Fujin pulled off her wig, and slipped out the contacts. She slipped on her eye patch. Seifer was dressed in his normal attire, aside from the trenchcoat, and just had on regular black boots. "You ready, Fujin?" She turned and faced Seifer. "Yes." He hugged her. "You look better, Fuu." "Heh..." ~~~***~~~ The train took them to Balamb. They exited the town quickly, and entered Balamb GARDEN. They went unnoticed. Seifer and Fujin went to Raijin's dorm, and knocked. "I told ya damn shrinks, I'm not coming out, ya know?!" This implied that Raijin had not been out of his dorm since he heard the news. Seifer pushed his shoulder into the dorm door. The door opened immediatley, and Fujin followed him in. "S, Seifa!? Fujin?! Ghosts! Oh, Hyne! Please vouch over me...!" "Raijin, we're not ghosts. We never died." Seifer said, sighing. "What? But they told me yesterday when I got outta the hospital..." "Don't worry, Raijin." Seifer reassured. "I have to go now. When they hold court for Fujin, tell them she went to Balamb to visit you." "WHAT?! SIEFER?!" "I love you, Fuu. I'm going back into hiding!" "No! Seifer!" She yelled. "Shh, Fuu, ya don't want them to catch me..." "Maybe I do, Seifer!! This isn't safe. I thought we came back here..." "Cuz, you're innocent, Fujin. No need for you to suffer." "SEIFER!!!!" Fujin called as he walked down the halls. Raijin held her back, trying to knock some sense into her. "Seifer..." She cried. ~~~***~~~ "First, I'd like to call Fujin Sanada to the stand." Said one of the lawyers. Fujin was supposed to tell the truth... but she had other plans. She stood up and walked over. "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you Hyne?" "I swear." 'Tch, never believed in Hyne anyway.' "Where were you on the day General Caraway was killed?" "Well, I went to the bar and got plastered. I ran into Seifer Almasy, a good friend, who was going to visit Raijin, who was in the hospital." 'Raijin had better back me with this...' she thought to herself. "I asked him if I could use his car, he said yes, he'd just rent one on the way home. He didn't realize I had been drunk... He gave me his trenchcoat to wear, since it was raining. I drove and drove, trying to find my way to GARDEN, but it was raining so hard, I could hardly see in front of me... I hit him... I didn't see him... I'm so sorry..." Fujin buried her face in her hands for the sake of drama. "Is this true, Raijin?" "By all means, ya know?!" 'Thank Hyne!' Fujin thought. "Well, where is Mr. Almasy?" "Out of town... He took a small vacation. I was scared. I went into hiding." "I see... Well, it seems it was an acident..." Started the judge. "We'll put you in for three months. Galbadia prison. Court adjurned." Two Galbadian soliders came and took Fujin away. She did not struggle, she did not fight. She was doing this... for Seifer. ~~~***~~~ Seifer sat in his small apartment in Wnhill, missing Fujin more than ever... But he knew he made the right choice. He heard a crash. 'Damn paper kid. My fucking window.' He went into the living room, and picked up the paper. On the cover, he seen Fujin. "'Fujin Sanada sent to jail; three months for the death of General William Caraway...' What the fuck!?" He read further, and realized what Fujin did... He was shocked. He could come out of hiding now. Seifer glanced at the picture. Fujin looked peaceful, next to the two Galbadian soliders. Happy with herself? He shook his head, and left. He took a train to Deling, from which he rented a car to the Galbadian Prison. He entered the prison, and was able to visit Fujin. Fujin sat in her cell, alone. There was a knock at the door. "NOT HUNGRY! FUCKING MOOMBA." "Fuu?" "Seifer?!" He was let in by a Galbadian Solider, who left, saying he'd come back in an hour. Fujin swallowed. "Fujin... Why?" He hugged her, and tears were streaming down her cheeks. "Seifer... Oh, Seifer..." Fujin pressed her lips to his, and she tasted him, smelled him, felt him, heard him... Seifer. The only one in the world that made her senses do this... "Fujin, why'd you do this to me...? I can't get you outta here, or they'll get you for lying under oath. Oh, Fujin, why!?" "They went easy on me... Seifer..." She rested her head on his shoulder. His arms, the only place she ever wanted to be. "Fuu..." He whispered. She felt her bottom lip start to tremble, and she bit it, to stop her from crying any more... She couldn't. "Seifer! Don't leave me... ever..." "Oh, Fujin, I wanted to kill you when I read that... dammit." "Seifer... Seifer... Seifer..." With every breath she took, Fujin exhaled his name. "I'm gonna come see you everyday, Hyne dammit! I promise..." "I'm glad... That I did this... The government doesn't like you, you'd be in here for three years! They'd say that you had intent or something..." Seifer didn't say anything. "Did it stop raining...?" Fujin asked. "Yes, Fujin... It stopped raining... You don't even have fucking windows in here... Your element is wind, and you dont even have fucking windows... Why, Fuu?!" "Its alright, Seifer..." She said. She turned from Seifer and wiped her tears away. "Seifer, I'm supposed to be so strong... And I am, but you, you make me vunerable... weak... Seifer, I need you... if you were sent away..." They talked for a bit more. "Fuu, when you get out of here...-" "Times up!" The solider came in. "What? Its hasn't been a friggin hour, you fucking-" "Yes it has." He said. Seifer looked at his watch. He was right. "Bye, Fuu." Seifer kissed her, and then left her alone, again. ~~~***~~~ The three months passed quickly, and Seifer came to see Fujin everyday, as promised. Seifer came to get her the day she was due to get out of prison. That day, it rained. Even with the cloudy sky, when Fujin stepped outside she knelt on the ground. It was so bright! Seifer grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet. She sheilded her eye. "Sorry, its just so damned bright..." "Its cloudy, Fuu." "I know, I just haven't been out in three fucking months." She muttered. "Ugh, I have a headache now." She rubbed her temples and sighed. "I'm a friggin' convict, I wonder if they'll accept me back at GARDEN." "I've already spoken to the headmaster. You'll be let back in upon arrival. They said you were doing fine and should be able to catch up easily." Everything was silent until they got on a train to Balamb. Seifer paid extra so that they got a room, and Fujin layed down on one of the beds immdiately. She groaned from the pains in her head and back. "To sleep in a bed... not a floor with a blanket..." She muttered. She glanced at Seifer who was sitting on the sofa, thinking about something. "What?" She asked. Well, Seifer had been thinking about the last three months. You could ask anyone. He had been depressed, even seeing Fujin once a day wasn't enough. He remembered every night, staring at himself in the mirror, thinking to himself about what a failure he was, and how Fujin could possibly love him. He remembered being on the verge of suicide quite a few times, but he thought of Fujin, and how sad she would be. He couldn't tell her that. "Nothing." "No, what?" "I was just thinking... about... about, how much I missed you..." "Oh..." Fujin replied slowly. Fujin fell asleep, and Seifer moved to the foot of her bed, just watching her. She was so beautiful in his eyes... Everything about her was so perfect... They arrived at Balamb, and Fujin tossed her regular, cold look to everyone who looked at her. They walked into GARDEN, and Seifer walked down the halls with his usual scowl, new trenchcoat flailing out behind him. "Seifer, I want to go sleep, okay?" "Yeah, sure. I'll be in my dorm." "Alright..." Fujin walked to her dorm and seen Selphie Tilmitt waiting for her. "FUJIN!" "SELPHIE. WHAT DOING?" Well, Selphie had always been a good friend to Fujin. She looked past her cold exterier and seen that there was a caring person inside... somewhere. Selphie had always been there when Seifer got upset at Fujin, and Selphie was the only other one who knew that Fujin had liked Seifer for quite sometime... "You know, I know what really happened... I just told them I didn't... Told them just what you thought I knew. ANYWAY! I have to tell you something! Can I come in?" "YES." The two walked inside Fujin's dorm, and Fujin plopped on her bed. She had planned to take a hot shower, she hadn't had one in some time, they were always cold, quick showers at the prison. She couldn't take one now, though. Selphie had something to tell her. "WHAT?" "You know when you were gone?" "Yeah..." "Well... hmm." "Selphie, wait. How did you find out...?" "Seifer... well Seifer told me." "Seifer told YOU!?" "Yeah... Like I said, ANYWAY, while you were gone, he was really depressed and stuff... I mean, he thought of himself as a failure and everything! And, just between you and me... I think he cried once..." Fujin paused. Seifer cry? What for? "Thanks for the information, Selphie. I'll talk to you later." Fujin motioned toward the door, and Selphie left. Fujin took off her clothes and stepped into the shower. She turned the hot water on as high as it would go, and she just stood there, for awhile. She was thinking about Seifer...and then she finally got what Selphie was trying to say. Fujin turned off the shower and rubbed a towel over her reddened skin. She pulled on a blue shirt, the one she had bought when in hiding, along with her normal, black pants. The last thing she pulled on were her boots, and she looked at herself in a mirror. Fujin's hair was wet, and clinging to the top of her neck. She grabbed her eyepatch and slipped it on. She headed to Seifer's dorm. When she got there, Fujin knocked on the door. No answer. She turned the knob. Locked. "Seifer?" She called into the door. No answer. 'He said he'd be here.' Fujin walked over to Raijin's dorm, and knocked on the door. "Who is it?" "FUJIN." "Come in, ya know?!" He said. Fujin walked in and seen Raijin sitting on his bed, listening to some odd form of music. The room was a mess, as usual. "SEIFER? WHERE?" "Haven't seen him, ya know?! Oh wait... I think... nah. Oh! Yeah! He was headed toward the library. I was gonna go with him, but, uh, he said no, for some reason, ya know?!" "THANKS." Fujin exited the dorm, stepping over piles of clothing in the process. ~~~***~~~ Seifer arrived at the library. It was empty, as it always was on Saturdays. He took a seat at the back, and there was only one librarian there, and she had left when Seifer entered. He came here, because he needed to think, and it was the only place that was empty. Seifer wondered if he was even doing any good for Fujin. 'Ever since we had expressed feelings for one another, Fujin had gotten drunk, Fujin had cried, Fujin changed her identity, and Fujin got put in jail... Have I done her any good? No. Fujin was a mess. Her record was now set for friggin man slaughter, whether it was an acident or not, and if I try to change that, it would be set for lying under oath for both her and Raijin... Three months of Fujin's life have been destroyed because of me... and my fucking cowardice.' "Seifer!" His thoughts were interupted by Fujin, who walked over to him. "Hey, Fuu..." "I was talking to Selphie... she told me, that while you were gone, you thought of yourself as a failure... Seifer, its not true...!" "Fujin, I've ruined you. I mean, look, ever since I told you how I felt, you've cried, gotten drunk, been sent to prison for man slaughter that I commited, and...-" Fujin tucked a lock of wet hair behind her ear. "It was worth it." She said slowly as she placed her hand on his shoulder. "For what? So you can have some arrogant ass for a... for a..." Seifer tried to think of the right word to refer to himself as, but to no avail. "For a lover?" She finished. "Erm, yeah." "I like having an arrogant ass for a lover. Especially if that arrogant ass is you." Fujin sighed, and took a seat next to Seifer, who hugged her. "Fuu, I always thought that I was good enough for anyone, better than everyone... But I don't think I'm good enough for you." He said. Fujin smiled. "Stop that. You're just perfect for me, Seifer... When you came after me, that night, when it was raining... I thought it was fake... but you hugged me... And I was so happy... I never thought you could make me this happy. Everything that I've done, I do not regret now." Seifer didn't say anything, he just kept hugging her. "Fujin." "Yeah?" "I'm never gonna leave ya. Ever. ~The End.