Chapter 5: A little Happiness It had been three weeks now, the bear was in almost total isolation, locked onto his bed, and there wer more guards now sitting outside his door. Nobody could talk to him, nobody would anyway, it was evil, pure fucking evil. He still felt the hate, and it was hotter, and growing by the day. he needed to get away from the Garden. He needed to get out before he broke down completely. But the world outside was as scary as the room that trapped him now. He didn't know how to talk to new people, he didn't have any relatives to put him up, and he had no money, the school would probably destroy his records, there was totally nothing, nowhere to go but down. Maybe he could run to Galbadia, join the army there, or maybe timber? "Id be a great mountain hermit. How about Trabia?" he mused to himself, not caring that he talked to himself."That would be nice. The Bear hated his life right now, but it was a trial tommorow, and his future the day after. He had been informed earlier that the most he would probably recieve for his sentence would be banishment, and he could accept that, he didn't really want to live at the Garden any more, hey, there was nobody here that would want to see him around anymore either. A month ago, his plan was so entirely interwoven witht th garden, but now, it was a new story, s clean slate. it was the only entertain he had, thinking about what he could do now. He relaxed a bit, no longer straining against the leather straps that held him onto the bed, it wasn't uncomfortable, really, and he did get to stand for 20 minutes a day, under very careful supervivsion. Yesterday, that Instructor Quistis had detailed her self to the guard unit, and they had a bit of a conversation. She seemed really nice, and hot to boot. The Bear focused his mind on the positives, and he began to see a little better in the dim artificial light that filtered through the small barred glass window. He thought of Galbadia. His home-to-be, he had heard bout it when Sorceress Heartilly had come in and helped her Husband teach a society class. The last he heard was that the sorceress was pregnant again,thats her third, and bearing Squall another son. They were quite the couple, Squall, Headmaster of Balamb Garden, recently made chief master of the three Gardens and Rinoa the recently elected President of Galbadia. Would he be that successful? maybe he could make officer, command a garrison somehwere, help somebody out. He would be a good commander, he would know the troops first names, and know thier wives and girlfreinds names. He would be there for them, while still maintaining good discipline, he would have the finest unit. they would a have a banner full of honours, and he himself wuold have a heavy plate of medals to show off. Shining boots, and polished guns, the pride of the military. Of course there wold be fighting, but he was born to fight, born to destroy. He knew that. But he wanted to create. The Bear wanted to create life, happiness, greatness. He wanted a house and a family and a place in the world. Apparently his place wasn't here, but that was okay, there was room in the world for himk, he would have to work for it , but he was big enought to take on any challenge. He knew he could do it. "My life is what I make it, and if anything or anyone is holding me back, fuck them. Ill succeed as I know that I am capable of doing. I will survive this and move on.It will work out" It will all work out...I will have my life...a life of my own...I will have things to call mine...a place...home...