When Seifer woke up the next morning, he nearly fell out of bed. He seen Fujin Sanada's body next to his, completely naked. He cocked an eyebrow, staring at her. Expecting himself to wake up at any moment, but he didn't. Instead, Fujin opened her eye and looked up at Seifer. She looked peaceful; surreal. It took her a moment to realize where she was, then she looked sort of surprised, and Seifer could have sworn she scowled at him, but it turned into a small smile. "Sleep well, Fujin?" "Yeah, better than ever." She said sarcastically, then realized that her tone had slipped. She muttered a "dammit!" when she realized her clothes were still sopping wet from the rain last night. Seifer couldn't tell her mood about what had happened last night, it was hard to catch emotions from Fujin. "Well, this girl left her skirt here once..." Seifer started. Fujin turned, shocked. "There is no fucking way I'm wearing a skirt, Seifer Almasy." "Wait, whoa, thats not how it sounds..." "Oh, then how is it?!" "Well, uh, I let this guy use my dorm cuz he wanted to do it with this girl, and his roommate wouldn't let him, and I have my own dorm, so..." "...LIAR!" She pulled on her wet clothes and left. "Fujin... Its the truth." He said to the shutting door. 'I'm a damned idiot.' He thought to himself, as he sat there , naked, at the foot of his bed. He grabbed a set of the same clothes from his closet, and dressed. He reached for his trenchcoat, but realized it was not there. He remembered that is was outside still. Probably soaked. He peered out the window, and realized it was still raining. "Fuck." It was his only trenchcoat, since his other one had been tattered. He walked towards the front gate, and exited, the man that was supposed to be watching was still sleeping. Good. Seifer immediatly eyed the grey clump of wet material on the ground about 50 yards away. He jogged over in the rain to the clump of gray material, when he realized it was a rock, not his trenchcoat. "Dammit!" He yelled as he kicked at the dirt. He searched around through the rain for a few more minutes, then realized he was getting completely soaked. He ran inside and went back into his dorm. He grabbed a towel and rubbed it through his hair. He turned to see his trenchcoat, completely dried and laid out on his bed. "Oh?" He picked it up and placed over his wet shoulders. Fujin? Had she brought it here? He walked out into the hallway, and jogged over to Fujin's dorm. He knocked and received no answer. "Are ya lookin for Fujin?!" It was Selphie Tilmitt. "Yeah." "She headed off to Balamb a half hour ago!" "Oh? Thanks." "Uh huh!" He took out a Balamb car and drove through the rain to Balamb. He found her in a bar, completely wasted. "Fujin! What the hell are you doing?!" The bar was completely empty, and the bar tender was in the back. "Seifer... What the hell does it" She hicupped. "-look like?" "Get the hell out of here, Fuu." "What the..." She hicupped again. "-fuck do you care?" "Fujin?" "Yeah?" "I, I love you." He expected to wake up this time, really. He blinked several times, but every time he opened his eyes, he was not in his bed, but in a bar. "Oh yeah, Seifer, I'm sure you..." Fujin hicupped. "-do." He grabbed her and stood her up, and she stumbled out of the bar. He walked her to the car, and noticing her soaked hair, realized she walked here. He drove around for awhile, waiting for her to wake up. And when she did, she clutched her head, obviously suffering from an awful hangover. "...Shit... Fucking alcohol." "Whoa, Fuu, take it easy." Seifer said, looking over at her. He placed his hand on her thigh, and held the steering wheel with the other. "DROP OFF, HERE." "In the middle of Galbadia?" "SEIFER! WHERE THE...." "Don't worry, hunny." "SHUT UP. WOULD KICK, BUT YOU DRIVING." Seifer chuckled. "I don't see why you're so pissed at me..." "GOT ME TO THINK. HAD FEELINGS FOR ME-" "Fujin, friggin' talk normal. I know you can." Seifer said. Fujin took his hand off of her leg. "You made me think that you had feelings for me, when you were just... screwing with me." " You've got this all ass-backwards. What makes you think that I was just screwing with you?" Asked Seifer, who was very aware of it being a stupid question. "You're Seifer Almasy, of course you were just fucking with me." She answered quickly. Fujin cast her gaze out the window, and Seifer knew he couldn't counter that one. He looked over at her, and she had her head pressed against the cold glass window, probably trying to get rid of the headache. After about fifteen minutes of silence, Fujin finally said something. "What you said... back at the bar.... Why did you say that?" "I dunno, maybe cuz it was true." "Hah." She stared back out the window. "No, Fuu... Why would I have sex with you... if I didn't care for you?" "Seifer, you don't have morals like that." He stopped the car somewhere close to Deling. "Says who?" He asked, giving Fujin his undivided attention. "YOUR ADDITUDE." She crossed her arms. "I lie, so doesn't my additude." He moved closer to Fujin, and then bent his body so that his face was nearly up against hers. He had a feeling she wouldn't be so easy this time. "So, you have loved every girl you've come across?" She said coldly. Seifer slumped back in his seat, surprised at how much Fujin could hurt. "I've only... I mean..." He was literally speechless. "START CAR. TAKE HOME." "No. I've never loved anyone as much as I love you. I'm not giving up. Not now." He moved back toward her, and kissed her. She couldn't help but kiss him back. It was as if she couldn't control herself. Her lips moved without her brain telling them to. It was as if it were natural, for her lips to be joined with Seifer's. Seifer pulled away and rested his forehead on hers. Fujin's forehead was noticibly cold, since it had been pressed against the window, and the window was cold, due to the fact that it was still raining. "See, Fuu, I wouldn't lie to you..." Seifer said in a low voice. Fujin just cast her eye toward the floor. She looked like she was having a hard time realizing and accepting what Seifer was saying to her. "How can I believe you, Seifer?" "You want me, too... Fujin." He said seductively. Fujin got an angry look in her eye, and frowned. "You're right, maybe I do, but I will not... I will not have it... You and your lust." She opened the door, and jumped out. She ran away as quickly as she could, but Seifer soon caught up to her. "Don't run away from me, Fujin." "Get the hell away from me...!" "I can't Fujin..." She turned, and closed her eye. It opened again slowly. "WHY?" "I told you all of this already. Its the friggin truth, too." Fujin didn't say anything, so Seifer continued. "I really need you, Fuu. Just trust me..." "Seifer...I..." She started. "Come on, we are getting soaked again." He walked toward the car, and turned, to see that Fujin was still standing where he left her. "Fujin!" He said in a semi-annoyed tone. "STAY HERE, FOR AWHILE. I'LL CATCH UP. LATER." "Fuu...! I'm not going to just leave you here." "THEN STAY." "I can't. I have to return the fucking car by six, or I'm gonna be in more shit than I already am for over-running the milage. ...So, just come with me, Fuu." He ran his gloved hand through his darkened blonde hair, awaiting some sort of reply. He didn't get one, however. He glanced at his watch. 5:30. 'Fuck. There is no way I make it back by six at this rate.' "GO. SEIFER. COME BACK FOR ME." "Ugh, dammit. Please, Fuu!" "NO. GO." "Shit." Seifer walked back toward Fujin, and picked her up. "SEIFER!! PUT DOWN! SEIFER ALMASY!!" Seifer was very glad that Fujin was such a small woman, it was easy, with all of the weight-lifting he did. He quickly opened the car door as Fujin struggled to get away. He sat her in there, and then shut the door, and got inside the driver's seat, and started the car before Fujin could hop out. "...ALMASY! STUPID." She crossed her arms, and sighed. She put one hand up and rubbed her temple, still suffering from a headache. "Fujin, you want some aspirin? I think there's some in the first aid kit... in the back." "FIRST AID KIT?" "Yeah, those asses at Balamb waste their money on shit." He said, not taking his eyes off of the road. He was hardly able to see four feet in front of him, it was raining so hard. Fujin crawled into the back, which had two benches, made for SeeD mission transportation. Seifer heard Fujin make a disgusted noise. "Ugh...bah." "Fuu?" "Hyne damned aspirin." "Ya didn't chew it... did you?" "I did." Seifer scrunched up his nose, not even he would voluntarirly chew an aspirin. Fujin climbed back onto the passenger seat, and glanced at the clock. "LATE. 6:15. KNOW WHERE GOING?" "Of course." "You can't even see where you're going." "Yeah, but I have a good sense of-" He bumped into something. "-direction. Fuck. What the hell was that?" Fujin shrugged. "Dammit. I'll go check, stay here, Fuu." Seifer walked over to the front of the car, and to his shock, he seen the body of General Caraway. "Oho... fuck..." He knelt down and shook the General, but he didn't wake up. Seifer felt General's pulse. Nothing. "Seifer? What was it?" Fujin jumped down from the car, and over to Seifer. "...Hyne..." Was all she could manage. "Is he...?" Seifer nodded. Fujin clutched her head, her headache obviously worsening. "Fucking aspirin doesn't work." She leaned over the roof of the car. "What the hell are we supposed to do, Fujin? I mean, it was a friggin acident!" "Seifer..." "What the hell was he doing walking.." He looked around. "On... FH's... bridge...?" "Everyone walks on FH's bridge, Seifer. Why the hell were you DRIVING on FH's bridge?!" "I couldn't see where I was frickin going, Fujin!!" "You should've pulled over..." "No shit... Thats why they are gonna fucking blame me..." "Seifer, they won't have to know it was you..." Fujin closed her eye and wiped some wet hair off of her face. "Oh?! Then who the... who hit him?" "No one! He slipped off the bridge and drowned." "Are you sure this will work, Fuu?" "No." "...Fine." Seifer picked up Caraway's body and tossed it into the ocean. "Now, there is a small bit of 'F'ing blood on the vender. What do we do about that, all knowing one?" Seifer asked, a bit upset. Fujin sighed and looked at the ground. "Sorry, Fuu..." He apologized. "We'll wipe it off with chemicals from the first aid kit..." "Erm, good idea." Seifer went inside the car and came out with some guaze and some odd bottle. He cleaned off all of it, and they got back into the car. "HURRY. BACK TO GARDEN!" "Alright." Just as Seifer pressed down on the gas pedal, he was stopped by Fujin. "Fuck... this thing is monitered." "What?!" Yelled Seifer. "Look... They know we were here..." "Fujin, get out of the friggin car....!" "What?" She asked as she opened her door, waiting for an answer, but was pushed out. The car drove toward the bridge , and Seifer jumped out, just as the car went over the side. "SEIFER!" She rushed toward him. He stood up. "What did you do?!" "There was an accident, a horrible fucking accident. We died." End Chapter 2.