe a bit of drink, to help him sleep. ********************************************** Deling city was a sight to see at night, bright lights everywhere, stretching on for miles, the huge monument in the center of the park. The park was a wonderful place. Lt. Bear visited often, when it was safe, of course. With the Timber rebels incite riots and setting off bombs in the city, it was hardly a day when Bear wasn't commanding his unit for police action. It had been nearly two weeks since President Heartilly had declared martial law. He had seen her the other day, far off, behind the blockade in front of her residence. He had been on street patrol at the time, it was a nice day too. "Id better get another medal for this" The bear mused to himself, "A nice shiny, worthless medal." Rumors were abound of military action against Timber, but the president had been a member of a resistance faction, and everyone figured that it woud never happen, never. Maybe the hotel was in the perimeter tonight, he could stop by for a drink or something. He deserved a good drink. Maybe two, its been a hard night.