The Bear woke up a day later, in the unfamiliar scene of the Garden Infirmary. It smelled like a hospital so clean, free of blood, and pain. There was a pain in his chest and his hand felt numb, and he couldn't move his jaw. The whiteness of the room was stifling, there were no visible bounds to the small room, nothing real in the vastness , nothing but himself and he was hardly more. He thought for a moment and realised that there were no windows, he must be in the security chamber. What had happened? Where was Sorrow? He slowly stirred, and tried to move his head to look around, but pain gripped him tightly to the harsh, foreign bed. He fought it and struggled to raise his head, but it was a waste there was nothing in the room, not even a small table, like the ones in every fucking room The Bear had ever been in. There was nothing to do but sleep. And so the Bear slept. ************************************************ "WHAT!?!?" Instructor Zell Dincht cried."WHAT!?!?" "Sorrow was killed while training with one of your students yesterday..."The serious looking SeeD told him bluntly. Zell collapsed into the chair at the front of his class, not believing what he was hearing. Sorrow was one of his better students, a lot like Seifer in many ways, but not so extreme. He arrived 4 years ago, and had always done well, and loved to spar. He hero worshipped Squall, and had chosen a gunblade when it had come time to pick a specialty. He was going to be a great SeeD, maybe even officer, but never instructor, he would hate helping others learn. He was a little arrogant, maybe needing to be taken down a few pegs, but not death, he was barely 17, Zell had lived twice that long, and still he felt there was more to life. "Was it The Bear?" "Yes sir." Life drained from Zell, he wanted to curl up and cry. The Bear was the pride of his class, of the student body, a great guy all around, funny guy , lots of freinds, a nice girl, miles ahead of anyone but Sorrow in his military training, he even trained almost exclusively with Zell too, it was too much to stand. The perfect student, the best that Garden had seen since Squall was still a student. A killer. Wasn't Zell one too? He had fought the Sorceress along with all the others. Fought off the G-Army at every turn. And he wasn't much older either. But this was different, somehow. Student against student. "leave, now."Zell didn't know what to think. "Yes sir." **************************************************** Squall stared coldly at the monitor, watching The Bear as he lay still on the bed. This was the first time since Cid left 7 years back that anything even remotely this serious had happened. He felt lost, and confused. He like he was back at the beginning, being told that he was to command the Garden against the Sorceress. He knew this fear that came from responsibility; responsibility and failure. He was almost paralysed by the closeness of this tragedy. He knew what the guys felt like, he and Seifer were the same. Squall ran a gloved finger over the fading scar that still marred his face. "Open the Door" He said to the two guards standing beside the door as he strode purposefully across the room to the security cell. Squall carried his Lionheart in its scabbard at his side. "Bear, tell me what happened, how did you do this?" "I...don't...know." A gunblade was drawn, come on, we just need a bit more work, thunder, rain wind, hatred, pain suffering blood sweet blood suffering helplessness disconnection uninhibited bloodlust veangance over victory an ending like perfectionindestructiondarknessturnedtolightasthebeastinsideisreleasedbringingdeathuponthosewhoinvokeditswrath... It blurred together in his mind. He mind raced and his heart popped, he felt it comgin back to him, like rain pounding on his back as he pulled his bone, his body from his dead peer. The wind whipped the stinging rain into his face and wounds burning a broken body with its force. He felt the shackles come undone from his hands and feet, and he stood up and roared. It was strong, it was his essence. His head was swimming, both then and now, and Squall was looking at him worriedly, but Sorrow had a blank stare where his eye wasn't destroyed. He felt his chest grow warm with water, no, not water, but blood, his blood, the blood that was all around him, on him, in him. His blood was life, as Sorrow had found out. Then black, and now... "He...Attacked me...cut me...then cut off my hand...(was that right? his hand was still attached, it felt cold though, cold a numb, like the rest of him)and something in me snapped (Can I escape blame by placing it on myself?) then I lashed out and then ...I... ... crushed his head... ... ... and stabbed him." Squall was silent. he knew nothing else. He believed the Bear, and knew he would never go out of his way too cause pain to anything. But it didn't change the fact that somebody was dead, and the blood was on his hands. Squall felt like screaming, tearing all his hair out. He couldn't help the Bear, at all, though he wanted to, he had to uphold justice, and didn't know how to deal with it. "Thanks, Bear." Squall didn't listen to the Bears quiet calls as he strode out. The door was closed and locked behind him, closing him off from the suffering boy, free from having to face him. He left the infirmary, and quickly strode into action. His mind began to work harder, he went over punishments. Most seemed too severe, far too severe, it was self defense after all, and he wouldn't put the attack over Sorrow. Squall had a place in his heart for Sorrow, they had shared similar childhoods, and knew what each other had gone through, He found it easy to guide Sorrow through learning to use the gunblade, so far, Sorrow was the nly one he had trusted to teach the deadly weapon to, a trust which was destroyed, but its memory kept Squall from believing the Bear completely. Between the truth and the trust lay the doubt, and it was from within the doubt that the laws of man came. Squall needed a more obective judgement. Maybe it was time to see Dr. Cid.