"Fujin, give me your shirt." "What?" "Give me your friggin shirt!" Seifer yelled as he stared down into the water. "A, alright." Fujin nervously pulled off her sopping wet shirt, and handed it to Seifer, who took off his trenchcoat . Both items were tossed into the ocean, and Seifer pulled off one of his boots, which went in too, along with both gloves. Fujin clutched her wet body, shivering. Seifer pulled off his vest, and handed it to Fujin. "Put that on." He said. She pulled it on, and it didn't fit all to well, but, she needed something. Fujin stayed silent, her very existance had just been erased. She would never see Raijin or anyone again. -Not that it mattered... Seifer let a sigh escape him as a bolt of lightening lit up the sky. The thunder storm had started again. He started walking. "Where are you going?!" Fujin called out. "Timber! Its right around here, somewhere!" Fujin walked up to Seifer. "They are gonna notice us! I mean, you are missing a boot, and are shirtless. I have an oversized vest on, that doesn't even fit..." "Yeah, I know." Fujin looked at Seifer, who was glancing at the area that showed a little too much, because the front of the vest cut down too low. Fujin kicked him in the shin and pulled the vest up. "So, what the hell do we do, Seifer?" "We'll stay out here until its late, and then when most of the town's sleeping, we'll go in, and rent a room at the hotel..." "..Fine." They walked in silence toward Timber, and when they were right outside the city, Seifer looked at his watch, hitting a button on the side that made it light up. "We'll go in an hour." Seifer said. He could sense that Fujin wanted to complain, but she wasn't that type, so Seifer just sat down, and Fujin sat next to him. "I'm sorry, Fuu." "What for?" "I just ended you're life as Fujin Sanada." "So what? I didn't like it all too much anyway." She said as she rested her head on his bare, wet chest. Seifer could tell she didn't mean what she had said.. "Fujin... It would probably be safer for us to split up... after this... I mean, yeah, we're gonna get noticed, albino with eye patch and blonde tall guy with a scar across his forehead. Sure, they might not recognize me, there are so many.... yeah, anyway, but you..." "NO! ... I mean..." "Fujin?" "Seifer... I," She looked up to face him, and he wrapped his arms around her. "love you.... I can't leave you, Seifer." Seifer didn't know what to do. Fujin would be so noticible. "Fuu..." "I'll dye my hair, Seifer. Get contacts..." "No, I love your hair... Your beautiful silver hair..." He ran his bare hands through it. "Then I'll buy a wig... Seifer, I won't leave you... I'll stay, even if I die trying." Well, Seifer was shocked. He had no clue Fujin felt this strongly about him, too. "Alright, Fuu. You are gonna need to change your name. Me too... Real names... only in private, thats how it'll be, for close to forever." Seifer racked his brain for names completly different than their normal ones. "Fei Yamada. Thats my new name, Fuu." "Alright... Erm..." Fujin tried to come up with a name, but her thoughts were interuppted. "Hey! You two!" Seifer and Fujin looked up to see an old man. "I'm Fred. Why don't ya both come in?" Seifer and Fujin nodded, and walked into the man's house. "What're your names?" Seifer nearly stopped breathing. Fujin hadn't thought of a name yet. "My name is Fei. Fei Yamada." Seifer lied. "And yours?" Fujin looked around frantically, she seen a vase of roses. "Rose..." She said. Seifer knew she wouldn't be able to come up with any random last name. "She's my wife, Rose Yamada." Seifer continued. Fujin almost dropped. Wife?! He did know that they had to bear these names forever... She was only ninteen, and him twenty! "Oh, thats nice. Pleased to meet you... What happened? You were out in the rain." "Yes, we were atacked by a vicious monster." Seifer said in his most sincere sounding voice, which surprised even Fujin. "Oh, wow. Well, I can get you two a room at the hotel for free, if you'd like." "That'd be wondaful." "Okay, just tell em Fred sent ya." "Thank you, sir." Fujin said, straining her voice to sound as sincere as Seifer had molded his to be. No such luck. ~~~***~~~ Fujin plopped on the soft bed in the hotel room with a sigh. "You, know, Fuu, that old man has to die now." "WHAT?!" "He knows. He seen us in normal form." "SEIFER! He was blind." Fujin said as she sat up. "No.." "Uh huh. Don't you think he would have asked about our clothes!?" Fujin said. "And the receptionist was sleeping, all you had to do was sign your name. We've gone unseen." "But for how long, Fuu?" "Forever." "How?" He sat on the bed next to Fujin. "FOUND. Erm, I found this, on the blind man's floor. A receipt. He hired this kid to do shopping for him over the phone. I mean, its not like he needs the receipt." "Oh, so if we just call this kid, and tell him to pick up all of the shit we need to change our identities, he will ?" "Yeah, kids are stupid." Fujin said bluntly. Seifer chuckled "Does this room have a friggin dryer? My pants are friggin soaked." "I dunno, check the bathroom... if they do, tell me..." Fujin kicked off her boots and peeled off the soaked socks. Her pale feet were wrinkled and red. "Yeah. Gimme your clothes." "If you give me a damned towel." Seifer walked in, the bottom half of him wrapped in a white towel. He tossed a towel at her and went back into the bathroom, taking her socks. "Here." She held out his vest and her pants, along with a bra and underwear. He observed the clothing before tossing it all in. The towel clad couple sat at the foot of the small bed. "And," Fujin started " What's with the fucking wife thing?! That means I have to act as your wife, forever!" "Ah, come on, I was on a roll. And you don't mind, do you?" He kissed her passionately. "N, no... Should've asked me first though..." Fujin crossed her arms. "Whatever, not like I had time, you were trying to think of YOUR fucking last name... And you would not've said no, either." "My head hurts, Seifer. Just leave me alone." She laid back on the bed and placed her hand over her head. Her eyes closed eventually, and Seifer laid down next to her. He slung his bare arm over her petite body and sighed. "My Fuu..." The next morning, Seifer woke up to hear Fujin's voice. "Yes, a fucking black wig! High quality too!" There was a pause. "Yeah, thats it! ...Bye!" "Who was that?" "Fucking lttle kid." "Oh, did you order everything?" "Yes." "Is it still raining?" "Yeah." "Dammit... Where the hell is my towel!?" Seifer said, looking around. "On the floor." Fujin answered dully. "Oh, yeah, thanks for putting it back on me, and saving some of my privacy..." "Not like it matters. I've already had sex with you." She said, resting her head in her hand. "You regret that?" He asked as he walked into the bathroom and pulled his dried panted on. "No." She answered. Seifer cocked an eyebrow and tossed Fujin her clothes. "Why?" "Shut up, Seifer!" "Fuu, are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine..." She rested her head on the table in front of her. Seifer walked over to her. "I'm sorry... I just screwed up your whole life... I'm a fucking asshole, Fujin, and you're stuck with me forever. Honestly, I don't think your life could get much worse..." "Thanks, Seifer, you made me feel so much better." She said sarcastically. She lazilly stood up, letting the towel drop to the floor, she pulled on her clothes right in front of Seifer, not caring what he saw, or whether he liked it or not. She trudged into the bathroom, now clad in a baggy pair of black pants, and a white bra. She splashed water on her face, and dried it with a towel. Seifer offered her his vest. "You want this?" "No. I ordered a shirt. Why don't you wear it, for now?" "...Okay." He said as he pulled it on. It still smelled of Fujin, somehow... He didn't mind. Fujin smelled of blood and vanilla. Vanilla because of the shampoo she used. He loved her smell. Just like himself... almost. He smelled of blood and leather... He looked up, and seen Fujin laying face down on the bed. 'Fuu, I love you, and I know somewhere in there, ya love me too, I also know you're depressed, but I want to make you happy... Hyne, I am so sorry.' She looked up at him, as if she had heard his thoughts. "...Seifer." "Yeah, Fujin?" He asked, still wondering if she had heard his thoughts, she was acting like it. She stood up, and walked over to him, and looked at him. Just stared. "What?" He asked. "I love you." She hugged him, as hard as her small body would let her. "I love ya too, Fuu..." Seifer was a bit confused, wondering why the change in emotions so suddenly. "I know, you told me. You do make me happy. I just..." "Did I say that aloud!?" Seifer asked surprised. "Yes..." Fujin laughed. "I always wondered what went on in your mind, Seifer... You should say these thoughts aloud .... more often. And Seifer... General Caraway... that wasn't your fault... It was mine. If I wasn't such an idiot, I wouldn't have gotten drunk at that fucking bar..." "Its not your fault." He said. There was a knock at the door. "You better get it..." She said, pointing to herself. She walked into the bathroom, and shut the door. Five minutes later, she heard Seifer. "Thirty five thousand fucking gil!?" "Yessir." "No way! You can take you and your-" "FEI!" Fujin yelled from the bathroom. "Yeah...." Seifer said. "Here's your Hyne damned money." She heard the door close and stepped out of the bathroom. "Fujin, why the hell was that so much money?!" "I'm not sure... We only ordered a few things..." She took out the black wig. It went a little past shoulder length, and had some really soft and unoticeable curls. "The wig is made of real hair..." She said and scrunched up her nose . She pulled out the contacts next, they were hazel. She pulled out a light blue shirt, it was sleeveless. She tossed Seifer a pair of black jeans, and a long sleeve dark blue shirt. "I can't wear this shit!" "Too bad. You can't very well look like Seifer... And don't fucking complain." Fujin said, holding up the black wig. She pulled the tag off of the shirt, and slipped it on. "Change into that- we're moving to some town..." Fujin grabbed the wig and contacts and walked into the bathroom. After Seifer finished getting dressed, he wondered why it was taking her so long to put on a wig and contacts. He searched around the pile of clothes, and he found a newspaper. "Hey, Fuu. You should see this." "Coming..." She said. To Seifer she sounded upset. Oh well. He heard her come in. Seifer didn't even look up. "I found a newpaper. Listen. 'General William Caraway's body is found in the ocean near Fisherman's Horizen. It is probable that there was an accident, in which the General was hit by a car. Upon dragging that section of water, authorities have found his body, and a car from Balamb GARDEN, it is said that the car was rented to Seifer Almasy, and upon interviews with students, and a bartender at a bar, Miss Fujin Sanada was with Almasy. All though the bodies of the two young adults have not been found, a trenchcoat and a shirt belonging to the two have been recovered... It is said that both are dead, along with the General of the Galbadian Army. For more on Caraway's life turn to A12.' They hardly care that we are dead." He looked up at Fujin. She said nothing. "...Fuu, you look nice..." He said, staring at her. She had hazel eyes, and soft black hair. Her eye patch was gone, and there was a scar through her left eye, and he could tell she could not see out of it. "I look stupid, Seifer." "Stop that, you look nice. Not as sexy as before, but you look pretty and tranquil." He stood up. "Anyway, they think we are dead. Good. We would have faced so many charges." "Mmhmm..." "Lets get out of here, Fujin. We are gonna find a house in Winhill..." "Seifer... I... don't want to live like this... We have to go back." "And get put in jail and seperated?!" "...Well, okay... We'll go back in six months... That way, things will have calmed down..." "Six months?" "Yeah. Lets just go." When Seifer and Fujin arrived in Winhill, they found an apartment available for rent. They rented it out, and Fujin found a job at a cafe,' and Seifer got a job warding off monsters... They kept those jobs for nearly a week. When Fujin got home from at work, Seifer was still working. He wouldn't be home until later. It still hadn't stopped raining. Fujin couldn't figure out why, though. It had been raining non-stop for nearly two weeks. She stared around the bedroom. She placed her arm over her eyes, hoping it would help her sleep. It didn't. Two hours later, Fujin heard the door shut. In came a soaked Seifer. He was panting, and he just collapsed on the bed. "So fucking tired." He muttered. "...This is too much Seifer..." "No... its okay..." She shut off the lamp and ran her pale fingers through Seifer's soaked hair. A flash of lightening lit the room, and Fujin noticed a trail of blood coming from Seifer's arm. "Seifer! You're hurt..." "No shit..." "No, you're bleeding badly." "...Great." Fujin stood up and pulled Seifer off of the bed. She turned on the light, illuminating the room. Then she took off his shirt, which was soaked, and placed it in the sink in the bathroom, where she grabbed a towel. She stated at Seifer's body, and seen several bruises. "What the hell did you fight, Seifer?!" "I dunno, as many monsters as I could. We need the money." She stayed silent and dabbed at his bleeding arm with the towel. It eventually stopped bleeding. "Seifer, this isn't worth it." "Yes, it is!" "No, I don't to see you hurt." "Fuu, stop it! Its nonsense..." "Seifer, if you don't come with me, I'm turning myself in, and say I was driving." "Fujin... fucking stop it..." "I mean it, dammit." "No you don't." "I do..." She leaned toward Seifer and kissed him. He held her and never wanted to let go. He wanted to go back to that perfect moment at GARDEN, before any of this... But he couldn't. He knew that. End Chapter 3.